Technische Universität Berlin


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Technische Universität Berlin plays a role.


The Expression of Inequality in Interaction: Power, dominance, and status

Edited by Hanna Pishwa & Rainer Schulze

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 248] 2014. vi, 267 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Schelling: Zwischen Fichte und Hegel/Between Fichte and Hegel

Edited by Christoph Asmuth, Alfred Denker & Michael Vater

[Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie, 32] 2000. viii, 423 pp. | edited volume

Die Grenzen der Sprache: Sprachimmanenz – Sprachtranszendenz

Edited by Christoph Asmuth, Friedrich Glauner & Burkhard Mojsisch

1998. ix, 406 pp. | edited volume
Subjects History of linguistics
Sendlmeier, Walter, Ines Steffen & Astrid Bartels 2016 Pejorative prosody
In: Pejoration, Finkbeiner, Rita, Jörg Meibauer & Heike Wiese (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 228] pp. 21–40
Keywords analysis of paralinguistic features | expression of attitude in speaking style | intonation patterns | prosody
Bernauer, Markus 2008 Historical novel and historical Romance
In: Romantic Prose Fiction, Gillespie, Gerald, Manfred Engel & Bernard Dieterle (eds.) [Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages, XXIII] pp. 296–324
Klinkert, Thomas & Weertje Willms 2008 Romantic gender and sexuality
In: Romantic Prose Fiction, Gillespie, Gerald, Manfred Engel & Bernard Dieterle (eds.) [Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages, XXIII] pp. 226–248
Bartneck, Christoph, Juliane Reichenbach & Julie Carpenter 2008 The carrot and the stick: The role of praise and punishment in human–robot interaction
Interaction Studies 9:2pp. 179–203 | article
Keywords presence | human | interaction | robot | punishment | praise
Pishwa, Hanna 2005 A cognitive view of the coordination of predicates
Functions of Language 12:2pp. 241–273 | article
Fricke, Ellen 2003  Origo, pointing, and speech: The impact of co-speech gestures on linguistic deixis theory
Gesture 2:2pp. 207–226 | article
Keywords perspective | 6H-Model | deixis | origo | origo-allocating act | co-speech gestures | pointing | imagination-oriented deixis | face-to-face interaction
Schmid, Ute, Sylvia Wiebrock & Fritz Wysotzki 2003 Modelling Spatial Inferences in Text Understanding
In: Spatial Cognition: Foundations and applications, Ó Nualláin, Seán (ed.) [Advances in Consciousness Research, 26] pp. 285–297