Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle plays a role.


Lombard, Alizée, Richard Huyghe, Lucie Barque & Doriane Gras 2023 Regular polysemy and novel word-sense identification
The Mental Lexicon 18:1p. 94 | article
Keywords novel word sense | neological intuition | regular polysemy | metonymy | metaphor
Bonami, Olivier & Sacha Beniamine 2021 Leaving the stem by itself
In: All Things Morphology: Its independence and its interfaces, Moradi, Sedigheh, Marcia Haag, Janie Rees-Miller & Andrija Petrovic (eds.) [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 353] pp. 81–98
Keywords stems | allomorphy | exponence | alignment | European Portuguese | English | French
Liégeois, Loïc 2021 Input effects on the acquisition of variation: The case of the French schwa
In: Sociolinguistic Variation and Language Acquisition across the Lifespan, Ghimenton, Anna, Aurélie Nardy & Jean-Pierre Chevrot (eds.) [Studies in Language Variation, 26] pp. 21–50
Keywords schwa | Child Directed Speech | input effects | spoken corpora | Construction Grammar | Usage-Based Models
Bîlbîie, Gabriela 2020 A constraint-based approach to linguistic interfaces
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 43:1pp. 1–22 | introduction
Aguila-Multner, Gabrielle & Berthold Crysmann 2020 French clitic climbing as periphrasis
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 43:1pp. 23–61 | article
Keywords clitic climbing | periphrasis | French VP | flat structure | hierarchical structure
Winckel, Elodie & Anne Abeillé 2020 French subject island constraint?: A discourse-based HPSG account
Keywords island constraints | HPSG | French | relative clauses | it-clefts | questions
Simonenko, Alexandra, Benoît Crabbé & Sophie Prévost 2020 Text form and grammatical changes in Medieval French: A treebank-based diachronic study
In: Diachronic Treebanks for Historical Linguistics, Eckhoff, Hanne Martine, Silvia Luraghi & Marco Passarotti (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 113] p. 95
Keywords prose vs. verse in language change | Constant Rate Effect | null subjects | word order change | Medieval French | treebanks | prose vs vers dans le changement linguistique | Effet du Taux Constant | sujets nuls | changement de l’ordre des mots | français médiéval | Prosa und Vers im Sprachwandel | constant rate effect | Nullsubjekt | Wortstellungswandel | mittelalterliches Französisch
Martin, Philippe 2020 Analysis of two English spontaneous speech examples with the dependency incremental prosodic structure model
In: In search of basic units of spoken language: A corpus-driven approach, Izre’el, Shlomo, Heliana Mello, Alessandro Panunzi & Tommaso Raso (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 94] pp. 327–336
Keywords dependency incremental prosodic structure model | accent phrases | stress group | melodic contours
Debaisieux, Jeanne-Marie & Philippe Martin 2020 Syntactic and prosodic segmentation in spoken French
In: In search of basic units of spoken language: A corpus-driven approach, Izre’el, Shlomo, Heliana Mello, Alessandro Panunzi & Tommaso Raso (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 94] pp. 127–154
Keywords macrosyntax | microsyntax | prosodic component | pronominal approach | spoken French
Delais-Roussarie, Elisabeth & Giuseppina Turco 2019 Intonation of alternative constructions in French: Which cues allow distinguishing statements from questions?
In: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 15: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 30, Frankfurt, Feldhausen, Ingo, Martin Elsig, Imme Kuchenbrandt & Mareike Neuhaus (eds.) [Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory, 15] pp. 135–156
Keywords intonation | alternative constructions | intonational meaning | suprasegmental cues
Saillard, Claire 2019 Adjectival modification in Truku Seediq
Language and Linguistics 20:4pp. 602–633 | article
Keywords Truku Seediq | adjectives | restrictive modification | syntactic position | language contact
Martin, Philippe 2019 Tools for fundamental frequency estimation in Rhapsodie
In: Rhapsodie: A Prosodic and Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French, Lacheret-Dujour, Anne, Sylvain Kahane & Paola Pietrandrea (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 89] pp. 261–269
Kihm, Alain 2018  Língua de Preto, the language of the African slave community in Portugal (16th–19th centuries)
Language Ecology 2:1/2pp. 77–90 | article
Keywords basic variety | creole | Língua de Preto | pidgin | Portugal | slave trade
Simonenko, Alexandra, Benoît Crabbé & Sophie Prévost 2018 Text form and grammatical changes in Medieval French: A treebank-based diachronic study
Diachronica 35:3pp. 393–428 | article
Keywords prose vs. verse in language change | Constant Rate Effect | null subjects | word order change | Medieval French | treebanks | prose vs vers dans le changement linguistique | Effet du Taux Constant | sujets nuls | changement de l’ordre des mots | français médiéval | Prosa und Vers im Sprachwandel | constant rate effect | Nullsubjekt | Wortstellungswandel | mittelalterliches Französisch
Abeillé, Anne, Olivier Bonami, Danièle Godard & Michèle Noailly 2017 Adjectives and adverbs in the Grande grammaire du français
In: Adjective Adverb Interfaces in Romance, Hummel, Martin & Salvador Valera (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 242] pp. 113–139
Fon Sing, Guillaume 2017 Creoles are not typologically distinct from non-Creoles
Language Ecology 1:1pp. 44–74 | article
Keywords Creole typology | Creole exceptionalism | phylogenetic network | Comparative Creole Syntax features | complexity