Universiti Sains Malaysia


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Universiti Sains Malaysia plays a role.


Khoshsaligheh, Masood & Amir Arsalan Zoraqi 2022 
Deng, Gaosheng & Sang Seong Goh 2022 Star effect and indirect capital preponderance: A case study of The Three-Body Trilogy
Keywords  The Three-Body Trilogy | star effect | capital preponderance | dissemination | reader reception | sociology of translation
Yaqubi, Mojde & Wan Rose Eliza Abdul Rahman 2021  Qābeli nadāre (It is not worthy of you): Anything except offer of money is expected in English subtitles
Keywords Persian Ostensible Offer of Money (POOM) | Ta’ārof | subtitling | Iranian films | translation strategy | viewer’s perception | pragmatics
Ong, Christina Sook Beng & Hajar Abdul Rahim 2021 Nativised structural patterns of make light verb construction in Malaysian English
Concentric 47:1p. 93 | article
Keywords Malaysian English | light verb constructions | LVCs | nativisation | structural pattern | 馬來西亞英語 | 輕動詞結構 | LVCs | 本土化 | 結構模式
Sadeghpour, Hamid Reza 2021 Examining the transference of humorous expressions based on extralinguistic cultural references (ECRs) in comedy animations from English into Persian dubbed and subtitled versions
Babel 67:3pp. 307–331 | article
Keywords audiovisual translation | humour | extralinguistic cultural references | dubbing | subtitling | traduction audiovisuelle | humour | références culturelles extralinguistiques | doublage | sous-titrage
Shorofi, Mahboubeh, Mohammad Saleh Sanatifar & Mansoor Tavakoli 2020 The impact of Group Dynamic Assessment on the development of translation bilingual sub-competence: Implications for translator training
FORUM 18:2pp. 197–230 | article
Keywords Group Dynamic Assessment | cumulative approach | Zone of Proximal Development | translation competence | bilingual sub-competence | évaluation dynamique de groupe | approche cumulative | zone proximale de développement | compétence en traduction | sous-compétence bilingue
Daghigh, Ali Jalalian, Mohammad Saleh Sanatifar & Rokiah Awang 2018 A taxonomy of manipulative operations in political discourse translation: A CDA approach
FORUM 16:2pp. 197–220 | article
Keywords manipulation strategies | manipulation techniques | news translation | Critical Discourse Analysis | ideology | stratégies de manipulation | techniques de manipulation | traduction de l'information | analyse du discours critique | idéologie
Vaezian, Helia & Mahmoud Akbari 2019 Common risks in the translation industry: A sequential exploratory study
Keywords translation industry | risk management | maturity level | risk candidate | attitude
Noor, Shuhaida Md, Mastura Jaafar & Yugeetha Balan 2018 Communicating archaeological heritage: Strategically connecting the past to the present from community perspectives
Keywords heritage communication | heritage interpretation | social identity | heritage tourism | community participation
Mohammed Al-Rikaby, Ali Badeen & Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi 2018 The significance of the discursive strategies in al-Baghdadi’s and al-Zawahiri’s hortatory speeches: A multidisciplinary approach
Journal of Language and Politics 17:6pp. 769–788 | article
Keywords critical discourse analysis | hortatory discourse | jihadist ideology | jihad | allusions
Abid, Raith Zeher & Shakila Abdul Manan 2017 Constructing the “self” and the “other” in Bush’s political discourse before and after the Iraq war (2002–2008)
Journal of Language and Politics 15:6pp. 710–726 | article
Keywords critical discourse analysis | Halliday’s systemic functional grammar | transitivity structures | Iraq war | George W. Bush’s political discourse
Haroon Haslina 2012 The Translation of Biblical Allusions in The Mayor of Casterbridge from English into Malay
FORUM 10:2p. 89 | article
Keywords Literary translation | literary device | allusion | translation strategies | Malay