University of Social Sciences and Humanities


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of Social Sciences and Humanities plays a role.


Đào, Đích Mục & Anh-Thư T. Nguyễn 2019 Korean L2 learners’ perception and production of Vietnamese tones
Keywords second language imitation | perception | production | Vietnamese tones | Korean learners
Kuncewicz, Dariusz, Dorota Kuncewicz & Wojciech Kruszewski 2019 Stability of hidden stories
Narrative Inquiry 29:1pp. 82–98 | article
Keywords monologues | hidden stories | time stability
Pascual, Esther & Emilia Królak 2018 The ‘listen to characters thinking’ novel: Fictive interaction as narrative strategy in English literary bestsellers and their Polish and Spanish translations
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 16:2pp. 399–430 | article
Keywords direct speech | fictive interaction | nominal compounds | literature | translation | rhetorical device
Szwedek, Aleksander 2014 The nature of domains and the relationships between them in metaphorization
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 12:2pp. 342–374 | article
Keywords “more concrete/more abstract” domain distinction | orientational metaphors as valuational mechanism | experiential basis | objectification | metonymy-based metaphors | typology of metaphors | OBJECT schema