Maastricht University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Maastricht University plays a role.


The Civilized Organization: Norbert Elias and the future of organization studies

Edited by Ad van Iterson, Willem Mastenbroek, Tim Newton & Dennis Smith

[Advances in Organization Studies, 10] 2002. xxviii, 252 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Discourse studies | PragmaticsIndustrial & organizational studies
Shao, Lijie & Robert Wilkinson 2023 English-medium instruction in multilingual university settings: Stakeholders’ conflicting interests in a Chinese and a Dutch context
Keywords English-medium instruction (EMI) | Bourdieu’s capital theory | ROAD-MAPPING framework | conflicting interests | China | Netherlands
Jia, Yan 2023 Modern ancient Chinese: A discursive construction of Hanfu identity across spatiotemporal scales
Language, Culture and Society 5:2pp. 246–268 | article
Keywords the great ancient China chronotope | Hanfu identity | scalar intimacy | narrative | Chinese youth | nationalism
Wesseling, Elisabeth 2023 Transcorporeality in 21st-century mermaid tales
In: Children’s Cultures after Childhood, Deszcz-Tryhubczak, Justyna & Macarena García-González (eds.) [Children’s Literature, Culture, and Cognition, 16] pp. 20–34
Keywords transcorporeality | aquapelago | mermaid trope | posthuman
Cornips, Leonie & Louis van den Hengel 2021 Renewing the coal mining past: Parody, languageculture, and the transformation of cultural memory in Heerlen, the Netherlands
Keywords coal mining heritage | Heerlen Dutch | languageculture | parody | regional identity
van de Weerd, Pomme 2020 Ethnic labeling among pupils with migration backgrounds: ‘Turks’, ‘Moroccans’, and ‘foreigners’ in the Netherlands
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 9:1/2pp. 162–181 | article
Keywords ethnic labeling | membership categorization | classroom ethnography | ethnicity
Auer, Peter & Leonie Cornips 2018 Cité Duits: A polyethnic miners’ variety
Jongbloed-Faber, Lysbeth, Jolie van Loo & Leonie Cornips 2017 Regional languages on Twitter: A comparative study between Frisian and Limburgish
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 6:2pp. 174–196 | article
Keywords regional languages | Twitter | social media | language choice | Frisian | Limburgish | minority languages
Fitzgerald, Richard & Joanna Thornborrow 2017 ‘I’m a Scouser’: Membership categories and political geography in the 2015 UK Election Call Phone-in
Journal of Language and Politics 16:1pp. 40–58 | article
Keywords discourse analysis | conversation analysis | membership categorisation analysis | political engagement | public opinion | radio phone-in
Schoor, Carola 2015 Political metaphor, a matter of purposeful style: On the rational, emotional and strategic purposes of political metaphor
Keywords metaphor | political style | political discourse | rhetoric
Haverkort, Marco & Jan H. de Roder 2003 Poetry, language, and ritual performance
Journal of Historical Pragmatics 4:2pp. 269–286 | article