Tilburg University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Tilburg University plays a role.

Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots: Special issue of Interaction Studies 24:1 (2023)

Edited by Mohamed Chetouani, Elodie F. Briefer, Angela Dassow, Ricard Marxer, Roger K. Moore, Nicolas Obin & Dan Stowell

[Interaction Studies: Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems, 24:1] 2023. | special issue
Subjects Artificial Intelligence | Cognition and language | Evolution of language

Comparative Studies in Germanic Syntax: From Afrikaans to Zurich German

Edited by Jutta M. Hartmann & László Molnárfi

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 97] 2006. vi, 332 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Generative linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Verb Clusters: A study of Hungarian, German and Dutch

Edited by Katalin É. Kiss & Henk van Riemsdijk

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 69] 2004. vi, 514 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Generative linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Uralic languages

Linguistics in the Netherlands 2001

Edited by Ton van der Wouden & Hans Broekhuis

[Linguistics in the Netherlands: AVT Publications, 18] 2001. | yearbook
Subjects Theoretical linguistics

Abduction, Belief and Context in Dialogue: Studies in computational pragmatics

Edited by Harry Bunt & William Black

[Natural Language Processing, 1] 2000. vii, 471 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Natural language processing | Pragmatics

The Derivational Residue in Phonological Optimality Theory

Edited by Ben Hermans & Marc van Oostendorp

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 28] 2000. viii, 321 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Phonology | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Hou, Mingyi 2024 The divided affective connections with the influencer: Teacher Guo and fans’ digital carnival on Douyin
In: Affect, hate and relationality in the discourse of, with and about influencers, Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, Pilar & Alexandra Georgakopoulou (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 349] pp. 46–77
Keywords influencer | wanghong | Douyin | carnival | mock impoliteness | platform content moderation | digital ethnography
Barking, Marie, Maria Mos & Ad Backus 2024 Individual variation in contact effects – stability, convergence, and divergence
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism | Online First Publication, 34 pp. | article
Lutzenberger, Hannah 2024 Kata Kolok phonology – variation & acquisition
Sign Language & Linguistics 27:1pp. 103–115 | abstract
Leidig, Eviane & Cas Mudde 2023 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP): The overlooked populist radical right party
Journal of Language and Politics 22:3pp. 360–377 | article
Keywords India | BJP | Hindutva | nativism | populism | authoritarianism | Modi
Doreleijers, Kristel & Jos Swanenberg 2023 Hyperdialectisms revisited
Linguistics in the Netherlands 40pp. 39–54 | article
Keywords hyperdialectism | dialect change | North Brabant | adnominal gender marking | sociolinguistics
Piepers, Joske, Ad Backus & Jos Swanenberg 2023 Is ‘he’ still here?: Exploring the contemporary use of masculine subject pronouns for women in Dutch dialects
Linguistics in the Netherlands 40pp. 194–209 | article
Keywords Dutch dialects | female reference | interview | masculine subject pronoun | Twitter
Rasenberg, Marlou, Azeb Amha, Matt Coler, Marjo van Koppen, Emiel van Miltenburg, Lynn de Rijk, Wyke Stommel & Mark Dingemanse 2023 Reimagining language: Towards a better understanding of language by including our interactions with non-humans
Linguistics in the Netherlands 40pp. 309–317 | article
Keywords language | human-animal interaction | human-computer interaction | meaning-making | large language models
van Lier, Eva, Ad Backus, Nel de Jong, Rik van Gijn, Konrad Rybka, Jantien Smit, Josje Verhagen, Katherine Walker & Camille Welie 2023 The Netherlands Urban Field Station: Taaldiversiteit inzetten voor gelijkere kansen
Linguistics in the Netherlands 40pp. 285–292 | article
Chetouani, Mohamed, Elodie F. Briefer, Angela Dassow, Ricard Marxer, Roger K. Moore, Nicolas Obin & Dan Stowell 2023 Vocal interactivity in-and-between humans, animals and robots
Interaction Studies 24:1pp. 1–4 | introduction
Backus, Ad, Michael Cohen, Neil Cohn, Myrthe Faber, Emiel Krahmer, Schuyler Laparle, Emar Maier, Emiel van Miltenburg, Floris Roelofsen, Eleonora Sciubba, Merel Scholman, Dimitar Shterionov, Maureen Sie, Frédéric Tomas, Eva Vanmassenhove, Noortje Venhuizen & Connie de Vos 2023 Minds: Big questions for linguistics in the age of AI
Linguistics in the Netherlands 40pp. 301–308 | article
van Lier, Eva, Ad Backus, Nel de Jong, Rik van Gijn, Konrad Rybka, Jantien Smit, Josje Verhagen, Katherine Walker & Camille Welie 2023 The Netherlands Urban Field Station: How language diversity promotes equality of opportunity
Linguistics in the Netherlands 40pp. 293–300 | article
Tang, Xuefei 2022 Intellectual discourse on Chinese media in times of the coronavirus
Chinese Language and Discourse 13:1pp. 143–165 | article
Keywords public intellectual | cultural authority | coronavirus | crisis discourse | media communication
Backus, Ad & Derya Demirçay 2022 Intense Turkish-Dutch bilingualism leads to intense Turkish-Dutch mixing: A usage-based account of increasing integration of two typologically different languages
Belgian Journal of Linguistics 35pp. 13–33 | article
Keywords codeswitching | Turkish | Dutch | grammatical fusion | insertion | alternation | usage-based | multiword units
Chen, Ao, Melis Çetinçelik, M. Paula Roncaglia-Denissen & Makiko Sadakata 2021 Native language, L2 experience, and pitch processing in music
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 13:2pp. 218–237 | article
Keywords music advantage | tone language | L2 | L2 proficiency
Procházka, Ondřej & Jan Blommaert† 2020 Ergoic framing in New Right online groups: Q, the MAGA kid, and the Deep State theory
Keywords New Right | MAGA kid | Deep State | Internet memes | conspiracy theories | online groups
Ying, Lu & Jan Blommaert 2020 Understanding memes on Chinese social media: Biaoqing
Chinese Language and Discourse 11:2pp. 226–260 | article
Keywords meme | Biaoqing | ludic | social media | knowledge work | algorithm | online-offline nexus | 模音 | 表情 | 社交媒体 | 戏谑 | 知识工作 | 算法
Mudd, Katie, Hannah Lutzenberger, Connie de Vos, Paula Fikkert, Onno Crasborn & Bart de Boer 2020 The effect of sociolinguistic factors on variation in the Kata Kolok lexicon
Asia-Pacific Language Variation 6:1pp. 53–88 | article
Keywords lexical variation | sign language | shared sign language | sociolinguistics | Kata Kolok
Li, Jinling & Sjaak Kroon 2020 Chineseness as a moving target: Language and identity transformations in the Chinese diaspora in Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Keywords Chinese diaspora | identity | linguistic landscaping | multi-site ethnography | polycentricity
Bernabeu, Pablo & Richard Tillman 2019 More refined typology and design in linguistic relativity: The case of motion event encoding
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 8:2pp. 163–171 | article
Keywords linguistic relativity | Sapir-Whorf hypothesis | lexicalization patterns | motion event encoding | motion language | cognitive semantics | language typology | linguistics | psycholinguistics | methods
Pianzola, Federico, Katalin Bálint & Jessica Weller 2020 Virtual reality as a tool for promoting reading via enhanced narrative absorption and empathy
Scientific Study of Literature 9:2pp. 163–194 | article
Keywords reading | virtual reality | narrative absorption | empathy | transportation | fiction
Quick, Antje Endesfelder, Elena Lieven, Ad Backus & Michael Tomasello 2018 Constructively combining languages: The use of code-mixing in German-English bilingual child language acquisition
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 8:3pp. 393–409 | article
Keywords code-mixing | German – English | bilingual child | language proficiency | MLU
Matusevych, Yevgen, Afra Alishahi & Ad Backus 2018 Quantifying cross-linguistic influence with a computational model: A study of case-marking comprehension
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 8:5pp. 561–605 | article
Keywords cross-linguistic influence | computational model | case marking
Dokter, N., R. Aarts, J. Kurvers, A. Ros & S. Kroon 2017 Academic language in elementary school mathematics: Academicness of teacher input during whole class instruction
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 6:2pp. 213–230 | article
Keywords academic language | input | teacher | elementary school | mathematics instruction
Vermeer, Anne & Joey Ceglarek 2017 Development of qualifiers in children’s written stories
In: Developmental perspectives in written language and literacy, Segers, Eliane & Paul van den Broek (eds.) pp. 237–255
Keywords qualifiers | stylistic development | written stories | children | elementary school | lexical variation | writing skills | gender differences in language
De Jong, Chiara, Marie Postma-Nilsenova, Kayleigh Vedder, Danielle Hendriks, Maria Mos & Giuseppe Maggiore 2017 Local and global pitch perception in L1 and L2 readers of Dutch
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 6:1pp. 100–118 | article
Keywords auditory perception | Dutch | phonological decoding | pitch perception | reading skills | second language learning | working memory
Wang, Xuan & Sjaak Kroon 2018 The chronotopes of authenticity: Designing the Tujia heritage in China
AILA Review 30:1pp. 72–95 | article
Keywords authenticity | the Tujia | China | heritage | chronotope | heritage tourism
Vermeer, Anne 2016 Lexicale rijkdom, frequentielagen en tekstmoeilijkheid
Keywords vocabulary | Dutch L1 | elementary school children | text writing skills | Dutch L2 | measures word frequency layers | lexical richness | text comprehension | text difficulty
Krijtenburg, Froukje & Eefje de Volder 2015 How universal is UN ‘peace’?: A comparative linguistic analysis of the United Nations and Giryama (Kenya) concepts of ‘peace’
Keywords  | Giryama (Kenya) | peace | United Nations | comparative ethnolexicology
Demirçay, Derya & Ad Backus 2014 Bilingual constructions: Reassessing the typology of code-switching
Keywords code-switching | Turkish-Dutch | alternation | language change | multiword expressions | insertion | matrix language | congruent lexicalization | lexicon
Kroon, Sjaak, Jan Blommaert & Dong Jie 2013 Chinese and globalization
In: Linguistic Superdiversity in Urban Areas: Research approaches, Duarte, Joana & Ingrid Gogolin (eds.) [Hamburg Studies on Linguistic Diversity, 2] pp. 275–296
Matusevych, Yevgen, Ad Backus & Martin Reynaert 2013 Do we teach the real language?: An analysis of patterns in textbooks of Russian as a foreign language
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 2:2pp. 224–241 | article
Keywords cognitive linguistics | Russian as a foreign language | construction grammar | communicative language teaching | Second language teaching | corpus linguistics
Augusteijn, Hilde, Anne Vermeer & Marije van Amelsvoort 2012 Evaluatieve tweets van studenten en het effect van een interventie door docent-volgers
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 1:2pp. 236–251 | article
Keywords curriculum evaluation | higher education | twitter
Buekens, Filip 2011 Epistemology
In: Philosophical Perspectives for Pragmatics, Sbisà, Marina, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.) [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights, 10] pp. 79–81
Buekens, Filip 2011 Philosophy of action
In: Philosophical Perspectives for Pragmatics, Sbisà, Marina, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.) [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights, 10] pp. 222–227
Schilperoord, Joost & Rein Cozijn 2010 The representation and processing of fixed and compositional expressions
In: The Linguistics Enterprise: From knowledge of language to knowledge in linguistics, Everaert, Martin B.H., Tom Lentz, Hannah N.M. De Mulder, Øystein Nilsen & Arjen Zondervan (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 150] pp. 291–314
Mol, Lisette, Emiel Krahmer, Fons Maes & Marc Swerts 2009 The communicative import of gestures: Evidence from a comparative analysis of human–human and human–machine interactions
Gesture 9:1p. 97 | article
Keywords gesture | human–machine interaction | narration | audience design
Kuiken, Folkert, Maria Mos & Ineke Vedder 2005 Cognitive task complexity and second language writing performance
EUROSLA Yearbook 5:1pp. 195–222 | article
van Rees, Kees & Koen van Eijck 2008 The fragmentation of the media audience
Hermans, Ben 2002 CL in OT
Linguistics in the Netherlands 18:1pp. 139–150 | article
van der Wouden, Ton & Hans Broekhuis 2002 Preface
van Wijk, Carel 2001 Restoring reputation with direct mail: Persuasive effects of blaming either individuals or organisations
Document Design 2:3pp. 280–292 | article
Keywords reputation | direct-mail letter | blaming | involvement | gender
Van Waes, Luuk & Carel van Wijk 2001 The influence of politeness on the perception of product recall notices
Document Design 2:3pp. 272–279 | article
Keywords crisis communication | product recall notices | politeness strategies
Bálint, Katalin, Moniek M. Kuijpers & Miruna M. Doicaru The effect of suspense structure on felt suspense and narrative absorption in literature and film
In: Narrative Absorption, Hakemulder, Frank, Moniek M. Kuijpers, Ed S. Tan, Katalin Bálint & Miruna M. Doicaru (eds.) [Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 27] pp. 177–197
Keywords absorption | narrative | literature | film | suspense | discourse structure | delay