Shanghai Maritime University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Shanghai Maritime University plays a role.


Jiang Zhejie 2021 Adaptable-translation, pseudotranslation, and translation from the perspective of Buddhist sutra translations in early medieval China
Babel 67:5pp. 599–619 | article
Keywords Buddhist sutra translation | adaptable-translation | pseudotranslation | adaptation | traduction des sutras bouddhistes | traduction adaptable | pseudotraduction | adaptation
Pan, Yun 2021 Framing in interactive academic talk: A conversation-analytic perspective
Pragmatics 32:1pp. 131–157 | article
Keywords frame | framing | contextualization | Conversation Analysis | academic talk | institutional communication
Liu, Yaqiong 2020 普通话口语中非典型的“一个” [On the atypical usage of “yige (one)” in spoken Mandarin]
Chinese Language and Discourse 10:2pp. 285–301 | article
Keywords 一个 | 有准备的一人主导性谈话 | 指称化 | yige (one) | prepared discourse produced by a dominant speaker | referential
Pan, Yun 2021 Meaning construction in interactive academic talk: A conversation-analytic approach to mental spaces
Pragmatics & Cognition 26:2/3pp. 414–446 | article
Keywords meaning construction | Conversation Analysis | Mental Space Theory