Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences plays a role.


Cornips, Leonie & Petra Sleeman 2024 Variation in the use of the partitive pronoun ER in regional (Heerlen) standard Dutch
Linguistic Variation | Online First Publication, 35 pp. | article
Cornips, Leonie & Louis van den Hengel 2021 Renewing the coal mining past: Parody, languageculture, and the transformation of cultural memory in Heerlen, the Netherlands
Keywords coal mining heritage | Heerlen Dutch | languageculture | parody | regional identity
Boot, Peter & Marijn Koolen 2020 Captivating, splendid or instructive?: Assessing the impact of reading in online book reviews
Scientific Study of Literature 10:1pp. 35–63 | article
Keywords online book review | reading impact | aesthetic feeling | narrative feeling | reflection | survey
Hoekstra, Eric, Anne Merkuur, Marjoleine Sloos & Jeroen van de Weijer 2018 Calculating a pattern’s competitive strength: Competition between /æ/ and /ʌ/ in irregular simple pasts and past participles in English
The Mental Lexicon 13:1pp. 143–157 | article
Keywords type frequency | token frequency | log scaling | competition | English irregular verbs
Sloos, Marjoleine & Lei Wang 2019 Same stimuli, same subjects, different perception: Believed dialect bias in the perception of Chinese plosives
Asia-Pacific Language Variation 4:2pp. 231–252 | article
Keywords Mandarin | Wu | accent-induced bias | perceptual bias | plosive phonation | 官话 | 吴语 | 口音诱发的偏向 | 感知偏向 | 塞音发声态。
Torres-Tamarit, Francesc & Claudia Pons-Moll 2012 Serial prosodification and voiced stop geminates in Catalan
van Oostendorp, Marc 2008 3. Exceptions to final devoicing
In: Voicing in Dutch: (De)voicing – phonology, phonetics, and psycholinguistics, van de Weijer, Jeroen & Erik Jan van der Torre (eds.) [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 286] pp. 81–98
Gerritsen, Marinel 1981 Review of Dialectology by J. K. ChambersTrudgill Peter (1980)
English World-Wide 2:1pp. 111–114 | book review