Birkbeck, University of London


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Birkbeck, University of London plays a role.

The Linguistic Landscape of Covid-19

Edited by Jackie Jia Lou, David Malinowski & Amiena Peck

[Linguistic Landscape: An international journal, 8:2/3] 2022. | special issue
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics | Applied linguistics | Language policy | Multilingualism | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Complimenting Behavior and (Self-)Praise across Social Media: New contexts and new insights

Edited by María Elena Placencia & Zohreh R. Eslami

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 313] 2020. | edited volume
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Development of Pragmatic and Discourse Skills in Chinese-Speaking Children

Edited by Zhu Hua & Lixian Jin

[Benjamins Current Topics, 60] 2014. v, 134 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Discourse studies | Language acquisition | Pragmatics | Sino-Tibetan languages | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sino-Tibetan languages | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Current Trends in the Pragmatics of Spanish

Edited by Rosina Márquez Reiter & María Elena Placencia

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 123] 2004. xvi, 383 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Pragmatics | Romance linguistics
Li, Chengchen & Jean-Marc Dewaele 2024 Understanding, measuring, and differentiating task enjoyment from foreign language enjoyment
Keywords foreign language enjoyment | task enjoyment | task-based language teaching | positive psychology | individual differences
Guedat-Bittighoffer, Delphine & Jean-Marc Dewaele 2024 Fluctuations des émotions éprouvées par des apprenants débutants dans cinq cours de Français Langue Etrangère: Une étude de cas multiples
Language, Interaction and Acquisition 14:2pp. 280–306 | article
Keywords Français langue étrangère | émotions | anxiété | enjoyment | ennui | French as a foreign language | emotions | anxiety | enjoyment | boredom
Khuder, Baraa & Bojana Petrić 2022 Academic texts in motion: A text history study of co-authorship interactions in writing for publication
Keywords co-authorship | English for Research Publication Purposes | international publication | textual interaction | text history | الكتابة المشتركة | الكتابة الأكاديمية المعدة للنشر باللغة الإنكليزية | حلقات التفاعل | منهجية دراسة تاريخ النص
Ono, Masumi & Bojana Petrić 2023 Direct quotations in the rhetorical structure of literature PhD thesis introductions
English Text Construction 15:1pp. 30–67 | article
Keywords direct quotation | genre analysis | PhD thesis | introduction | source use
Lou, Jackie Jia, David Malinowski & Amiena Peck 2022 The Linguistic Landscape of Covid-19
Linguistic Landscape 8:2/3pp. 123–130 | review article
Ateek, Mohammed 2021 
Language Problems and Language Planning 45:1pp. 110–115 | book review
Pennington, Martha C. 2021 
Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 7:2pp. 296–301 | book review
Kozminska, Kinga 2021 
Language Problems and Language Planning 45:1pp. 105–109 | book review
Khuder, Baraa & Bojana Petrić 2021 Walking on thin ice: Reflexivity in doing ethnography
In: Ethnographies of Academic Writing Research: Theory, methods, and interpretation, Guillén-Galve, Ignacio & Ana Bocanegra-Valle (eds.) [Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 1] pp. 105–124
Keywords feminist approach to reflexivity | ethics in collaborative ethnography | Text Histories | publishing in EAL | refugee studies
Dewaele, Jean-Marc & Livia Dewaele 2021 Fluctuations in mental well-being during Study Abroad
Keywords mental well-being | personality | developmental trajectories | longitudinal | mixed methods
Alshahrani, Hessa & Jean-Marc Dewaele 2021 How Saudi migrants’ metapragmatic judgments of Arabic L1 nonverbal greetings change after intense and prolonged exposure to English
Keywords metapragmatic awareness | nonverbal greetings | personality | Arabic | English
Zhao, Fengzhi 2021 Linguistic landscapes as discursive frame: Chinatown in Paris in the eyes of new Chinese migrants
Linguistic Landscape 7:2pp. 235–257 | article
Keywords linguistic landscape | space | place | discursive frame | Chinatown | Paris | new migrants | diaspora
Dewaele, Jean-Marc 2021 The predictors of exam performance of Kazakh university students and secondary school pupils learning Turkish: An exploratory investigation
Keywords Foreign Language Enjoyment | Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety | Kazakhstan, Turkish | Exam performance
Lower, Amanda 2020 “Gracias pana”: A glimpse into Ecuadorian male compliment responses on Facebook
In: Complimenting Behavior and (Self-)Praise across Social Media: New contexts and new insights, Placencia, María Elena & Zohreh R. Eslami (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 313] pp. 49–72
Keywords compliment responses | Facebook | Ecuadorian Spanish | male talk/complimenting behavior | ‘Like’ | social media | computer-mediated communication | technology-mediated discourse analysis
Placencia, María Elena & Hebe Powell 2020 “Tu masssss ❤ te amo”: Responding to compliments on Instagram among Ecuadorian teenage girls
Keywords compliment responses | Instagram | Ecuadorian Spanish | emojis | teenage talk | social media
Placencia, María Elena & Zohreh R. Eslami 2020 Introduction
Costa, Beverley, Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez & Tom Rausch 2020 Self-care as an ethical responsibility: A pilot study on support provision for interpreters in human crises
Keywords burnout | professional pairing | ethical responsibility | remote support | self-care | resilience
Appel, Randy, Pavel Trofimovich, Kazuya Saito, Talia Isaacs & Stuart Webb 2019 Lexical aspects of comprehensibility and nativeness from the perspective of native-speaking English raters
Keywords second language speech | vocabulary | comprehensibility | nativeness
Baker, Paul & Rachelle Vessey 2018 A corpus-driven comparison of English and French Islamist extremist texts
Keywords French | English | extremism | cross-linguistic corpus analysis | corpus-driven discourse analysis
Chen, Meilin & John Flowerdew 2018 A critical review of research and practice in data-driven learning (DDL) in the academic writing classroom
Keywords academic writing | English for Academic Purposes (EAP) | writing pedagogy | specialised corpora | language teaching
Boxer, Diana & María Elena Placencia 2018 Introduction: Closeness and conflict
Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 6:2pp. 167–176 | introduction
Delistathi, Christina 2017 “He stole our translation”: Translation reviews and the construction of Marxist discourse
Target 29:2pp. 201–221 | article
Keywords translation reviews | translation quality criteria | history of translation | translation and power | translation and political texts | discourse control and translation
Dewaele, Jean-Marc 2017 Glimpses of semantic restructuring of English emotion-laden words of American English L1 users residing outside the USA
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 8:3pp. 320–342 | article
Keywords emotion-laden words | semantic representations | multicompetence | bi-varietal native English speakers.
Saito, Kazuya & Yuka Akiyama 2017 Linguistic correlates of comprehensibility in second language Japanese speech
Keywords comprehensibility | second language speech | Japanese | pronunciation | fluency | vocabulary | grammar
McEntee-Atalianis, Lisa & Lia Litosseliti 2017 Narratives of sex-segregated professional identities
Narrative Inquiry 27:1pp. 1–23 | article
Keywords gender identity | narratives | professional identity | sex-segregated professions | Speech and Language Therapy | small stories | small story analysis | stance
McEntee-Atalianis, Lisa J. 2016 A network model of language policy and planning: The United Nations as a case study
Keywords United Nations | network theory | network model | language policy | language planning | agency
Hammer, Kate 2017 Bilingual bonds: Acculturation, attachment, and being yourself in a new language
Keywords Acculturation | attachment | bilinguals | L2 | feeling different | being yourself
Placencia, María Elena, Amanda Lower & Hebe Powell 2016 Complimenting behaviour on Facebook: Responding to compliments in American English
Pragmatics and Society 7:3pp. 339–365 | article
Morton, Tom 2016 Conceptualizing and investigating teachers’ knowledge for integrating content and language in content-based instruction
Keywords content and language integration | content-based instruction | situated perspective on knowledge | content knowledge for teaching | pedagogical content knowledge
Tracy-Ventura, Nicole, Jean-Marc Dewaele, Zeynep Köylü & Kevin McManus 2016 Personality changes after the ‘year abroad’?: A mixed-methods study
Keywords study abroad | Multicultural Personality Questionnaire | personality | mixed-methods | longitudinal study
Ożańska-Ponikwia, Katarzyna & Jean-Marc Dewaele 2012 Personality and L2 use: The advantage of being openminded and self-confident in an immigration context
EUROSLA Yearbook 12:1pp. 112–134 | article
Weston, Daniel 2011 Gibraltar’s position in the Dynamic Model of Postcolonial English
English World-Wide 32:3pp. 338–367 | article
Keywords Spanish | language contact | speech community | the Rock | Llanito | Genoese | Spain | post-colonial English | Gibraltar | Dynamic Model
Li Wei  2010 Contact
In: Society and Language Use, Jaspers, Jürgen, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.) [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights, 7] pp. 127–139
Bono, Mariana 2010 L’influence des langues non maternelles dans l’acquisition du SN en espagnol L3
Language, Interaction and Acquisition 1:2pp. 251–275 | article
Keywords grammaires d’apprentissage | acquisition d’une L3 | ordre des mots | transferts interlinguistiques | effet langue étrangère
Dewaele, Jean-Marc & Vera Regan 2001 The use of colloquial words in advanced French interlanguage
EUROSLA Yearbook 1:1pp. 51–67 | article
Alhalwachi, Fatema & Lisa J. McEntee-Atalianis From offline to online stigma resistance: Identity construction in narratives of infertile Muslim women
Narrative Inquiry | Online First Publication, 35 pp. | article