Loughborough University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Loughborough University plays a role.


How Emotions Are Made in Talk

Edited by Jessica S. Robles & Ann Weatherall

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 321] 2021. | edited volume
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Requesting in Social Interaction

Edited by Paul Drew & Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen

[Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 26] 2014. x, 371 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Pragmatics | Syntax

The Civilized Organization: Norbert Elias and the future of organization studies

Edited by Ad van Iterson, Willem Mastenbroek, Tim Newton & Dennis Smith

[Advances in Organization Studies, 10] 2002. xxviii, 252 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Discourse studies | PragmaticsIndustrial & organizational studies
Marinho, Cristina & Michael Billig 2024 How can governments be prevented from manipulating statistics about Covid-19?: An example from UK politics
Keywords opposing manipulation | Covid-19 statistics | press reporting manipulation | diplomatic and undiplomatic language
Walz, Linda, Jack B. Joyce & Natalie Flint 2023 “Facebook’s about to know, Karen”: Mobilising social media to sanction public conduct
Internet Pragmatics 7:1pp. 137–160 | article
Keywords membership categorisation analysis | sanctioning | transgression | degradation ceremonies | accountability | dispute | Karen
Parks, Elizabeth S. & Jessica S. Robles 2021 Perpetuating ableist constructions of the “real world” through complaints about new communication technologies
Language and Dialogue 11:1pp. 35–58 | article
Keywords ableism | disability | discourse | complaints | new communication technologies
Robles, Jessica S., Stephen M. DiDomenico & Joshua Raclaw 2021 Using objects and technologies in the immediate environment as resources for managing affect displays in troubles talk
In: How Emotions Are Made in Talk, Robles, Jessica S. & Ann Weatherall (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 321] pp. 101–128
Keywords multitasking | multiactivity | mobile technology | new communication technology | embodiment | affect | storytelling | troubles talk | affiliation | alignment
Weatherall, Ann & Jessica S. Robles 2021 How emotions are made to do things: An introduction
In: How Emotions Are Made in Talk, Robles, Jessica S. & Ann Weatherall (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 321] pp. 1–24
Antaki, Charles, W. M. L. Finlay & Chris Walton 2020 Mobilizing others when you have little (recognizable) language
In: Mobilizing others: Grammar and lexis within larger activities, Betz, Emma, Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm & Peter Golato (eds.) [Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 33] pp. 203–228
Keywords intellectual disability | atypicality | service-users | interlocutors | incoherence | intentionality | vocalizations
Christiansen, Alex, William Dance & Alexander Wild 2020 Constructing corpora from images and text: An introduction to Visual Constituent Analysis
In: Corpus approaches to social media, Rüdiger, Sofia & Daria Dayter (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 98] pp. 149–174
Keywords corpus construction | multimodality | images | Twitter | information operations
Richardson, John E. 2018 Evoking values or doing politics?: British politicians’ speeches at the national Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration
Journal of Language and Politics 17:3pp. 343–365 | article
Keywords rhetoric | persuasion | epideictic | values | commemoration | Holocaust Memorial Day
Robles, Jessica S. 2017 Misunderstanding as a resource in interaction
Pragmatics 27:1pp. 57–86 | article
Keywords Inference | Intersubjectivity | Reference | Misunderstanding | Repair | Discourse analysis
Connolly, John 2014 A method of analysing recontextualisation in the communication of science
In: The Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse: Applications and implications, Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco Gonzálvez-García & Angela Downing (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 247] pp. 37–56
Elsey, Christopher, Lynn Monrouxe & Andrew Grant 2014 Chapter 3. The reciprocal nature of trust in bedside teaching encounters
In: Trust and Discourse: Organizational perspectives, Pelsmaekers, Katja, Geert Jacobs & Craig Rollo (eds.) [Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 56] pp. 45–70
Drew, Paul & Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen 2014 Requesting – from speech act to recruitment
In: Requesting in Social Interaction, Drew, Paul & Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen (eds.) [Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 26] pp. 1–34
Richardson, Emma & Elizabeth Stokoe 2014 The order of ordering: Objects, requests and embodied conduct in a public bar
In: Interacting with Objects: Language, materiality, and social activity, Nevile, Maurice, Pentti Haddington, Trine Heinemann & Mirka Rauniomaa (eds.) pp. 31–56
Kendrick, Kobin H. & Paul Drew 2014 The putative preference for offers over requests
In: Requesting in Social Interaction, Drew, Paul & Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen (eds.) [Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 26] p. 87
Stokoe, Elizabeth 2009 “I’ve got a girlfriend”: Police officers doing ‘self-disclosure’ in their interrogations of suspects
Narrative Inquiry 19:1pp. 154–182 | article
Keywords self-disclosure | conversation analysis | police interrogation | affiliation | discursive psychology | alignment
Stokoe, Elizabeth & Derek Edwards 2008 Story formulations in talk-in-interaction
In: Narrative – State of the Art, Bamberg, Michael (ed.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 6] pp. 69–79
Keywords Conversation Analysis | Discursive Psychology | Meta-Communication | Neighbour Mediation | Police Interrogation | Story Formulations
Stokoe, Elizabeth & Derek Edwards 2006 Story formulations in talk-in-interaction
Narrative Inquiry 16:1pp. 56–65 | article
Keywords Story Formulations | Conversation Analysis | Discursive Psychology | Meta-Communication | Police Interrogation | Neighbour Mediation
Robles, Jessica S. & Bingjuan Xiong How quotation marks do mockery in online politicized discourse
Journal of Language and Politics | Online First Publication, 25 pp. | article