Eindhoven University of Technology


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Eindhoven University of Technology plays a role.


Subjects Artificial Intelligence | Cognition and language | Evolution of language
Fischer, Kerstin & Jaap Ham 2022 What influences influence?: How the communicative situation influences persuasion
Interaction Studies 22:3pp. 291–302 | introduction
Keywords persuasion | influence | rhetorical strategies | communicative situation | context
Ham, Jaap 2022 Influencing robot influence: Personalization of persuasive robots
Interaction Studies 22:3pp. 464–487 | article
Keywords robot influence | personalization | persuasive robots | persuasive technology | behavior change systems
Langedijk, Rosalyn M. & Jaap Ham 2022 More than advice: The influence of adding references to prior discourse and signals of empathy on the persuasiveness of an advice-giving robot
Interaction Studies 22:3pp. 396–415 | article
Keywords human-robot interaction | persuasion | dehydration | dialog design
Bartneck, Christoph & Jun Hu 2008 Exploring the abuse of robots
Interaction Studies 9:3pp. 415–433 | article
Keywords robots | perceived intelligence | abuse | killing
Bartneck, Christoph, Juliane Reichenbach & Julie Carpenter 2008 The carrot and the stick: The role of praise and punishment in human–robot interaction
Interaction Studies 9:2pp. 179–203 | article
Keywords presence | human | interaction | robot | punishment | praise
Meerbeek, Bernt, Jettie Hoonhout, Peter Bingley & Jacques M.B. Terken 2008 The influence of robot personality on perceived and preferred level of user control
Interaction Studies 9:2pp. 204–229 | article
Keywords home robotics | user control | personal robot | robotic user interfaces | human–robot interaction | personality
Kuipers, Herman 1998 The Socio-technical Designer as Wizard and Juggler
Concepts and Transformation 3:3pp. 229–254 | article
Keywords Integral Organizational Renewal. | Power | Design vs Process | Intervention Strategy | Dutch Socio-Technical Approach