Heriot-Watt University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Heriot-Watt University plays a role.

Translation and Interpreting Pedagogy in Dialogue with Other Disciplines

Edited by Sonia Colina & Claudia V. Angelelli

[Benjamins Current Topics, 90] 2017. v, 154 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Language teachingTranslation Studies

Gaze in Human-Robot Communication

Edited by Frank Broz, Hagen Lehmann, Bilge Mutlu & Yukiko Nakano

[Benjamins Current Topics, 81] 2015. xv, 162 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Artificial Intelligence

The Sign Language Interpreting Studies Reader

Edited by Cynthia B. Roy & Jemina Napier

[Benjamins Translation Library, 117] 2015. xviii, 419 pp. | course book
Subjects Signed languagesInterpreting | Translation Studies

The Sociological Turn in Translation and Interpreting Studies

Edited by Claudia V. Angelelli

[Benjamins Current Topics, 66] 2014. v, 140 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Interpreting | Translation Studies

Animating Expressive Characters for Social Interaction

Edited by Lola Cañamero & Ruth Aylett

[Advances in Consciousness Research, 74] 2008. xxiii, 296 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Cognitive psychologyConsciousness research

Representational Deficits in SLA: Studies in honor of Roger Hawkins

Edited by Neal Snape, Yan-kit Ingrid Leung & Michael Sharwood Smith

[Language Acquisition and Language Disorders, 47] 2008. xxv, 250 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Language acquisition | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Turner, Graham H. 2024 Review of Fitzmaurice (2021) and Winston & Fitzmaurice (2021)
Interpreting 26:1pp. 144–148 | book review
Angelelli, Claudia V. & Federica Ceccoli 2023 Communication in child language brokering: Role expectation and role performance
Translation and Interpreting Studies 18:2pp. 167–190 | article
Keywords childhood studies | child language brokering | ad-hoc interpreting | role expectation | role performance
Napier, Jemina & Sandra Hale 2023 Exploring mixed methods in interpreting research: An example from a series of studies on court interpreting
In: Introducing New Hypertexts on Interpreting (Studies): A tribute to Franz Pöchhacker, Zwischenberger, Cornelia, Karin Reithofer & Sylvi Rennert (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 160] pp. 22–43
Keywords court interpreting | deaf jurors | sign language interpreters | research methods | mixed methods
Haualand, Hilde, Maartje De Meulder & Jemina Napier 2023 Unpacking sign language interpreting as a social institution: The missing macro perspective?
Translation and Interpreting Studies 17:3pp. 351–358 | review article
Skinner, Robert & Jemina Napier 2023 ‘Help is on the way’: (In)accessible policing in the UK through sign language interpreting
Translation and Interpreting Studies 17:3pp. 455–477 | article
Keywords deaf | interpreter | police | language access | criminal justice | accommodations
Napier, Jemina 2021 
Interpreting 24:1pp. 147–154 | book review
Angelelli, Claudia V. 2020 Community/Public-service interpreting as a communicative event: A call for shifting teaching and learning foci
Keywords interpreters’ communicative competence | interpreted communicative event | situated practice | speech communities | diversity of learners
Kenny, Dorothy & Marion Winters 2020 Machine translation, ethics and the literary translator’s voice
Translation Spaces 9:1pp. 123–149 | article
Keywords literary translation | translator’s voice | textual voice | contextual voice | translator style | neural machine translation
Monteoliva-García, Eloísa 2020 The collaborative and selective nature of interpreting in police interviews with stand-by interpreting
Interpreting 22:2pp. 262–287 | article
Keywords stand-by interpreting | police interview | negotiation | multimodality
Pfeiffer, Kerstin, Michael Richardson & Svenja Wurm 2020 Translaboration in the rehearsal room: Translanguaging as collaborative responsibility in bilingual devised theatre
Target 32:2pp. 358–379 | article
Keywords translaboration | collaboration | devised theatre | bilingual theatre | translanguaging
Napier, Jemina, Rosemary Oram, Alys Young & Robert Skinner 2019 “When I speak people look at me”: British deaf signers’ use of bimodal translanguaging strategies and the representation of identities
Keywords sign language | deaf | professional | identities | translation | sign language interpreters | translanguaging | bimodal bilingualism
Lee Zi-ying & Liao Min-Hsiu 2018  The “Second” Bride : The retranslation of romance novels
Babel 64:2pp. 186–204 | article
Keywords retranslation | romance novels | paratexts | retraduction | romans sentimentaux | paratextes
Böser, Ursula & David LaRooy 2018 Interpreter-mediated investigative interviews with minors: Setting the ground rules
Translation and Interpreting Studies 13:2pp. 208–229 | article
Keywords child interviewing | interpreting | interview formats | reflexive coordination | vulnerable interlocutors
de Pedro Ricoy, Raquel, Rosaleen Howard & Luis Andrade Ciudad 2018 Walking the tightrope: The role of Peruvian indigenous interpreters in prior consultation processes
Target 30:2pp. 187–211 | article
Keywords indigenous interpreters | prior consultation | Peru | users’ expectations
Wurm, Svenja 2018 From writing to sign: An investigation of the impact of text modalities on translation
Translation and Interpreting Studies 13:1pp. 130–149 | article
Keywords sign language translation | literacy practices | multimodality | affordance | New Literacy Studies | recorded sign language
Turner, Graham H. & Andrew J. Merrison 2016 Doing ‘understanding’ in dialogue interpreting: Advancing theory and method
Interpreting 18:2pp. 137–171 | article
Keywords construal | grounding | Map Task | interactional analysis | sign language | dialogue interpreting
Dong, Jiqing & Graham H. Turner 2016 The ergonomic impact of agencies in the dynamic system of interpreting provision: An ethnographic study of backstage influences on interpreter performance
Translation Spaces 5:1p. 97 | article
Keywords ergonomics | work process | interpreting agencies | public service interpreting | professionalisation
Liao, Min-Hsiu 2016 Translating time and space in the memorial museum
Translation Spaces 5:2pp. 181–199 | article
Keywords temporality | museum translation | national identity | framing strategies | narratives | space
Hale, Sandra Beatriz & Jemina Napier 2016 “We’re just kind of there”: Working conditions and perceptions of appreciation and status in court interpreting
Target 28:3pp. 351–371 | article
Keywords court interpreting | working conditions | court protocols | professional status | quality of interpreting
Bontempo, Karen & Jemina Napier 2014 Evaluating emotional stability as a predictor of interpreter competence and aptitude for interpreting
In: Aptitude for Interpreting, Pöchhacker, Franz & Minhua Liu (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 68] p. 87
Williamson, Lee & Raquel De Pedro Ricoy 2015 The translation of wordplay in interlingual subtitling: A study of <i>Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis</i> and its English subtitles
Babel 60:2pp. 164–192 | article
Keywords humor | translation strategies | General Theory of Verbal Humor (GTVH) | wordplay | subtitling
Liao, Min-Hsiu 2013 Popularization and translation
Hessmann, Jens, Eeva Salmi, Graham H. Turner & Svenja Wurm 2011 Developing and transmitting a shared interpreting research ethos: EUMASLI – A case study
In: Advances in Interpreting Research: Inquiry in action, Nicodemus, Brenda & Laurie Swabey (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 99] pp. 177–198
O'Rourke, Bernadette & Fernando F. Ramallo 2011 The native-non-native dichotomy in minority language contexts: Comparisons between Irish and Galician
Keywords minority languages | non-native speakers | Irish language | Galician language | native speakers
Sharwood Smith, Michael 2010 Metalinguistic processing and acquisition within the MOGUL framework
In: The Linguistics Enterprise: From knowledge of language to knowledge in linguistics, Everaert, Martin B.H., Tom Lentz, Hannah N.M. De Mulder, Øystein Nilsen & Arjen Zondervan (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 150] pp. 327–344
Winters, Marion 2009 Modal particles explained: How modal particles creep into translations and reveal translators’ styles
Target 21:1pp. 74–97 | article
Keywords corpus methodologies | F. Scott Fitzgerald | modal particles | translator style | méthodologies d’analyse de corpus | F.Scott Fitzgerald | particules modales | style du traducteur
Dickinson, Jules & Graham H. Turner 2008 12. Sign Language interpreters and role conflict in the workplace
In: Crossing Borders in Community Interpreting: Definitions and dilemmas, Valero Garcés, Carmen & Anne Martin (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 76] pp. 231–244
Sharwood Smith, Michael & John Truscott 2008 Full transfer full access: A processing-oriented interpretation
In: Paths of Development in L1 and L2 acquisition: In honor of Bonnie D. Schwartz, Unsworth, Sharon, Teresa Parodi, Antonella Sorace & Martha Young-Scholten (eds.) [Language Acquisition and Language Disorders, 39] pp. 201–216
Trenkic, Danijela 2002 Form–meaning connections in the acquisition of English articles
EUROSLA Yearbook 2:1pp. 115–133 | article
McLaren, Yvonne 2002 Text structure and politeness in French and English corporate brochures
Languages in Contrast 2:2pp. 231–254 | article
Keywords Argumentation | English/French | Contrastive textology