North Carolina State University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with North Carolina State University plays a role.


Zahler, Sara L. & Rocío Leguisamon Tolentino 2024 The present progressive as a future marker in Spanish, English, and Spanish in contact with English
Keywords bilingualism | language contact | future | variation
Vaughn, Stevi, Rebecca Ronquest & Jim Michnowicz 2024 Ven, Vení, Venga: Forms of address among Argentines and Central Americans in North Carolina
Keywords pronouns of address | voseo | accommodation | Southeastern U.S. | identity
Michnowicz, Jim 2023 Real and apparent (time) changes in Yucatan Spanish: The case of /bdg/
Keywords sociolinguistics | language contact | Yucatan | sociophonetics | apparent and real-time analysis
Michnowicz, Jim, Rebecca Ronquest, Bailey Armbrister, Nick Chisholm, Rebecca Green, Lindsey Bull & Anne Elkins 2023 Perceptions of inclusive language in the Spanish of the Southeast: Data from a large classroom project
Spanish in Context 20:1p. 96 | article
Keywords Spanish in the US | inclusive language | Sociolinguistics
Michnowicz, Jim & Alex Hyler 2020 The acento pujado in Yucatan Spanish: Prosodic rhythm and the search for the yucateco accent
In: Hispanic Contact Linguistics: Theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives, Ortiz-López, Luis A., Rosa E. Guzzardo Tamargo & Melvin González-Rivera (eds.) [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 22] pp. 115–136
Keywords Yucatan Spanish | prosodic rhythm | rhytmic timing | language contact | language change
Michnowicz, Jim & Lucía Planchón 2020  Sheísmo in Montevideo Spanish: Not (yet) identical to Buenos Aires
In: Variation and Evolution: Aspects of language contact and contrast across the Spanish-speaking world, Sessarego, Sandro, Juan J. Colomina-Almiñana & Adrián Rodríguez-Riccelli (eds.) [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 29] pp. 163–186
Keywords Rioplatense Spanish | Montevideo | Sheísmo | sociolinguistics
Ronquest, Rebecca, Jim Michnowicz, Eric Wilbanks & Claudia Cortés 2020 Examining the (mini-) variable swarm in the Spanish of the Southeast
In: Hispanic Linguistics: Current Issues and New Directions, Morales-Front, Alfonso, Michael J. Ferreira, Ronald P. Leow & Cristina Sanz (eds.) [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 26] pp. 303–326
Keywords variable swarm | new dialect formation | forced-alignment | heritage speakers | discourse markers | phonetics
Michnowicz, Jim & Alex Hyler 2020 The changing rhythm of Yucatan Spanish
Keywords prosodic rhythm | Yucatan Spanish | language contact | real time sociolinguistics
Anson, Chris M., Susanne Hall, Michael Pemberton & Cary Moskovitz 2020 Reuse in STEM research writing: Rhetorical and practical considerations and challenges
AILA Review 33pp. 120–135 | article
Keywords text recycling | self-plagiarism | citation | source use | quotation | STEM writing
Bolonyai, Agnes & Kelsey Campolong 2019 "We mustn't fool ourselves": 'Orbánian' discourse in the political battle over the refugee crisis and European identity
Keywords discourse of fear | European identity | immigration discourse | Orbán | refugee crisis | right-wing populism
Bhatt, Rakesh M. & Agnes Bolonyai 2019 Code-switching and translanguaging
Handbook of Pragmatics 22pp. 61–78 | h
Bhatt, Rakesh M. & Agnes Bolonyai 2019 Code-switching and translanguaging
In: Handbook of Pragmatics: 22nd Annual Installment, Östman, Jan-Ola & Jef Verschueren (eds.) [Handbook of Pragmatics, 22] pp. 59–78
Goodwin, Jean 2019 Sophistical refutations in the climate change debates
Journal of Argumentation in Context 8:1pp. 40–64 | article
Keywords argumentation | argument | sophistry | climate communication | science communication | climate skepticism | fallacies | argumentative content knowledge | scientific consensus
Bolonyai, Agnes & Kelsey Campolong 2017 “We mustn’t fool ourselves”: ‘Orbánian’ discourse in the political battle over the refugee crisis and European identity
Keywords right-wing populism | immigration discourse | discourse of fear | refugee crisis | Orbán | European identity
Michnowicz, Jim & Laura Kagan 2016 On glottal stops in Yucatan Spanish: Language contact and dialect standardization
In: Spanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis, Sessarego, Sandro & Fernando Tejedo-Herrero (eds.) [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 8] pp. 217–240
Keywords glottalization | standardization | Yucatan Spanish
Michnowicz, Jim, J. Scott Despain & Rebecca Gorham 2016 The changing system of Costa Rican pronouns of address: Tuteo, voseo, and ustedeo
In: Forms of Address in the Spanish of the Americas, Moyna, María Irene & Susana Rivera-Mills (eds.) [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 10] pp. 243–266
Myrick, Caroline 2014 Putting Saban English on the map: A descriptive analysis of English language variation on Saba
English World-Wide 35:2pp. 161–192 | article
Keywords description | Caribbean English | phonology | acoustic analysis | language contact | sociolinguistics | morphosyntax
Miller, Carolyn R. & Dawn Shepherd 2009 Questions for genre theory from the blogosphere
In: Genres in the Internet: Issues in the theory of genre, Giltrow, Janet & Dieter Stein (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 188] pp. 263–290
Van Hofwegen, Janneke 2009 Cross-generational change in /l/ in Chicano English
English World-Wide 30:3pp. 302–325 | article
Keywords language change | Chicano English | ethnicity | acoustic analysis
Young, R. Michael 2007 Story and discourse: A bipartite model of narrative generation in virtual worlds
Interaction Studies 8:2pp. 177–208 | article
Keywords interactive narrative | artificial intelligence | planning | cognitive models | suspense | discourse generation
Thomas, Erik R. & Phillip M. Carter 2006 Prosodic rhythm and African American English
English World-Wide 27:3pp. 331–355 | article
Keywords AAE | stress-timing | prosodic rhythm | syllable-timing | diachronic change | prosodic variation | suprasegmental variation | Southern English | African American English
Childs, Becky & Christine Mallinson 2004 African American English in Appalachia: Dialect accommodation and substrate influence
English World-Wide 25:1pp. 27–50 | article
Childs, Becky, Jeffrey Reaser & Walt Wolfram 2008 Defining ethnic varieties in the Bahamas: Phonological accommodation in black and white enclave communities
In: Contact Englishes of the Eastern Caribbean, Aceto, Michael & Jeffrey P. Williams (eds.) [Varieties of English Around the World, G30] pp. 1–28
Young, Stephen L. & Michael S. Wogalter 2003 Predictors of pictorial symbol comprehension
Information Design Journal 10:2pp. 124–132 | article
Keywords Warnings | pictorials | symbols | labeling