Nottingham Trent University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Nottingham Trent University plays a role.


Subjects Artificial Intelligence | Cognition and language | Evolution of language
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Altaic languages
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Altaic languages
Sandow, Rhys J., George Bailey, Natalie Braber & Eddie O’Hara-Brown 2024 How “U” are “U” words?: Exploring variation in the usage and perception of class-based lexical shibboleths in British English
English World-Wide 45:1p. 94 | article
Keywords social class | U words | lexical variation and change | production | perception
Barclay, Samuel & Ana Pellicer-Sánchez 2021 Exploring the learning burden and decay of foreign language vocabulary knowledge: The effect of part of speech and word length
Keywords learning burden | vocabulary acquisition | lexical decay | intralexical factors | flashcard software
Coffey-Glover, Laura & Rachel Handforth 2019 Discourses of (hetero)sexism in popular music: The legacy of Blurred Lines
Journal of Language and Sexuality 8:2pp. 139–165 | article
Keywords heterosexism | popular music | queer linguistics | discourses of sexism | corpus linguistics | narrative analysis
Yang, Chenguang, Xiaofeng Liu, Junpei Zhong & Angelo Cangelosi 2019 Human robot collaborative intelligence: Theory and applications
Interaction Studies 20:1pp. 1–3 | editorial
Paterson, Laura L. & Laura Coffey-Glover 2018 Discourses of marriage in same-sex marriage debates in the UK press 2011–2014
Journal of Language and Sexuality 7:2pp. 175–204 | article
Keywords same-sex marriage | queer theory | discourse | corpus linguistics | social actors | semantic domains
Wright, David 2017 Using word n-grams to identify authors and idiolects: A corpus approach to a forensic linguistic problem
Keywords forensic linguistics | idiolect | authorship attribution | entrenchment | Enron
Braber, Natalie & Nicholas Flynn 2015 The East Midlands
In: Researching Northern English, Hickey, Raymond (ed.) [Varieties of English Around the World, G55] pp. 369–392
Keywords delimiting the East Midlands | incoming features from South | language in Nottingham | variation in lexical set realisations
Cummings, Louise 2014 Analogical reasoning in public health
Journal of Argumentation in Context 3:2pp. 169–197 | article
Keywords analogical argument | heuristic | uncertainty | public health communication | reasoning
Cummings, Louise 2011 Pragmatic disorders and their social impact
Pragmatics and Society 2:1pp. 17–36 | article
Keywords schizophrenia | pragmatic disorder | right-hemisphere damage (RHD) | traumatic brain injury | social adjustment | Gricean maxims | autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) | mental illness | occupational functioning
Totterdill, Peter 1999 Workplace Innovation as Regional Development
Concepts and Transformation 4:1pp. 23–43 | article
Keywords competitiveness | Regions | Innovation | Knowledge Management | Work Organization | Public Policy.