University of South Carolina


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of South Carolina plays a role.


Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism | Romance linguistics

On the Compositional Nature of States

E. Matthew Husband

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 188] 2012. xv, 170 pp. | monograph
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Peltier, Joy P. G. 2024 Noun phrases in Kwéyòl Donmnik
Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages | Online First Publication, 43 pp. | article
Crosby, Drew & Amanda Dalola 2023 Perception and production mismatch in truncated past tense verbs in Korean
Korean Linguistics 19:1p. 88 | article
Keywords optimality theory | OT | truncation | perception | cue constraints
Crosby, Drew & Amanda Dalola 2023 Fortifying cuteness: Obstruent fortition and Aegyo
Asia-Pacific Language Variation 9:1pp. 29–58 | article
Keywords Korean sociophonetics | aegyo | obstruent fortition | hyeo jjalbun sori | short tongue sounds | sociophonetics | cute | gender | soft masculinity | sociolinguistics | variation
Liu, Jiang & Seth Wiener 2022 Effects of phonological and talker familiarity on second language lexical development
The Mental Lexicon 17:1pp. 132–153 | article
Keywords lexical development | phonological learning | acoustic variability | second language acquisition
Crowley, Archie 2022 Language ideologies and legitimacy among nonbinary YouTubers
Journal of Language and Sexuality 11:2pp. 165–189 | article
Keywords nonbinary | transgender | language ideology | legitimization | YouTube | discourse analysis
Melendez, Sofia & Archie Crowley 2022 Pronoun practices in the higher education classroom
Journal of Language and Sexuality 11:2pp. 264–277 | article
Keywords pronouns | student-centered pedagogy | transgender and nonbinary students | higher education
Malovrh, Paul A. & James F. Lee 2021 The effects of study abroad on interlanguage development: A concept-oriented analysis of advanced Spanish majors’ direct object expression
Keywords advanced L2 Spanish | object pronouns | concept-oriented approach | study abroad | morphological development
Menke, Mandy R. & Paul A. Malovrh 2021 The (limited) contributions of proficiency assessments in defining advancedness
Keywords standardized assessment | advanced proficiency | linguistic correlates
Malovrh, Paul A. & Mandy R. Menke 2021 Looking ahead: Future directions for research on advancednesss and instructional practice in second language Spanish
Keywords advancedness | advanced learners | research directions | second language curriculum
Malovrh, Paul A. & Mandy R. Menke 2021 The role of late-acquired structures in advanced oral proficiency: A consideration of complexity and variability as indicators of development
Keywords L2 Spanish | advanced proficiency | late-acquired structures | concept-oriented approach
Goblirsch, Kurt 2021 Lenition in North Sea Germanic
NOWELE 74:1pp. 116–130 | article
Montgomery, Michael, Michael Ellis & Brandon Cooper 2014 When did Southern American English really begin?: Testing Bailey’s Hypothesis
In: The Evolution of Englishes: The Dynamic Model and beyond, Buschfeld, Sarah, Thomas Hoffmann, Magnus Huber & Alexander Kautzsch (eds.) [Varieties of English Around the World, G49] pp. 331–348
Keywords American Civil War | corpus linguistics | grammar | Guy Bailey | Southern American English | validity of written documents
Dubinsky, Stanley & Shoko Hamano 2010 Framing the syntax of control in Japanese (and English)
In: Movement Theory of Control, Hornstein, Norbert & Maria Polinsky (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 154] pp. 183–210
Widmann, Cintia S. & Robin K. Morris 2009 Phonemic representations in morphological segmentation of written English words
The Mental Lexicon 4:2pp. 194–211 | article
Keywords English | lexical decision | morphology | phonology | orthography | masked priming | naming
Holt, D. Eric 2008 Optimality Theory and language change in Spanish
In: Optimality-Theoretic Studies in Spanish Phonology, Martínez-Gil, Fernando & Sonia Colina (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 99] pp. 378–398
Keywords Dispersion Theory | intrusive stop formation | language change (phonological, morphological) | lexicon optimization | markedness | metathesis | Optimality Theory | sonority | sporadic sound change | syllable structure | underspecification
Montgomery, Michael 2006 The morphology and syntax of Ulster Scots
English World-Wide 27:3pp. 295–329 | article
Keywords Ireland | pronouns | Irish English | Scotland | syntax | Scots | Ulster English | Ulster Scots | verbal concord
Fenigsen, Janina 2008 Meaningful routines: Meaning-making and the face-value of Barbadian greetings
In: Politeness and Face in Caribbean Creoles, Mühleisen, Susanne & Bettina Migge (eds.) [Varieties of English Around the World, G34] pp. 169–194
Disterheft, Dorothy 1990 The Role of Adaptive Rules in Language Change
Diachronica 7:2pp. 181–198 | article
Disterheft, Dorothy 1986 The Structure and Diachrony of Consecutives
Diachronica 3:1pp. 1–14 | article