University of Missouri


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of Missouri plays a role.


Language Documentation: Practice and values

Edited by Lenore A. Grenoble & N. Louanna Furbee

2010. xviii, 340 pp. | course book
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics | Language documentation | Theoretical linguistics
Leverenz, Alaina, Jennifer G. Bohanek & Robyn Fivush 2023 Love, actually: Cultural narratives expressed in emerging adults’ stories of romantic relationships
Narrative Inquiry | Online First Publication, 25 pp. | article
Botezatu, Mona Roxana, Maya Misra & Judith F. Kroll 2022 Proficiency in a second language influences processing of print-to-sound mappings
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 14:3pp. 285–309 | article
Keywords word naming | spelling-to-sound correspondences | second language proficiency | phonology
Botezatu, Mona Roxana, Judith F. Kroll, Morgan I. Trachsel & Taomei Guo 2020 Second language immersion impacts native language lexical production and comprehension
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 12:3pp. 347–376 | article
Keywords second language immersion | native language performance | word production | spoken word recognition | visual word recognition
Wang, Ze, Ti Zhang, Jingfei Liu & Suzanne Yonke 2019 Co-teaching Chinese in middle schools and high schools
Keywords co-teaching | high schools | middle schools | teaching Chinese | 合作教学 | 高中 | 初中 | 中文教学
Sikuku, Justine M., Michael Diercks & Michael R. Marlo 2019 Pragmatic effects of clitic doubling: Two kinds of object markers in Lubukusu
Linguistic Variation 18:2pp. 359–429 | article
Keywords object marking | clitics | clitic doubling | verum focus | Bantu | Lubukusu
Schulhoff, Anastacia M. 2016 More than Native American narratives: Temporal shifting and authentic identities
Narrative Inquiry 25:1pp. 166–183 | article
Keywords double-consciousness | Native Americans | narrative identity | subversive stories | temporal shifting | authenticity
Gordon, Matthew J. 2013 Review of Sociophonetics. An Introduction by Erik R. Thomas (2011)
English World-Wide 34:3pp. 378–382 | book review
Alcázar, Asier 2012 A deceptive case of split-intransitivity in Basque
In: Argument Structure and Grammatical Relations: A crosslinguistic typology, Suihkonen, Pirkko, Bernard Comrie & Valery Solovyev (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 126] pp. 1–16
Alcázar, Asier & Mario Saltarelli 2010 In support of a syntactic analysis of double agreement phenomena in Spanish
In: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2008: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Groningen 2008, Bok-Bennema, Reineke, Brigitte Kampers-Manhe & Bart Hollebrandse (eds.) [Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory, 2] pp. 1–16
Gubrium, Jaber F. 2010 Another turn to narrative practice
Narrative Inquiry 20:2pp. 387–391 | article
Yoon, Tae-Il, Esther Thorson & Myoung-chun Lee 2003 Body Image Processing in Korean Adolescent and College-Aged Females