University of Utah


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of Utah plays a role.

Grammar from the Human Perspective: Case, space and person in Finnish

Edited by Marja-Liisa Helasvuo & Lyle Campbell

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 277] 2006. x, 280 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Uralic languages

Historical Romance Linguistics: Retrospective and perspectives

Edited by Randall Gess & Deborah Arteaga

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 274] 2006. viii, 393 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Historical linguistics | Romance linguistics
Subjects Generative linguistics | Phonology | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Discourse studies | Generative linguistics | Phonology | Pragmatics | Syntax
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Discourse studies | Phonology | Pragmatics | Syntax | Typology
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages
Jones, Doug 2024 The moral grammar of marriage rules
Keywords incest | kinship | kin terms | marriage rules | moral grammar
Vo, Sonca 2024 Exploring the construct of interactional competence in different types of oral communication assessment
Interaction Studies 25:1pp. 1–35 | article
Keywords interactional competence | oral communication | interaction features | interview | paired discussion
Pasupathi, Monisha, Cecilia Wainryb, Stacia Bourne & Cade Mansfield 2022 The psychophysiology of narrating distressing experiences
Narrative Inquiry 33:1pp. 123–152 | article
Keywords narrative | psychophysiology | autonomic nervous system | emotion regulation
Bardovi-Harlig, Kathleen & Yunwen Su 2022 Developing an empirically-driven aural multiple-choice DCT for conventional expressions in L2 pragmatics
Applied Pragmatics 5:1pp. 1–40 | article
Keywords DCT | aural multiple-choice DCT | oral DCTs | conventional expressions | pragmatic routines | aural tasks
Hayes-Harb, Rachel, Shannon L. Barrios & Alayo Tripp 2023 Whose input matters?: The influence of socially-differentiated input sources in adult Lx phonetic learning
Keywords input | phonetics | phonology | pronunciation teaching | word learning | social factors
Austen, Samantha & Scott Jarvis 2021 Conceptual meaning in Italian speaking learners’ expression of temporality in L2 English
Journal of Second Language Studies 4:1pp. 121–153 | article
Keywords conceptual transfer | think aloud reports | cognitive linguistics | construal | second language acquisition
Jarvis, Scott & Brett James Hashimoto 2021 How operationalizations of word types affect measures of lexical diversity
Keywords lexical diversity | word types | MTLD | MTLD-W | MATTR
Andrus, Jennifer 2020 Entextualizing and contextualizing the status quo in domestic violence narratives
Narrative Inquiry 31:2pp. 263–286 | article
Keywords entextualization | contextualization | argument | status quo | domestic violence
Knell, Ellen & Shin Chi Fame Kao 2020 Repeated readings and Chinese immersion students’ reading fluency, comprehension and character recognition
Keywords immersion education | Chinese dual language immersion | reading fluency | repeated readings | reading comprehension | character recognition
Csirmaz, Aniko & Benjamin Slade 2019 Anatomy of Hungarian aspectual particles
In: Approaches to Hungarian: Volume 16: Papers from the 2017 Budapest Conference, Hegedűs, Veronika & Irene Vogel (eds.) [Approaches to Hungarian, 16] pp. 25–46
Keywords aspectual adverbials | focus | repetitives | additive particles | semantics | Hungarian | Hindi | Nepali
Smith, Bruce L., Eric Johnson & Rachel Hayes-Harb 2019 ESL learners’ intra-speaker variability in producing American English tense and lax vowels
Keywords L2 vowel production | intra-speaker variability | speech acoustics
Slade, Benjamin 2019 Quantifier particle environments
Linguistic Variation 19:2pp. 280–351 | article
Keywords quantifier particles | interrogatives | indefinites | disjunction | wh-words | choice functions | semantics | morphosyntax | Sinhala
Slade, Benjamin 2018 Overstanding Idren: Special features of Rasta Talk morphology
Keywords Rasta Talk | Jamaica | creole | morphology | I-words | overstandings
Hacking, Jane F., Bruce L. Smith & Eric M. Johnson 2017 Utilizing electropalatography to train palatalized versus unpalatalized consonant productions by native speakers of American English learning Russian
Keywords Russian | electropalatography | palatalization | training study | consonants
Hayes-Harb, Rachel & Jane F. Hacking 2015 Beyond rating data: What do listeners believe underlies their accentedness judgments?
Keywords Non-native accent | English as a second language | Bosnian | accentedness judgments
Csirmaz, Anikó & Éva Dékány 2014 Hungarian is a classifier language
In: Word Classes: Nature, typology and representations, Simone, Raffaele & Francesca Masini (eds.) [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 332] pp. 141–160
Slade, Benjamin 2014 The diachrony of light and auxiliary verbs in Indo-Aryan
Diachronica 30:4pp. 531–578 | article
Keywords compound verbs | light verbs | auxiliary verbs | syntax | morphology | Indo-Aryan | Hindi | Nepali | reanalysis | grammaticalisation | chain shifts | Sanskrit
Campbell, Lyle & Verónica Grondona 2007 Internal reconstruction in Chulupí (Nivaclé)
Diachronica 24:1pp. 1–29 | article
Keywords Chulupí | internal reconstruction | comparative evidence | Matacoan languages