Long Island University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Long Island University plays a role.


Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Altaic languages
Templeton, Joan 2022 Varieties of theatrical realism after Ibsen
Keywords Bernard Shaw | Anton Chekhov | Luigi Pirandello | the Moscow Art Theatre | the Irish Renaissance | the epic theatre | realism
Nagano, Marisa 2020 What does and doesn’t affect L2 overt pronoun production: A Corpus Study of L1-English, L1-Korean, and L1-Mandarin L2 Speakers of Japanese
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 11:5pp. 640–668 | article
Keywords topic-drop | pronoun | Japanese | second language acquisition | genitive
Mauk, Claude E. & Martha E. Tyrone 2012 Location in ASL: Insights from phonetic variation
Sign Language & Linguistics 15:1pp. 128–146 | article
Keywords postural changes | coarticulation | signing space | signing speed | American Sign Language | location variation