Peking University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Peking University plays a role.


Hu, Xuhui & J. Joseph Perry 2024 Multifunctionality and contextual realization: A case study in Yixing Chinese
Linguistic Variation | Online First Publication, 42 pp. | article
Shao, Mingyuan & Xuna Lin 2024 甘青語言區域漢語副動詞附綴「是」: 語義、句法和來源 [Sinitic converbal clitics shi in the Gan-Qing linguistic area]
Language and Linguistics 25:3pp. 497–534 | article
Keywords 甘青語言區域 | 甘青漢語方言 | 副動詞 | 限定性 | 語言接觸 | Gan-Qing Linguistic area | Gan-Qing Chinese | converbs | finiteness | language contact
Shao, Mingyuan & Xuna Lin 2023 Converbs of Sinitic varieties in Qīnghǎi‑Gānsù linguistic area
Keywords converbs | Qīng-Gān linguistic area | Sinitic languages | morphosyntactic
Li, Fang & Androula Yiakoumetti 2023 Teachers’ codeswitching in L2 Chinese classes: Awareness, intentions, and attitudes
Chinese Language and Discourse 15:1pp. 27–50 | article
Keywords codeswitching | awareness | attitude | Chinese | teacher training | 语码转换 | 意识 | 态度 | 中文 | 教师培训
Du, Zhaojin & Baoya Chen 2023 Uyghur speakers’ acquisition of Mandarin tones
Keywords language contact | acquisition of Mandarin tones | Uyghur Chinese | accent-tone mapping | tone approximation
Su, Qi, Chen Gu & Pengyuan Liu 2023 Association measures for collocation extraction: Automatic evaluation on a large-scale corpus
Keywords collocation extraction | pooling | association measure | statistical metrics | evaluation
Zheng, Yue, Bingbing Bai, Ya’nan Li & Lixin Liu 2023 《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》: “说”等级描述语的解读与应用
Keywords 中文水平 | 等级标准 | | 等级描述语 | Chinese proficiency | grading standards | speaking | grade descriptor
Li, Qi 2022 Meaning construal and meaning conventionalization of Chinese [X+body part] metonymic compounds from the perspective of cognitive pragmatics
Chinese Language and Discourse 14:1pp. 100–120 | article
Keywords meaning inference | “body part” nouns | conventionalization | metonymic compounds | relevance theory
Fan, Xiaolei & Kin Wing Kevin Chan 2022 香港粵語「咗」的語法特點: 與北京話「了1的比較 [Grammatical properties of zo 咗 in Hong Kong Cantonese]
Language and Linguistics 23:3pp. 371–410 | article
Keywords  | 完整體 | 香港粵語 | 了1 | 語序類型 | 完句 | Hong Kong Cantonese | zo | le 1 | perfective | completeness of sentences | word-order types
Martin, James R., Yanmei Gao, Hanbing Li, Chengfang Song & Minglong Wei 2021 Martin on discourse semantics, genre, educational linguistics
Language, Context and Text 3:2pp. 367–387 | article
Keywords SFL | discourse semantics | grammatical metaphor | genre | educational linguistics | SLATE | intermodality | LCT | interdisciplinarity, individuation
Gao, Yanmei & Xiaohua Ren 2021 Syntactic parallelism and the co-production of syntactic units in Mandarin Chinese
Chinese Language and Discourse 12:1pp. 109–134 | article
Keywords co-production | syntactic structure | syntactic parallelism | projectability | 共建 | 句法结构 | 句法平行 | 投射力
Kong, Jiangping 2021  Active Syllable Average Limit 1,000 (音涯一千): The phonemic cognitive ability of human
Keywords syllabic space | theoretical syllabic space | redundancy rate | phonemic cognitive ability
Zhang, Wenxian, Xianyin Li & Wei Zhang 2021 Overlapping as final-item completion in Mandarin conversation
Chinese Language and Discourse 12:1pp. 35–51 | article
Keywords overlap | collaborative sequences | Mandarin conversation | Interactional Linguistics | 交叠 | 合作共建 | 汉语会话 | 互动语言学
Zhou, Jiangping 2022 A corpus-based study of successive patterns of Chinese modals
Asian Languages and Linguistics 2:2pp. 292–317 | article
Keywords successive patterns | Chinese modals | subjectivity | types of modality | gradability
Li, Xuan & Feng Wang 2021 A preliminary study on nasalization and phonation: The case of Bai
Language and Linguistics 23:1pp. 116–139 | article
Keywords nasalization | phonation | Bai | fundamental frequency | open quotient | speed quotient
Zhang, Wen 2019 La restitution de l’« effet-monde » dans le récit: L’univers référentiel de La Belle au bois dormant dans les traductions chinoises (1915–2010)
FORUM 17:1pp. 77–98 | article
Keywords narrative text | “world-effect” | children’s literature | fairy tales | Charles Perrault | the translation of children’s literature in China | texte narratif | « effet-monde » | littérature de jeunesse | contes de fées | Charles Perrault | la traduction de la littérature de jeunesse en Chine
Li, Shushu & Ni-Eng Lim 2020 “不会 VP 吧”在互动会话中的求证行为和反期待推测 [Seeking verification for unexpected inference using “buhui VP ba”]
Chinese Language and Discourse 10:2pp. 241–262 | article
Keywords 不会 VP 吧 | 推测 | 反期待 | 求证 | 立场 | 疑信倾向
Zhang, Wenxian 2019 汉语自然口语会话中的信息回应标记 “真的(吗/啊)” [The information response token zhende ma/a in Chinese spontaneous conversation]
Chinese Language and Discourse 10:1pp. 17–35 | article
Keywords 回应 | 疑问 | 互动语言学 | response | question | interactional linguistics
Li Fang 2018 医患互动研究: 回顾与展望 [Research on doctor-patient interaction]
Chinese Language and Discourse 9:1pp. 75–95 | article
Keywords 医患互动 | 医患交流 | 医患会话 | 会话分析 | doctor-patient interaction | doctor-patient communication | doctor-patient conversation | conversation analysis
Dong, Xiufang 2018 漢語動詞雙音化過程中的形式選擇和功能表現 (Patterns and functions of verbal disyllabification) [Patterns and functions of verbal disyllabification]
Language and Linguistics 19:3pp. 395–409 | article
Keywords 雙音化 | 詞彙化 | 動詞 | 詞彙史 | disyllabification | lexicalization | verb | lexical change
Fan, Xiaolei 2018 邢臺話「了1」的兩個變體 (The verbal-LE variants in Xingtai dialect) [The verbal-LE variants in Xingtai dialect]
Language and Linguistics 19:3pp. 410–438 | article
Keywords 了1 | 條件變體 | 語法因素 | 北方方言 | 語法異質 | verbal LE | conditional variants | grammatical factors | northern Chinese dialects | heterogeneity
Fan, Ying 2017 Excessive serial verb construction: A quasi-resultative serial verb construction in Mandarin Chinese
Language and Linguistics 18:2pp. 201–227 | article
Keywords serial verb construction | excessive | nucleus | core
Higashi Takahiro & Wang Yunjia 2017 北京話連去變調的成因及其與詞重音的關係 [Cause of Tone 4 sandhi in Beijing Mandarin and its relationship with lexical stress]
Language and Linguistics 18:3pp. 430–451 | article
Keywords 北京話 | 詞重音 | 去聲 | 連讀變調 | Beijing Mandarin | lexical stress | Tone 4 | tone sandhi
Du Zhaojin & Chen Baoya 2017 語音標記性與維漢聲調匹配 [Markedness of phonological elements and tone match in Chinese-Uyghur contact]
Language and Linguistics 18:3pp. 383–429 | article
Keywords 語言接觸 | 語音標記性 | 聲調匹配 | language contact | markedness of phonological elements | tone match
Gao, Yihong, Xiaoqi Ma & Xiaoying Wang 2016 Global and national identity construction in ELF: A longitudinal case study on four Chinese students
Keywords global identity | national identity | community of practice | ELF | imagined community
Zhang, Wei 2015 The shifting representation of common people in China’s news media
Journal of Language and Politics 14:2pp. 285–308 | article
Keywords address terms | China’s news media | citizen identity | collocations | connotations | corpus linguistics | critical discourse analysis
Hu, Zhuanglin 2011 Imagic iconicity in the Chinese language
In: Semblance and Signification, Michelucci, Pascal, Olga Fischer & Christina Ljungberg (eds.) [Iconicity in Language and Literature, 10] p. 83
Song, Zuoyan & Hongyin Tao 2009 A unified account of causal clause sequences in Mandarin Chinese and its implications
Studies in Language 33:1p. 69 | article
Keywords causal clause | spoken and written Chinese | clause combining | discourse and grammar
Norton, Bonny & Yihong Gao 2008 Identity, investment, and Chinese learners of English
Hamed, Mahé Ben & Feng Wang 2006 Stuck in the forest: Trees, networks and Chinese dialects
Diachronica 23:1pp. 29–60 | article
Keywords cladistics | word lists | distance-based methods | Sinitic | tree model
Gao, Yihong, Xinchun Su & Lei Zhou 2000 Pre-handover language attitudes in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Guangzhou
Keywords matched guise | language attitude | handover
Shen, Dan 1989 Literalism: Non "formal-equivalence"
Babel 35:4pp. 219–235 | article