University of Pecs


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of Pecs plays a role.


Approaches to Hungarian 18: Special issue of the Journal of Uralic Linguistics 2:1 (2023)

Edited by Donka F. Farkas, Gábor Alberti & Balázs Surányi

[Journal of Uralic Linguistics, 2:1] 2023. | special issue
Subjects Theoretical linguistics | Uralic languages
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics
Győri, Gábor 2022 The effect of figurative thought on basic level categorization: How categories come to be formed and named
In: Figurative Thought and Language in Action, Brdar, Mario & Rita Brdar-Szabó (eds.) [Figurative Thought and Language, 16] p. 89
Keywords categorization | perception | figurative thought | lexicalization | cultural conceptualization | construal | conventionalization
Németh, Ádám 2021 Territorial and non-territorial arrangements in a multi-ethno-linguistic context: The case of the Baltic States
Keywords Baltic | Estonia | Latvia | Lithuania | Russian | minority rights | language protection
Dombi, Judit 2020 Email requests in an ELF academic setting: “Good luck to you, Doctor Judit…”
Applied Pragmatics 2:1pp. 54–79 | article
Keywords email communication | interlanguage requests | ELF | intercultural pragmatics
Hegedűs, Irén & Gábor Győri 2019 Uncovering historical semantic connections with the help of image schemata: The case of Modern English some, same and Old English sam-
Cognitive Linguistic Studies 6:1pp. 1–21 | article
Keywords conceptualization | image schemata | semantic extension | semantic reconstruction | etymology
Győri, Gábor 2018 What happens to the basic level in language?: Some theoretical considerations with crosslinguistic examples
Cognitive Linguistic Studies 4:2pp. 171–193 | article
Keywords categorization | perception | basic level categories | cognitive function of language | linguistic relativity
Alberti, Gábor, Noémi Vadász & Judit Kleiber 2014 Ideal and deviant interlocutors in a formal interpretation system
In: Communicating Certainty and Uncertainty in Medical, Supportive and Scientific Contexts, Zuczkowski, Andrzej, Ramona Bongelli, Ilaria Riccioni & Carla Canestrari (eds.) [Dialogue Studies, 25] pp. 59–78
Győri, Gábor 2002 Evolutionary continuity and the rate and curve of language evolution
Evolution of Communication 3:2pp. 207–226 | article
Keywords Continuity/Discontinuity | Evolution of Language | Gradualism/Punctualism | Structure and Function | (Pre)adaptation | Natural Selection