Aalto University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Aalto University plays a role.


Saloranta, Antti, Katja Haapanen, Kimmo U. Peltola, Henna Tamminen, Paavo Alku, Lannie Uwu-khaeb & Maija S. Peltola 2024 One-day listen-and-repeat training of a non-native vowel duration contrast for speakers of Namibian languages
Keywords production training | listen-and-repeat training | vowel duration | identification | non-native speech learning
Säily, Tanja, Martin Hilpert & Jukka Suomela 2024 New approaches to investigating change in derivational productivity: Gender and internal factors in the development of ‑ity and ‑ness, 1600–1800
In: Crossing Boundaries through Corpora: Innovative corpus approaches within and beyond linguistics, Buschfeld, Sarah, Patricia Ronan, Theresa Neumaier, Andreas Weilinghoff & Lisa Westermayer (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 119] p. 8
Keywords morphological productivity | nominal suffixes | historical sociolinguistics | Construction Grammar | methodology
Immonen, Katja, Paavo Alku & Maija S. Peltola 2022 Phonetic listen-and-repeat training alters 6–7-year-old children’s non-native vowel contrast production after one training session
Keywords children | pronunciation | phonetic training | production training | second language learning | vowels
Rodríguez-Puente, Paula, Tanja Säily & Jukka Suomela 2022 New methods for analysing diachronic suffix competition across registers: How -ity gained ground on -ness in Early Modern English
Keywords derivational morphology | Early Modern English | productivity | cross-register analysis | statistical analysis
Peräkylä, Anssi, Liisa Voutilainen, Melisa Stevanovic, Pentti Henttonen, Mikko Kahri, Maari Kivioja, Emmi Koskinen, Mikko Sams & Niklas Ravaja 2021 Emotion, psychophysiology, and intersubjectivity
In: Intersubjectivity in Action: Studies in language and social interaction, Lindström, Jan, Ritva Laury, Anssi Peräkylä & Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 326] p. 303
Keywords psychophysiology | autonomic nervous system | affiliation
Stevanovic, Melisa & Tommi Himberg 2021 Movement synchrony as a topic of empirical social interaction research
In: Intersubjectivity in Action: Studies in language and social interaction, Lindström, Jan, Ritva Laury, Anssi Peräkylä & Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 326] p. 329
Keywords movement synchrony | joint decision-making | conditional relevance | dialogic resonance | affordance
Rosa, Lotta-Sofia La & Aku-Ville Lehtimäki 2021 Absorbing narratives and Motivation to Read: A mode-effect study on young readers
Keywords audiobook | ebook | media effects | narrative absorption | reading motivation | adolescents
Little, Hannah, Heikki Rasilo, Sabine van der Ham & Kerem Eryılmaz 2017 Empirical approaches for investigating the origins of structure in speech
Interaction Studies 18:3pp. 330–351 | article
Keywords evolution of speech | combinatorial structure | phonetic learning | artificial language experiments