Sorbonne Université


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Sorbonne Université plays a role.


Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots: Special issue of Interaction Studies 24:1 (2023)

Edited by Mohamed Chetouani, Elodie F. Briefer, Angela Dassow, Ricard Marxer, Roger K. Moore, Nicolas Obin & Dan Stowell

[Interaction Studies: Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems, 24:1] 2023. | special issue
Subjects Artificial Intelligence | Cognition and language | Evolution of language

Into adpositions: New formal perspectives on the structure of the PP and its variation. Special issue of Linguistic Variation 21:1 (2021)

Edited by Víctor Acedo-Matellán, Theresa Biberauer, Jaume Mateu & Anna Pineda

[Linguistic Variation, 21:1] 2021. | special issue
Subjects Generative linguistics | Typology

The Discourse Studies Reader: Main currents in theory and analysis

Edited by Johannes Angermuller, Dominique Maingueneau & Ruth Wodak

2014. ix, 417 pp. | course book
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Yamaguchi, Naomi, Tiphanie Bertin & Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel 2024 Conversations in early childhood education and care centres: The role of recasts in the co-construction of meaning and the acquisition of language features
Language, Interaction and Acquisition 15:1pp. 162–192 | article
Keywords ECEC | recasts | phonology | morphology | gazes | crèches | reprises | phonologie | morphologie | regards
Cristofaro, Sonia 2024 Diachronic pathways to case marking alignment and what they mean for the explanation of synchronic cross-linguistic patterns
Journal of Historical Linguistics 14:1pp. 142–177 | article
Keywords origins of case marking alignment | ergative | accusative | active | diachrony | typology
Sarré, Cédric, Cédric Brudermann & Muriel Grosbois 2024 Using learner corpus data for grammatical accuracy development in written productions: The role of corrective feedback
Keywords data-driven learning | learner corpus | error annotation | focus on form | corrective feedback | noticing | task-based language teaching
Testenoire, Pierre-Yves 2023 Aux origines du Cercle linguistique de New York
Historiographia Linguistica | Online First Publication, 26 pp. | article
Bolo, Eric, Muhammad Samoul, Nicolas Seichepine & Mohamed Chetouani 2023 Quietly angry, loudly happy: Self-reported customer satisfaction vs. automatically detected emotion in contact center calls
Interaction Studies 24:1pp. 168–192 | article
Keywords customer satisfaction | emotions | affective computing | real-world applications
Chetouani, Mohamed, Elodie F. Briefer, Angela Dassow, Ricard Marxer, Roger K. Moore, Nicolas Obin & Dan Stowell 2023 Vocal interactivity in-and-between humans, animals and robots
Interaction Studies 24:1pp. 1–4 | introduction
Carlier, Anne & Karen Lahousse 2023 Presentational clefts, existentials and information structure: A comparative perspective on French and Italian
Keywords cleft sentences | existential predication | French | information structure | Italian | location | presentational sentences
Stower, Rebecca, Rania Abdelghani, Marisa Tschopp, Keegan Evangelista, Mohamed Chetouani & Arvid Kappas 2023 Exploring space for robot mistakes in child robot interactions
Interaction Studies 23:2pp. 243–288 | article
Keywords child-robot-interaction | human-robot-interaction | user study | education | trust | liking | agency | robot errors | faulty robots | in-the-wild
Irimia, Monica Alexandrina & Anna Pineda 2022 Differential object marking and scale reversals
In: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2018: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 32, Utrecht, Drijkoningen, Frank, Sergio Baauw & Luisa Meroni (eds.) [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 357] pp. 117–130
Keywords differential object marking | animacy | scale | reversals | Old Catalan | Old Romanian
Irimia, Monica Alexandrina & Anna Pineda 2021 Differential object marking in Catalan: Descriptive and theoretical aspects
Linguistic Variation 22:2pp. 325–385 | article
Keywords Catalan | differential object marking | indirect objects | locatives | person | dative | licensing of differential object marking | clitic (doubling)
Acedo-Matellán, Víctor, Theresa Biberauer, Jaume Mateu & Anna Pineda 2021 Into adpositions: New formal perspectives on the structure of the PP and its variation
Linguistic Variation 21:1pp. 1–10 | introduction
Beaupoil-Hourdel, Pauline & Aliyah Morgenstern 2022 French and British children’s shrugs: A cross-linguistic developmental case-study of a recurrent gesture
Gesture 20:2pp. 180–218 | article
Keywords recurrent gesture | shrug | cross-linguistic | language development
Silec-Plessis, Tatjana 2020  Ipomedon and the elusive nature of blunders in the courtly literature of medieval England
Keywords  Ipomedon | Ipomadon | pragmatics | Anglo-Norman literature | Middle English literature | medieval literary theory | medieval ethics | translation
Gautier, Antoine & Valérie Raby 2020 La phrase grammaticale moderne: Retour sur la question des origines
Keywords sentence | history of syntax | French grammatical tradition | general grammar | phrase | histoire de la syntaxe | tradition grammaticale française | grammaire générale
Testenoire, Pierre-Yves 2020 Saussure/Mallarmé: autopsie d’un couplage
Keywords reception of Saussure’s work | poetics | anagram | iconicity | Réception de Saussure | poétique | anagramme | iconicité
Modicom, Pierre-Yves & Olivier Duplâtre 2020 Introduction: What can information-structural categories tell us about discourse particles?
In: Information-structural perspectives on discourse particles, Modicom, Pierre-Yves & Olivier Duplâtre (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 213] pp. 1–24
Delhem, Romain & Caroline Marty 2020 Patterns of coining and constructions: The role of productivity
Belgian Journal of Linguistics 34pp. 30–41 | article
Keywords pattern of coining | productivity | constructionalization | ‧whelm | ‧licious | ‧holic
Avanzi, Mathieu, Guri Bordal, Anne Lacheret-Dujour, Nicolas Obin & Julie Sauvage-Vincent 2019 The annotation of syllabic prominences and disfluencies
In: Rhapsodie: A Prosodic and Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French, Lacheret-Dujour, Anne, Sylvain Kahane & Paola Pietrandrea (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 89] pp. 157–173
Mignot, Elise & Caroline Marty 2018 Denominations of humans: The case of compounds in English
Keywords human nouns | compounds | opacity | transparency | anthropocentrism
Dubois, Danièle 2017 How words for sensory experiences become terms: A cognitive approach
Terminology 23:1p. 9 | article
Keywords sensory experience | situated cognition | lexical resources | cognitive categories | word meaning constitution
Temmerman, Rita & Danièle Dubois 2017 Introduction
Terminology 23:1pp. 1–8 | introduction
Grynszpan, Ouriel, Jacqueline Nadel, Jean-Claude Martin & Philippe Fossati 2017 The awareness of joint attention: A study using gaze contingent avatars
Interaction Studies 18:2pp. 234–253 | article
Keywords social interactions | agency | gaze following | eye-tracking | gaze-contingent display | avatar
Lemus Sarmiento, Aura 2017 ¿Qué significa ‘te llamo para atrás’?: Análisis semiológico de la estructura en el español estadounidense
Spanish in Context 14:2pp. 186–208 | article
Keywords español estadounidense | para atrás | spanglish