Universidad de Cantabria


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Universidad de Cantabria plays a role.


Hidalgo-Downing, Laura, Paula Pérez-Sobrino, Laura Filardo-Llamas, Carmen Maíz-Arévalo, Begoña Núñez-Perucha, Alfonso Sánchez-Moya & Julia T. Williams Camus 2024 A protocol for the annotation of evaluative stance and metaphor across four discourse genres
Keywords evaluation | stance | evaluative metaphor | evaluation annotation | evaluation in genres | evaluación | posicionamiento | metáfora evaluativa | anotación de la evaluación | evaluación en géneros discursivos
Gallardo-del-Puerto, Francisco & Evelyn Gandón-Chapela 2024 The interpretation of reflexive pronouns in VP-ellipsis by L2 English learners with different proficiency levels
Keywords VP-ellipsis | reflexive pronouns | strict reading | sloppy reading | proficiency level | L2 English | elipsis del sintagma verbal | pronombres reflexivos | interpretación estricta | interpretación laxa | nivel de competencia lingüística | inglés como segunda lengua
Gancedo Ruiz, Marta & M.ª Amparo Soler Bonafont 2023 Patrones relacionales de la expresión de la epistemicidad y la gestión de la imagen en el español peninsular
Spanish in Context 20:3pp. 550–573 | article
Keywords epistemicidad | imagen | (des)cortesía | sociopragmática | entrevista | epistemicity | face | (im)politeness | sociopragmatics | interview
Gómez-Lacabex, Esther, Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto & Jian Gong 2022 Perception and production training effects on production of English lexical schwa by young Spanish learners
Keywords second language speech | perception training | production training | English lexical schwa | L2 pronunciation
Gallardo-del-Puerto, Francisco & María Martínez-Adrián 2022 Task-modality effects on young learners’ language-related episodes in collaborative dialogue
Keywords task modality | language-related episodes | collaborative dialogue | English as a foreign language | young learners | modalidad de la tarea | episodios relacionados con la lengua | diálogo colaborativo | inglés como lengua extranjera | niños aprendices
Martínez-Adrián, María, M. Juncal Gutiérrez-Mangado, Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto & María Basterrechea 2021 Language-related episodes by young CLIL learners: A review of task modality effects
Language Teaching for Young Learners 3:2pp. 214–245 | article
Keywords language-related episodes | task modality | use of previously known languages | pair dynamics | pairing method | task motivation
Pérez Cañizares, Pilar, Inmaculada Martínez Martínez & Johannes Schnitzer 2021 Estudiantes de ELE en el ámbito universitario de la Economía: Análisis de estilos de aprendizaje e implicaciones didácticas [How Business Students Learn Spanish]
Keywords estilos de aprendizaje | cognitivismo | español como lengua extranjera | autonomía en el aprendizaje | diferencias individuales del aprendiz | español para fines específicos | learning styles | cognitivism | Spanish as a foreign language | learning autonomy | individual differences | Spanish for specific purposes
Gallardo-del-Puerto, Francisco & Zeltia Blanco-Suárez 2021 Foreign language motivation in primary education students: The effects of additional CLIL and gender
Keywords motivation | content and language integrated learning (CLIL) | gender | English as a foreign language (EFL) | Primary Education
Alcolado Carnicero, José Miguel 2020 Diachrony of code switching stages in medieval business accounts: The Mercers’ livery company of London
Journal of Historical Linguistics 9:3pp. 378–416 | article
Keywords diachronic variation and change | code switching | Mercers’ livery company of London | later Middle Ages | written business accounts | Romance languages | anglicisation
Blanco-Suárez, Zeltia & Mario Serrano-Losada 2017 The rise and development of parenthetical needless to say : An assumed evidential strategy
Journal of Historical Linguistics 7:1/2pp. 134–159 | article
Keywords  needless to say | parenthetical | assumed evidentiality | (inter)subjectification | grammaticalization
Gómez Castro, Cristina 2015 Thorny issues in translation: The case of The Thornbirds in the Spanish society of the seventies*
Babel 60:3pp. 281–302 | article
Keywords translation | censorship | narrative | religion | dictatorship | Spain
Williams, Ian A. 2013 Self-Reference in biomedical research article discussions: Further evidence for cross-cultural diversity in academic and scientific discourse
Keywords discourse analysis | English/Spanish | academic discourse | biomedical writing | self-reference
Camus-Camus, Marie del Carmen 2010 Censorship in the translations and pseudo-translations of the West
In: Why Translation Studies Matters, Gile, Daniel, Gyde Hansen & Nike K. Pokorn (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 88] pp. 41–56
Williams, Ian A. 2010 Getting the ACCENT right in Translation Studies
In: Why Translation Studies Matters, Gile, Daniel, Gyde Hansen & Nike K. Pokorn (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 88] pp. 137–152
Williams, Ian A. 2010 Cultural differences in academic discourse: Evidence from first-person verb use in the methods sections of medical research articles
Keywords academic discourse | corpus-based studies | rhetorical moves | contrastive analysis | Spanish/English
Benson, Edward Dalley & María del Pilar García Mayo 2008 Awareness of orthographic form and morphophonemic learning in EFL
In: Languages and Cultures in Contrast and Comparison, Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, J. Lachlan Mackenzie & Elsa M. González Álvarez (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 175] pp. 299–326
Williams, Ian A. 2007 A corpus-based study of the verb observar in English-Spanish translations of biomedical research articles
Target 19:1p. 85 | article
Keywords medical translation | English-Spanish | corpus-based studies | quantitative analysis | contextual analysis
Williams, Ian A. 2005 How to manage patients in English–Spanish translation: A target-oriented contrastive approach to Methods 1
Target 16:1p. 69 | article
Keywords Contrastive analysis | corpus-based studies | English–Spanish | medical translation | quantitative analysis | target-oriented translation | theme–rheme structure
Williams Camus, Julia T. Creative journeys: Metaphors of metastasis in press popularization articles
In: Performing metaphoric creativity across modes and contexts, Hidalgo-Downing, Laura & Blanca Kraljevic Mujic (eds.) [Figurative Thought and Language, 7] pp. 221–248
Keywords metaphor | creative recontextualization | popularization articles | metastasis | cancer