Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences plays a role.



Denman, Jenny, Erik van Schooten & Rick de Graaff 2023 Inclusive CLIL: Pre-vocational pupils’ target language oral proficiency, fluency, and Willingness to Communicate
AILA Review 35:2pp. 321–350 | article
Keywords bilingual education | CLIL | content and language integrated learning | inclusion | pre-vocational secondary education | oral proficiency | speaking | willingness to communicate
Denman, Jenny, Erik van Schooten & Rick de Graaff 2019 Attitudinal factors and the intention to learn English in pre-vocational secondary bilingual and mainstream education*
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 7:2pp. 203–226 | article
Keywords Content and Language Integrated Learning | CLIL | junior vocational secondary education | vmbo | attitude | affective factors | Model of Planned Behavior | MPB | bilingual education
De Jong, Chiara, Marie Postma-Nilsenova, Kayleigh Vedder, Danielle Hendriks, Maria Mos & Giuseppe Maggiore 2017 Local and global pitch perception in L1 and L2 readers of Dutch
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 6:1pp. 100–118 | article
Keywords auditory perception | Dutch | phonological decoding | pitch perception | reading skills | second language learning | working memory