Bielefeld University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Bielefeld University plays a role.

Non-canonical control in a cross-linguistic perspective

Edited by Anne Mucha, Jutta M. Hartmann & Beata Trawiński

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 270] 2021. | edited volume
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Language Issues in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Edited by Paula Prescod

[Varieties of English Around the World, G51] 2015. xv, 191 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics

Alignment in Communication: Towards a new theory of communication

Edited by Ipke Wachsmuth, Jan de Ruiter, Petra Jaecks & Stefan Kopp

[Advances in Interaction Studies, 6] 2013. viii, 231 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Artificial Intelligence | PsycholinguisticsCognitive psychology
Subjects Artificial Intelligence | Cognition and language | Evolution of language

Ethnic Styles of Speaking in European Metropolitan Areas

Edited by Friederike Kern & Margret Selting

[Studies in Language Variation, 8] 2011. vi, 321 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Discourse studies | Language teaching | Pragmatics | Writing and literacy
Subjects Discourse studies | Forensic & legal linguistics | Pragmatics
Subjects Discourse studies | Language teaching | Pragmatics | Writing and literacy

Perspectives on Dialogue in the New Millennium

Edited by Peter Kühnlein, Hannes Rieser & Henk Zeevat

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 114] 2003. xii, 400 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semantics
Subjects English linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Schildhauer, Peter & Alexander Brock 2024 Format as the locus of negotiating media procedures: The case of a Zoom seminar session
In: Media as Procedures of Communication, Luginbühl, Martin & Jan Georg Schneider (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 348] pp. 41–66
Keywords communication form | genre | format | negotiation | video conferencing | affordances
Schirm, Sam 2024 From doing work on your own talk to doing work on others’ talk: The longitudinal development of also ‘so’ in L2 German
Interactional Linguistics 4:1pp. 68–96 | article
Keywords interactional competence | L2 grammar-for-interaction | interactional linguistics | longitudinal CA | discourse markers | particles
Kleineberg, Désirée 2023 Collection nouns as a derivational category in Spanish1 : Analysing the productivity of collective suffixes on the basis of ad hoc constructs
In: Constructions in Spanish, Hennecke, Inga & Evelyn Wiesinger (eds.) [Constructional Approaches to Language, 34] pp. 28–56
Keywords collective nouns | morphological productivity | nonce-formation | nominal aspectuality
Schirm, Sam, Budimka Uskokovic & Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm 2023 The competence in little words: Response patterns in German L2 interaction
Applied Pragmatics 5:2pp. 142–168 | article
Keywords interactional competence | response tokens | third-position responses | German L2 speakers | assessment | video-mediated interaction
Wullenkord, Ricarda, Jacqueline Bellon, Bruno Gransche, Sebastian Nähr-Wagener & Friederike Eyssel 2023 Social appropriateness in HMI: The Five Factors of Social Appropriateness (FASA) Model
Interaction Studies 23:3pp. 360–390 | article
Keywords social appropriateness | FASA Model | social robotics | social assistance systems | human-robot interaction | human-machine interaction
Hartmann, Jutta M., Anne Mucha & Beata Trawiński 2021 Non-canonical control in a cross-linguistic perspective: Introduction to the volume
In: Non-canonical control in a cross-linguistic perspective, Mucha, Anne, Jutta M. Hartmann & Beata Trawiński (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 270] pp. 1–12
Šabanović, Selma, Malte Jung, Ana Paiva & Friederike Eyssel 2021 Special section editorial
Interaction Studies 22:1pp. 81–85 | other
Hindemith, Lukas, Jan Philip Göpfert, Christiane B. Wiebel-Herboth, Britta Wrede & Anna-Lisa Vollmer 2022 Why robots should be technical: Correcting mental models through technical architecture concepts
Interaction Studies 22:2pp. 244–279 | article
Keywords human-robot interaction | mental models | interaction design | robot architecture | technical concepts | robot transparency
Keijsers, Merel, Christoph Bartneck & Friederike Eyssel 2021 What’s to bullying a bot?: Correlates between chatbot humanlikeness and abuse
Interaction Studies 22:1pp. 55–80 | article
Keywords human-chatbot interaction | verbal aggression | chatbot abuse | chatbot humanlike-ness
Schaller, Franziska, Brittany Lee, Zed Sevcikova Sehyr, Lucinda O’Grady Farnady & Karen Emmorey 2020 Cross-linguistic metaphor priming in ASL-English bilinguals: Effects of the Double Mapping Constraint
Keywords metaphor | iconicity | sign language | bimodal bilingualism
Schröder, Anne, Frederic Zähres & Alexander Kautzsch 2020 Ethnic variation in the phonology of Namibian English: A first approach to Baster English*
English World-Wide 41:2pp. 193–224 | article
Keywords World Englishes | Southern African Englishes | English in Namibia | Namibian English | ethnic variation | Baster English | Rehoboth Basters | phonetics | phonology | acoustic phonetics
Alber, Jan, Jessica Jumpertz & Axel Mayer 2021 How professional readers process unnatural narrators: An empirical perspective
Scientific Study of Literature 10:2pp. 193–213 | article
Keywords unnatural narrators | processing of the impossible | defamiliarization | cognitive approaches to literature | empirical literary studies
Schulte, Marion 2019 The semantic development of borrowed derivational morphology: Change and stability in French-English language contact
Diachronica 36:1pp. 66–99 | article
Keywords derivational morphology | semantics | morphosemantics | morphological borrowing | language contact | semantic map
Skopeteas, Stavros, Caroline Féry & Rusudan Asatiani 2018 Prosodic separation of postverbal material in Georgian: A corpus study on syntax-phonology interface
In: Information structure in lesser-described languages: Studies in prosody and syntax, Adamou, Evangelia, Katharina Haude & Martine Vanhove (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 199] pp. 17–50
Schröder, Anne & Klaus P. Schneider 2018 Variational pragmatics, responses to thanks, and the specificity of English in Namibia
English World-Wide 39:3pp. 338–363 | article
Keywords variational pragmatics | World Englishes | Southern African Englishes | Namibian English | English in Namibia | contrastive linguistics | cross-cultural pragmatics | responses to thanks
Kok, Kasper, Kirsten Bergmann, Alan Cienki & Stefan Kopp 2016 Mapping out the multifunctionality of speakers’ gestures
Gesture 15:1pp. 37–59 | article
Keywords communication | gestures | discourse | multifunctionality
Nomikou, Iris, Malte Schilling, Vivien Heller & Katharina. J. Rohlfing 2016 Language-at all times: Action and interaction as contexts for enriching representations
Interaction Studies 17:1pp. 128–153 | article
Keywords rich representation | language acquisition | interaction | synchrony | contingency | sequentiality
Weingarten, Rüdiger 2013 Comparative graphematics
In: Typology of Writing Systems, Borgwaldt, S. & Terry Joyce (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 51] pp. 13–40
Nomikou, Iris, Karola Pitsch & Katharina J. Rohlfing 2013 Asymmetry and adaptation in social interaction: A micro-analytic perspective
Interaction Studies 14:2pp. vii–xii | article
Nomikou, Iris, Katharina J. Rohlfing & Joanna Szufnarowska 2013 Educating attention: Recruiting, maintaining, and framing eye contact in early natural mother–infant interactions
Interaction Studies 14:2pp. 240–267 | article
Grimminger, Angela, Katharina Rohlfing & Prisca Stenneken 2012 Children’s lexical skills and task demands affect gestural behavior in mothers of late-talking children and children with typical language development
In: Gesture and Multimodal Development, Colletta, Jean-Marc & Michèle Guidetti (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 39] pp. 129–155
Nachtigäller, Kerstin & Katharina Rohlfing 2011 11. Mothers’ talking about early object and action concepts during picturebook reading
In: Emergent Literacy: Children's books from 0 to 3, Kümmerling-Meibauer, Bettina (ed.) [Studies in Written Language and Literacy, 13] pp. 193–208
Rohlfing, Katharina 2011 Meaning in the objects
In: Experimental Pragmatics/Semantics, Meibauer, Jörg & Markus Steinbach (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 175] pp. 151–176
Lohse, Manja 2011 The role of expectations and situations in human-robot interaction
In: New Frontiers in Human–Robot Interaction, Dautenhahn, Kerstin & Joe Saunders (eds.) [Advances in Interaction Studies, 2] pp. 35–56
Weingarten, Rüdiger 2011 Comparative graphematics
Written Language & Literacy 14:1pp. 12–38 | article
Fischer, Kerstin, Kilian Foth, Katharina J. Rohlfing & Britta Wrede 2011 Mindful tutors: Linguistic choice and action demonstration in speech to infants and a simulated robot
Interaction Studies 12:1pp. 134–161 | article
Gülich, Elisabeth & Katrin Lindemann 2010 Communicating emotion in doctor-patient interaction: A multidimensional single-case analysis
In: Prosody in Interaction, Barth-Weingarten, Dagmar, Elisabeth Reber & Margret Selting (eds.) [Studies in Discourse and Grammar, 23] pp. 269–294
Broekhuis, Hans & Ralf Vogel 2010 Crash-proof syntax and filters
Grimminger, Angela, Katharina J. Rohlfing & Prisca Stenneken 2011 Children’s lexical skills and task demands affect gestural behavior in mothers of late-talking children and children with typical language development
Gesture 10:2/3pp. 251–278 | article
Keywords gestural motherese | Late Talker | maternal multimodal input | task-oriented dialogue
Lohse, Manja, Marc Hanheide, Karola Pitsch, Katharina J. Rohlfing & Gerhard Sagerer 2009 Improving HRI design by applying Systemic Interaction Analysis (SInA)
Interaction Studies 10:3pp. 298–323 | article
Sahel, Said, Guido Nottbusch, Angela Grimm & Rüdiger Weingarten 2009 Written production of German compounds: Effects of lexical frequency and semantic transparency
Written Language & Literacy 11:2pp. 211–227 | article
Mihatsch, Wiltrud 2008 The construction of vagueness: “Sort-of“ expressions in Romance languages
In: Aspects of Meaning Construction, Radden, Günter, Klaus-Michael Köpcke, Thomas Berg & Peter Siemund (eds.) pp. 225–245
Keywords approximation | approximator | hedge | kind of | pragmatic marker | pragmaticalisation | reanalysis | sort of | taxonomy
Schröder, Anne A land in transition: The representation of linguistic diversity in Joseph Diescho’s Born of the Sun and Troubled Waters
Keywords Namibian English | Namibian novel | literary linguistics | multilingualism in literature | ficto-linguistics
Schneider, Edgar W. & Anne Schröder The dynamics of English in Namibia: A World Englishes perspective
Keywords Dynamic Model | models of World Englishes | Namibian English | South African English | southern African Englishes
Schulte, Marion The linguistic landscape and soundscape of Windhoek
Keywords linguistic landscape | linguistic soundscape | public language use | language and power
Schröder, Anne, Frederic Zähres & Alexander Kautzsch The phonetics of Namibian English: Investigating vowels as local features in a global context
Keywords World Englishes | Southern African Englishes | English in Namibia | Namibian English | phonetic variation | ethnic variation
Zähres, Frederic Broadcasting your variety: Namibian English(es) on YouTube
Keywords YouTube | digital ethnography | phonetics | phonology | vowels
Schröder, Anne & Klaus P. Schneider A variational pragmatic approach to responses to thanks in Namibian English: From quantitative to qualitative analysis
Keywords Namibian English | variational pragmatics | responses to thanks | quantitative and qualitative analysis