Heidelberg University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Heidelberg University plays a role.

Subjects Historical linguistics

The Discursive Construction of Identities On- and Offline: Personal - group - collective

Edited by Birte Bös, Sonja Kleinke, Sandra Mollin & Nuria Hernández

[Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 78] 2018. | edited volume
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics | Applied linguistics | Cognition and language | PragmaticsCognitive psychology
Subjects Corpus linguistics | English linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement

Edited by Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller

[Advances in Consciousness Research, 84] 2012. vii, 468 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Cognition and language | Gesture StudiesConsciousness research

Collocations in a Learner Corpus

Nadja Nesselhauf

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 14] 2005. xii, 332 pp. | monograph
Subjects Corpus linguistics | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Language acquisition

Perspective and Perspectivation in Discourse

Edited by Carl Friedrich Graumann & Werner Kallmeyer

[Human Cognitive Processing: Cognitive Foundations of Language Structure and Use, 9] 2002. vi, 400 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Cognitive linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and DialectologyCognitive psychology

The English Dictionary from Cawdrey to Johnson 1604–1755

De Witt T. Starnes, Gertrude E. Noyes & Gabriele Stein

[Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 57] 1991. cxii, xxii, 299 pp. | monograph
Subjects Dictionaries | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | History of linguistics
König, Daniel G. 2024 Latin literature and the Arabic language
Keywords al-Andalus, Arabic–Latin translation | ecclesiastical literature | Graeco-Arabic science | historiography | Latin–Arabic translation | Latin-Christian expansionism | poetry | Romance languages | scholarly literature
Calabria, Virginia & Elwys De Stefani 2024  E anche-prefaced other-expansions in multi-person interaction: On the interrelationship of syntax and mutual gaze
In: New Perspectives in Interactional Linguistic Research, Selting, Margret & Dagmar Barth-Weingarten (eds.) [Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 36] pp. 162–186
Keywords (dis)affiliation | gaze constellation | multi-person interaction | participation | self-selection | other-expansions | Italian | grammar | Interactional Linguistics
Moreno-Fernández, Francisco 2024 Cognitive attributes of preclassical phonology
In: The Continuity of Linguistic Change: Selected papers in honour of Juan Andrés Villena-Ponsoda, Vida-Castro, Matilde & Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz (eds.) [Studies in Language Variation, 31] pp. 15–35
Keywords phoneme | phonology | phonetics | cognitivism | mental representation | usage | frequency
Albrecht, Jörn 2024 Strukturalismus und kein Ende?*
Historiographia Linguistica | Online First Publication, 22 pp. | review article
Henningsen, Lena & Damian Mandzunowski 2023 Review of Comics Art in China by John A. LentXu Ying (2023)
Journal of Asian Pacific Communication | Online First Publication, 4 pp. | book review
Dressel, Dennis, Philipp Dankel & Alexander M. Teixeira Kalkhoff 2023 What can collaboratively produced lists tell us about constructions?1 : A multimodal analysis of co-constructed enumeration practices in spoken Spanish
In: Constructions in Spanish, Hennecke, Inga & Evelyn Wiesinger (eds.) [Constructional Approaches to Language, 34] pp. 340–374
Keywords construction grammar | list construction | co-construction | shared knowledge | multimodal practice | interactional linguistics | enumeration | sedimentation | temporal unfolding
Nadal, Laura & Sarah Thome 2023 La mediación textual a partir de estrategias de reformulación: Análisis comparativo entre CLIL y no CLIL [Textual mediation based on reformulation strategies]
Keywords mediación textual | CLIL | procesamiento de textos | análisis conversacional | DaF | textual mediation | CLIL | text processing | conversation analysis | GFL | DaF
Deppermann, Arnulf & Elwys De Stefani 2024 Meaning in interaction
Interactional Linguistics 3:1/2pp. 1–12 | editorial
Keywords Interactional Linguistics | Interactional Semantics | meaning | semantics
Bichlmeier, Harald 2023 Zur Eindeutschung slawischer Ortsnamen in Bayern
NOWELE 76:2pp. 203–232 | article
Kleinke, Sonja 2023  Top-down meets bottom-up : Governmental miscommunication through
the lens of quotations in above- and below-the-line Guardian online comments on Covid-19
Keywords Covid-19 | governmental discourses | public online discourse | quotations | above-the-line and below the-line commenting
Recio Fernández, Inés, Óscar Loureda & Adriana Cruz 2023 Adjustment, mismatches and accommodation of procedural and conceptual meaning: Experimental evidence around connectives
Functions of Language 30:1pp. 110–135 | article
Keywords discourse processing | eye-tracking | discourse markers | causality | counter-argumentation | addition
Pleyer, Monika 2023 Impoliteness and pragmatic preferences in German translations of British and Irish children’s fiction
In: Pragmatics and Translation, Locher, Miriam A., Daria Dayter & Thomas C. Messerli (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 337] pp. 74–95
Keywords impoliteness | pragmatics | translation | children’s fiction | school story | adventure story
Mohnke, Margaux, Ursula Christmann, Yannick Roos & Chris Thomale 2022 Do metaphors make opinions?: An empirical study on the effect of metaphorical framing on the opinion on surrogacy
Keywords Metaphorical framing | opinion | language | surrogacy | politics
Lambert, Monique, Christiane von Stutterheim, Mary Carroll & Johannes Gerwien 2022 Under the surface: A survey of principles of language use in advanced L2 speakers
Keywords advanced L2 learners | pragmatic knowledge | organizational principles | event schemata
Gvozdanović, Jadranka 2022 Introduction*
In: Development of Tense and Aspect Systems, Gvozdanović, Jadranka (ed.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 123] pp. 1–19
Kabatnik, Susanne, Christoph Nikendei, Johannes C. Ehrenthal & Thomas Spranz-Fogasy 2022 Relationship management by means of solution-oriented questions in German psychodiagnostic interviews
Keywords relationship | therapeutic alliance | solution-oriented questions | psychodiagnostic interview | psychotherapy
Bello Viruega, Iria & Elisa Narváez García 2021 A study of coherence relations in the English scientific register: Conjunctions in the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts
In: “All families and genera”: Exploring the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts, Moskowich, Isabel, Inés Lareo & Gonzalo Camiña (eds.) pp. 265–288
Smith, Jennifer 2021 (Re)mapping “authentic” London: Iain Sinclair’s London Overground (2015) and the semiotic landscape of London’s East End
In: Language in Place: Stylistic perspectives on landscape, place and environment, Virdis, Daniela Francesca, Elisabetta Zurru & Ernestine Lahey (eds.) [Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 37] pp. 125–146
Keywords place-making | authenticity | declarative speech acts | urbanity model | semiotic landscape
Busse, Beatrix & Ingo Kleiber 2020 Realizing an online conference: Organization, management, tools, communication, and co-creation
Keywords online conferences | digital transformation | digital collaboration | Open Access
Plack, Iris 2020 Une ‘grammaire’ des grammaires de la Renaissance
Historiographia Linguistica 47:1pp. 109–119 | review article
Becker, Maria, Michael Bender & Marcus Müller 2020 Classifying heuristic textual practices in academic discourse: A deep learning approach to pragmatics
Keywords discourse pragmatics | textual practices | academic discourse | deep learning | annotation
Gvozdanović, Jadranka 2020 Introduction: Development of tense and aspect systems
Journal of Historical Linguistics 10:2pp. 153–166 | introduction
Keywords aspect | hierarchy | spatial | tense | temporal
Gerwien, Johannes & Martha Rudka 2019 Expectation changes over time: How long it takes to process focus imposed by German sogar
In: Empirical studies of the construction of discourse, Loureda, Óscar, Inés Recio Fernández, Laura Nadal & Adriana Cruz (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 305] pp. 229–252
Keywords focus particles | visual world paradigm | German | predictive processing | sogar | situation model
Regnoli, Giuliana 2019 Translanguaging as an expression of transnational identity: Ethnicity renegotiation in the Indian diaspora
Keywords diaspora | ethnicity | folk scrutiny | Indian Englishes | translanguaging
Bello, Iria 2019 On cognitive complexity in scientific discourse: A corpus-based study on additive coherence relations
In: Writing History in Late Modern English: Explorations of the Coruña Corpus, Moskowich, Isabel, Begoña Crespo, Luis Puente-Castelo & Leida Maria Monaco (eds.) pp. 260–276
Albrecht, Jörn & Irene Kunert 2019 Saussure — encore et toujours*
Historiographia Linguistica 46:1/2pp. 175–190 | review article
Mollin, Sandra 2021 The use of face-threatening acts in the construction of in- and out-group identities in British parliamentary debates
In: The Discursive Construction of Identities On- and Offline: Personal - group - collective, Bös, Birte, Sonja Kleinke, Sandra Mollin & Nuria Hernández (eds.) [Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 78] pp. 205–226
Keywords group identity | identity construction | face-threatening acts | impoliteness | parliament | House of Commons
Eller, Monika 2021 “no prizes to anybody spotting my typo, by the way”: The interplay between criticism and identity management in the comments sections on newspaper websites
In: The Discursive Construction of Identities On- and Offline: Personal - group - collective, Bös, Birte, Sonja Kleinke, Sandra Mollin & Nuria Hernández (eds.) [Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 78] pp. 177–202
Keywords reader response | user-generated content | identity construction | criticism | disagreement | impoliteness | digital discourse | mass media
Mattfeldt, Anna 2018 Conflicts in comparison: Scottish and German discursive perspectives on the Scottish independence referendum
Pragmatics and Society 9:1pp. 52–74 | article
Keywords linguistic discourse analysis | comparative discourse analysis | concessive/adversative connectives | agonality | qualitative and quantitative methods | conflict analysis | discourse grammar | media discourse
Hernández Flores, Nieves & Vanesa Rodríguez Tembrás 2018 ‘Lo que se debe hacer es cambiar un poco el estilo de vida’: Estrategias de atenuación en el consejo médico
Spanish in Context 15:2pp. 325–345 | article
Keywords consejo médico | estrategias atenuadoras | imagen social | atenuación de riesgos a la imagen | realce de la imagen
Morof, Julia 2018 Patterns of construction in spoken French: TCU-initial discourse markers and spans of projection
Revue Romane 53:1pp. 159–179 | article
Keywords interactional linguistics | projection | TCU | discourse markers
Kunz, Kerstin, Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski, José Manuel Martínez Martínez, Katrin Menzel & Erich Steiner 2017 Shallow features as indicators of English–German contrasts in lexical cohesion
Languages in Contrast 18:2pp. 175–206 | article
Keywords lexical cohesion | shallow features | written vs. spoken mode | language contrast | English / German
Wolf, Hans-Georg, Frank Polzenhagen & Arne Peters 2017 Cultural linguistic contributions to World Englishes: Introduction to the Special Issue
Polzenhagen, Frank & Sandra Frey 2017 Matrimonial adverts in Indian English: Notes on the contextualisation of a text type
Keywords L2-varities of English | Indian English | contextualisation/nativisation | cultural conceptualisations of marriage | matrimonial advertisements
Bonifazi, Anna 2015 Problematizing syndetic coordination: Ancient Greek ‘and’ from Homer to Aristophanes
In: Perspectives on Historical Syntax, Viti, Carlotta (ed.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 169] pp. 251–270
Keywords ‘and’-coordination | ancient Greek particles | discourse | literary genres | pragmatic implications | semantic co-text
Suitner, Caterina, Sabine C. Koch, Katharina Bachmeier & Anne Maass 2012 Chapter 10. Dynamic embodiment and its functional role: A body feedback perspective
In: Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement, Koch, Sabine C., Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller (eds.) [Advances in Consciousness Research, 84] pp. 155–170
Keywords body feedback | body memory | dynamic embodiment | movement rhythms | spatial agency bias
Kolter, Astrid, Silva H. Ladewig, Michela Summa, Cornelia Müller, Sabine C. Koch & Thomas Fuchs 2012 Chapter 13. Body memory and the emergence of metaphor in movement and speech: An interdisciplinary case study
In: Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement, Koch, Sabine C., Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller (eds.) [Advances in Consciousness Research, 84] pp. 201–226
Keywords body memory | dance/movement therapy | emergence and activation of metaphors, | from implicit to explicit memory | movement qualities | multimodal metaphors
Sax, William & Karin Polit 2012 Chapter 14. Moved by God: Performance and memory in the Western Himalayas
In: Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement, Koch, Sabine C., Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller (eds.) [Advances in Consciousness Research, 84] pp. 227–242
Keywords anthropology | collective memory | India | performance | ritual
Koch, Sabine C. & Steve Harvey 2012 Chapter 23. Dance/movement therapy with traumatized dissociative patients
In: Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement, Koch, Sabine C., Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller (eds.) [Advances in Consciousness Research, 84] pp. 369–385
Keywords body memories | dance/movement therapy | dissociation | dissociative identity disorder | grounding | mirroring
Summa, Michela, Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs & Cornelia Müller 2012 Chapter 26. Body memory: An integration
In: Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement, Koch, Sabine C., Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller (eds.) [Advances in Consciousness Research, 84] pp. 417–444
Keywords body memory | cognitive sciences | embodied therapies | phenomenology | transdisciplinary approach
Nesselhauf, Nadja 2012 Mechanisms of language change in a functional system: The recent semantic evolution of English future time expressions
Keywords language change | semantic change | future | Late Modern English | grammaticalization
Schwanecke, Christine 2011 John Irving’s A Widow for One Year and Tod Williams’ The Door in the Floor as ‘(mult-)i-conic’ works of art
In: Semblance and Signification, Michelucci, Pascal, Olga Fischer & Christina Ljungberg (eds.) [Iconicity in Language and Literature, 10] pp. 405–422
Christmann, Ursula, Lena Wimmer & Norbert Groeben 2012 The aesthetic paradox in processing conventional and non-conventional metaphors: A reaction time study
Scientific Study of Literature 1:2pp. 199–240 | article
Keywords (non-)conventional metaphors | aesthetic paradox | aesthetic evaluation | cognitive effort | metaphor processing | aesthetic reception attitude
Jasinskaja, Ekaterina 2010 Modelling discourse relations by topics and implicatures: The elaboration default
In: Constraints in Discourse 2, Kühnlein, Peter, Anton Benz & Candace L. Sidner (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 194] pp. 61–80
Nesselhauf, Nadja 2009 Co-selection phenomena across New Englishes: Parallels (and differences) to foreign learner varieties
English World-Wide 30:1pp. 1–25 | article
Keywords New Englishes | learner English | ESL | EFL | collocations | phraseology | prepositional verbs | co-selection
Schöntag, Roger & Barbara Schäfer-Prieß 2008 Colour term research of Hugo Magnus
In: Anthropology of Color: Interdisciplinary multilevel modeling, MacLaury, Robert E., Galina V. Paramei & Don Dedrick (eds.) pp. 107–122
Nesselhauf, Nadja & Ute Römer 2007 Lexical-grammatical patterns in spoken English: The case of the progressive with future time reference
Keywords future time reference | lexical grammar | spoken English | corpus-driven analysis | progressives | pattern frequency
Mollin, Sandra 2007 New variety or learner English?: Criteria for variety status and the case of Euro-English
English World-Wide 28:2pp. 167–185 | article
Keywords institutionalization | Euro-English | nativization | learner English | varieties of English | New Englishes
Müller-Saini, Gotelind & Gregor Benton 2006 Esperanto and Chinese anarchism 1907–1920: The translation from diaspora to homeland
Keywords Esperanto | anarchism | China | language politics | language reform
Müller-Saini, Gotelind & Gregor Benton 2006 Esperanto and Chinese anarchism in the 1920s and 1930s
Keywords language reform | language politics | anarchism | Esperanto | China | communism
Mattheier, Klaus J. 2006 German
In: Germanic Standardizations: Past to Present, Deumert, Ana & Wim Vandenbussche (eds.) [IMPACT: Studies in Language, Culture and Society, 18] pp. 211–244
Glatz, Daniel 1997 Marga Reis (ed.) Wortstellung und Informationsstruktur
Studies in Language 21:2pp. 469–472 | brief report
Frank, Kerstin Namibian literature in English: An overview
Keywords Namibian literature | post-colonial literature | cultural identity | national identity