Beijing Normal University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Beijing Normal University plays a role.


Zhang, Ruijia, Chang Xu & Shengbin Du 2024 Review of Pragmatics of internet humour by Francisco Yus (2023)
Functions of Language 31:1pp. 109–114 | book review
Gao, Yang & Deliang Wang 2024 Review of Slowing metaphor down: Elaborating Deliberate Metaphor Theory by Gerard Steen (2023)
Functions of Language | Online First Publication, 6 pp. | book review
Chen Xi & Pan Hanting 2022 
Babel 68:1pp. 169–174 | book review
Pan, Chia-Jung 2023 Numeral classifiers in the Austronesian languages of Taiwan
Asian Languages and Linguistics 3:2pp. 153–180 | article
Keywords classifier | numeral classifier | verbal action classifier | measure word | Austronesian
Qiang Wang, Zehang Chen & Xianglin Qi 2020 Improving Chinese students’ English reading through graded readers: Rationale, strategies and effectiveness
Language Teaching for Young Learners 2:2pp. 262–301 | article
Keywords reading | literacy | primary English | English graded readers | collaborative projects
Zhang, Heyou & Muji Wuni 2020 On the nature of AA question1 in Yi2 and related problems
Asian Languages and Linguistics 1:2pp. 309–345 | article
Keywords Nuosu Yi | interrogative motivation | question type | generative mechanism | abstract interrogative morpheme
Prawatmuang, Woramon & Boping Yuan 2021 Roles of positive and indirect negative evidence in L2 feature reassembly: An empirical study of L2 acquisition of Chinese and Thai collective markers
Journal of Second Language Studies 3:2pp. 205–232 | article
Keywords L2 acquisition | feature reassembly | positive evidence | indirect negative evidence | Chinese | Thai | collective markers
Botezatu, Mona Roxana, Judith F. Kroll, Morgan I. Trachsel & Taomei Guo 2020 Second language immersion impacts native language lexical production and comprehension
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 12:3pp. 347–376 | article
Keywords second language immersion | native language performance | word production | spoken word recognition | visual word recognition
Zhang, Hongzhong, Juana Du & Rui Wang 2019 Media credibility: The impact of privately-owned websites on state-owned televisions in the context of China
Keywords media credibility | website | television
Xia, Xiaoyan & Janny Leung 2014 L1-based prototypicality effects in L2 vocabulary learning
Keywords Chinese | English | polysemous words | second language acquisition | unitary conceptual model