Université de Poitiers


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Université de Poitiers plays a role.


The Perfect Volume: Papers on the perfect

Edited by Kristin Melum Eide & Marc Fryd

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 217] 2021. | edited volume
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Blasco, Mylène & Paul Cappeau 2023 Ce que les phraséologismes nous apprennent sur la parole en contexte de soins: Étude de quelques constructions avec dire
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 45:2pp. 197–217 | article
Keywords oral | interactions à l’hôpital | syntaxe | verbe dire | rôles sociaux | oral | interactions in hospital | syntax | verb dire (to say) | social roles
Fryd, Marc 2021 From have-omission to supercompounds: A wealth of English perfects
In: The Perfect Volume: Papers on the perfect, Eide, Kristin Melum & Marc Fryd (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 217] pp. 397–438
Keywords counterfactual | have-less | have-omission | horror aequi | irrealis | modal pluperfect | prescriptivism | supercompound | tense-copying
Eide, Kristin Melum & Marc Fryd 2021 The perfect volume: Papers on the perfect
In: The Perfect Volume: Papers on the perfect, Eide, Kristin Melum & Marc Fryd (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 217] pp. 1–40
Carruthers, Janice & Marianne Vergez-Couret 2021 Temporal structures in Occitan and French oral narrative: The role of frames and connectives
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 44:1pp. 1–36 | article
Keywords oral narrative | frames | connectives | Occitan
Kawai, Chieko 2020 L’emploi des temps du passé dans la traduction du roman L’Étranger en japonais
Keywords translation | verbal aspect/tense | form -ta | form -teita | Passé composé | Imparfait | Plus-que-parfait | semantic-discursive functions | perfective/imperfective | contrastive analysis
Traineau-Durozoy, Anne-Sophie 2020 Comment l’animal qui avale Jonas devient-il une baleine?
Reinardus 31:1pp. 201–235 | article
Lemaire-Mertens, Ria 2018 As personagens femininas do Pergaminho Vindel [Female Characters in the Vindel Parchment ]
In: The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax: The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry, Guerra, Alexandre R. & Bieito Arias Freixedo (eds.) pp. 70–82
Keywords medieval lyrical poetry | performance | orality | literacy | politics | historiography | narrative and discourse
Polse, Lara, Philip Lai & Judy Reilly 2015 Gradients of plasticity: Language and emotion in children with unilateral perinatal stroke
Keywords emotion | language | neuroplasticity | perinatal stroke
Aguert, Marc & Virginie Laval 2014 Request complexity is no more a problem when the requests are ironic
Pragmatics & Cognition 21:2pp. 329–339 | article
Keywords Children | sarcasm | understanding | figurative language | hint | indirect request | irony
Jisa, Harriet, Judy Reilly, Ludo Verhoeven, Elisheva Baruch & Elisa Rosado 2003 Passive voice constructions in written texts: A cross-linguistic developmental study
Written Language & Literacy 5:2pp. 163–181 | article
Reilly, Judy, Elisheva Baruch, Harriet Jisa & Ruth A. Berman 2003 Propositional attitudes in written and spoken language
Written Language & Literacy 5:2pp. 183–218 | article
Baratin, Marc & Françoise Desbordes 1986 La ‘Troisieme Partie’ de L’ars Grammatica
Historiographia Linguistica 13:2/3pp. 215–240 | article