Meiji University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Meiji University plays a role.


Shibasaki, Reijirou 2023 From comparative standard marker to comparative adverb: On the contact-induced (de)grammaticalization of yori in modern through present-day Japanese
In: Different Slants on Grammaticalization, Hancil, Sylvie & Vittorio Tantucci (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 232] pp. 20–49
Keywords ablative markers | comparative standard markers | comparative adverbs | extravagance | language contact in Japanese | (de)grammaticalization | debonding | persistence
Shibasaki, Reijirou 2021 Reanalysis and the emergence of adverbial connectors in the history of Japanese
Keywords reanalysis | adverbial connectors | projector | grammaticalization
Shibasaki, Reijirou 2018 Sequentiality and the emergence of new constructions: That’s the bottom line is (that) in American English
In: Explorations in English historical syntax, Cuyckens, Hubert, Hendrik De Smet, Liesbet Heyvaert & Charlotte Maekelberghe (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 198] pp. 283–306
Keywords Sequentiality | SN-constructions | apo-koinou | constructionalization
Okuda, Hiroko & Takeshi Suzuki 2018 Prime Minister Abe’s challenge to the Japanese Postwar Constitution
Journal of Argumentation in Context 7:1pp. 18–32 | article
Keywords constitution | Japan | Just War doctrine | Peace and Security Bills | Shinzo Abe
Kato, Takayuki & Takeshi Suzuki 2015 A strategic maneuvering analysis of Japan’s first internet election in 2013
In: Scrutinizing Argumentation in Practice, van Eemeren, Frans H. & Bart Garssen (eds.) [Argumentation in Context, 9] pp. 327–342
Keywords internet election campaign | Japanese political parties | strategic maneuvering