University of Westminster


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of Westminster plays a role.


Subjects Historical linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics

Styles, Standards and Meaning in Lesser-Studied Languages: Special issue of Language Ecology 4:1 (2020)

Edited by Uri Horesh, Jonathan R. Kasstan & Miriam Meyerhoff

[Language Ecology, 4:1] 2021. | special issue
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics | Contact Linguistics | Evolution of language | Historical linguistics | Language acquisition | Language policy | Multilingualism | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Denroche, Charles 2023 Translating figurative language
Cognitive Linguistic Studies 10:1pp. 173–198 | article
Keywords translation | interpreting | figurative language | metaphor | metonymy | translation shift | indeterminacy | construal | semantic space | master tropes
Wang, Caiwen & Raquel de Pedro Ricoy 2023 Introduction: Revisiting mediation in translation and interpreting
Translation and Interpreting Studies 18:2pp. 255–260 | introduction
Delistathi, Christina 2023 Translator work practices and the construction of the correct interpretation of Marxism in post-war Greece
Target 35:4pp. 573–594 | article
Keywords work practices | translator work practices | translation of Marxism | Marxism in Greece | translation and knowledge production | history of Marxism
Kasstan, Jonathan R. 2022 Introduction: What’s so standard about standards?
Asia-Pacific Language Variation 8:2pp. 139–149 | introduction
Zwischenberger, Cornelia & Alexa Alfer 2022 Translaboration: Translation and labour
Translation in Society 1:2pp. 200–223 | article
Keywords translaboration | (collaborative) translation | labour | work | action
Denroche, Charles 2021 The Three Grammars and the sign
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 19:1pp. 206–231 | article
Keywords semiotics | the sign | ontological realms | reification | construal | construction | grammar | metaphor | metonymy
Cameron, Deborah & Sylvia Shaw 2020 Constructing women’s “different voice”: Gendered mediation in the 2015 UK General Election
Journal of Language and Politics 19:1pp. 144–159 | article
Keywords election debates | gendered mediation | speech style | UK politics | women.
Kasstan, Jonathan R. 2021 Modelling stylistic variation in threatened and under-documented languages
Language Ecology 4:1pp. 73–94 | article
Keywords variation and change | language obsolescence | language death | language documentation | style shifting | Francoprovençal
Meyerhoff, Miriam, Maya Ravindranath Abtahian, Roey J. Gafter, Uri Horesh, Jonathan R. Kasstan, Peter Keegan & Jeanette King 2021 Styles, standards and meaning: Issues in the globalisation of sociolinguistics
Language Ecology 4:1pp. 1–16 | introduction
Keywords style variation | language standards | minority languages | sociolinguistic theory | superposed variety | indicators | markers | stereotypes
Alfer, Alexa 2020 The translaborative case for a translational hermeneutics
Target 32:2pp. 261–281 | article
Keywords translation | understanding | hermeneutics | transdisciplinarity | translaboration
Denroche, Charles 2019 Employing cognitive metonymy theory in the analysis of semantic relations between source and target text in translation
Metaphor and the Social World 9:2pp. 177–198 | article
Keywords metonymy | translation | facetization | zone activation | metonymization | contiguity | indeterminacy | metonymic processing | metonymic shift
Stein, Achim, Richard Ingham & Carola Trips 2019 What is a diachronically stable system in a language-contact situation?: The case of the English recipient passive
In: The determinants of diachronic stability, Breitbarth, Anne, Miriam Bouzouita, Lieven Danckaert & Melissa Farasyn (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 254] pp. 215–244
Wang Caiwen 2018 Decoding and encoding the discourse meaning of punctuation: A perspective from English-to-Chinese translation
Babel 64:2pp. 225–249 | article
Keywords punctuation | semantic relationship | discourse | translation pedagogy | ponctuation | relation sémantique | discours | pédagogie de la traduction
Barnes, Katrina 2018 Reviving pedagogical translation: An investigation into UK learners’ perceptions of translation for use with their GCSE Spanish studies and beyond
Keywords translation in language teaching | second language acquisition | pedagogical translation | UK language education | explicative translation | communicative translation
Denroche, Charles 2018 Text metaphtonymy: The interplay of metonymy and metaphor in discourse
Metaphor and the Social World 8:1pp. 1–24 | article
Keywords chains | clusters | extended metaphor | extended metonymy | discourse | metaphor | metaphtonymy | metonymy | text
Alfer, Alexa 2017 Entering the Translab: Translation as collaboration, collaboration as translation, and the third space of ‘translaboration’
Keywords translation | translatorship | authorship | agency | collaboration | collaborative translation | translaboration
Cranfield, Steven & Claudio Tedesco 2017 Reformulating the problem of translatability: A case of literary translaboration with the poetry of Francisco Brines
Keywords literary translation | collaboration | translaboration | Francisco Brines | activity theory | community of practice
Yildiz, Yasemin & Hande Koyuncuoglu 2017 The attrition of Turkish as a third language: A preliminary case study investigation
Keywords Turkish | third language attrition | multilingualism
Kathrani, Paresh 2017 ‘Kandinsky-fying’ the law: A translaborative use of abstract art in the law classroom
Keywords law | legal language | legal pedagogy | intersemiotic translation | Kandinsky
Karatsareas, Petros 2016 Convergence in word structure: Revisiting agglutinative noun inflection in Cappadocian Greek
Diachronica 33:1pp. 31–66 | article
Keywords Cappadocian Greek | inflectional class shift | language contact | multiple causation | noun inflection | agglutinative | fusional
Fuchs, Christian 2016 Red Scare 2.0: User-generated ideology in the age of Jeremy Corbyn and social media
Journal of Language and Politics 15:4pp. 369–398 | article
Keywords social media | Twitter | Jeremy Corbyn | Labour Party | anti-socialist ideology | Red Scare | redbaiting | socialism
Syea, Anand 2013 Serial Verb Constructions in Indian Ocean French Creoles (IOCs): Substrate, universal, or an independent diachronic development?
Keywords reanalysis | covert coordination | consecutive imperatives | Serial verbs | serialization | substrates and creolization
Baker, Philip & Magnus Huber 2002 Atlantic, Pacific, and world-wide features in English-lexicon contact languages
English World-Wide 22:2pp. 157–208 | article