National Research University Higher School of Economics


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with National Research University Higher School of Economics plays a role.


Koval, Sergey & Sergey Loesov 2024 The ventive and the deictic shift: The case of Old Assyrian
Studies in Language | Online First Publication, 26 pp. | article
Politova, Anastasia, Olga Bonetskaya, Dmitry Dolgov, Maria Frolova & Anna Pyrkova 2023 Word alignment in the Russian-Chinese parallel corpus
Keywords word alignment | gold dataset | linguistic guideline | deep learning | language model
Kassian, Alexei S., George Starostin, Mikhail Zhivlov & Sergey A. Spirin 2023 Calibrated weighted permutation test detects ancient language connections in the Circumpolar area (Chukotian-Nivkh and Yukaghir-Samoyedic)*
Journal of Historical Linguistics | Online First Publication, 19 pp. | article
Janda, Laura A., Anna Endresen, Valentina Zhukova, Daria Mordashova & Ekaterina Rakhilina 2023 From data to theory: An emergent semantic classification based on the large-scale Russian constructicon
Constructions and Frames 15:1pp. 1–58 | article
Keywords Construction Grammar | constructicon | Russian | semantics | corpus
Bochkarev, Vladimir V., Anna V. Shevlyakova, Valery D. Solovyev, Ekaterina V. Rakhilina & Galina V. Paramei 2023 Linguistic mechanisms of colour term evolution: A diachronic investigation of “Russian browns” buryj and koričnevyj
Diachronica 40:4pp. 492–531 | article
Keywords “Russian browns” | computational linguistics | Google Books Ngram | colour term collocational dynamics | diachronic distributional analysis | linguistic colour term evolution
Shikunova, Alexandra 2023 Case and agreement puzzle in the Moksha debitive
Journal of Uralic Linguistics 2:2pp. 194–213 | article
Keywords Moksha | Uralic | dative case | dative-infinitive constructions | agreement | Dependent Case Theory
Bychkova, Polina & Ekaterina Rakhilina 2023 Towards pragmatic construction typology: The case of discourse formulae
In: Discourse Phenomena in Typological Perspective, Barotto, Alessandra & Simone Mattiola (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 227] pp. 35–63
Keywords discourse formulae | negative replies | lexical typology | frame-based approach | construction grammar
T. Kamou, Olivier Mozard 2023 Creating an information security policy in a bank: Linguistic aspects
English Text Construction 16:1pp. 59–81 | article
Keywords information | information security policy | corpus | corpus linguistics | corpus-driven
Smirnova, Natalia & Theresa Lillis 2022 Citation in global academic knowledge making: A paired text history methodology for studying citation practices in English and Russian
Keywords academic writing | citation practices | literacy brokers | Russian scholars | writing multilingually | академическое письмо | практики цитирования | посредники грамотности | российские исследователи | письмо на разных языках
Smirnova, Elizaveta 2022 Clean room, uncomfortable bed: A corpus analysis of evaluation devices in hotel reviews
Pragmatics and Society 13:2pp. 193–223 | article
Keywords hotel reviews | evaluation theory | Appraisal framework | evaluation devices | corpus analysis
Grünthal, Riho, Volker Heyd, Sampsa Holopainen, Juha A. Janhunen, Olesya Khanina, Matti Miestamo, Johanna Nichols, Janne Saarikivi & Kaius Sinnemäki 2022 Drastic demographic events triggered the Uralic spread
Diachronica 39:4pp. 490–524 | article
Keywords Uralic | Finno-Ugric | Indo-European | Yamnaya | Indo-Iranian | Siberia | Eurasia | Seima-Turbino | 4.2 ka event | linguistic homeland
Comstock, Lindy 2022 Journalistic practice in the international press corps: Adversarial questioning of the Russian President
Keywords aggressive questioning | journalistic norms | media systems | Russian media
Bobrova, Angelina & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen 2023 Modular vs. diagrammatic reasoning: The pragmatist side of human understanding
Pragmatics & Cognition 29:1pp. 111–134 | article
Keywords reasoning | inference | modular mind | Mercier & Sperber | Peirce | pragmaticism | logical diagrams | logical graphs
Ter-Avanesova, Alexandra & Michael Daniel 2022 The second genitive in the history of Russian and across its dialects
Linguistic Variation 23:1pp. 28–74 | article
Keywords Russian | Russian dialects | genitive | partitive | morphological recycling | language contact | pattern borrowing
Lyashevskaya, Olga, Olga Vinogradova & Anna Scherbakova 2022 Accuracy, syntactic complexity and task type at play in examination writing: A corpus-based study
In: Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Learner Corpus Research, Leńko-Szymańska, Agnieszka & Sandra Götz (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 104] pp. 241–272
Keywords syntactic complexity | accuracy | EFL/ESL writing | assessing writing
Rakhilina, Ekaterina & Tatiana Reznikova 2022 Introduction: The frame-based approach to the typology of qualities
In: The Typology of Physical Qualities, Rakhilina, Ekaterina, Tatiana Reznikova & Daria Ryzhova (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 133] pp. 1–28
Keywords lexical typology | physical qualities | metaphor | frame | evaluation | perception
Ryzhova, Daria & Denis Paperno 2022 Constructing a typological questionnaire with distributional semantic models
In: The Typology of Physical Qualities, Rakhilina, Ekaterina, Tatiana Reznikova & Daria Ryzhova (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 133] pp. 309–328
Keywords lexical typology | questionnaire | distributional semantic models | physical qualities
Kyuseva, Maria, Elena Parina & Daria Ryzhova 2022 Methodology at work: Semantic fields sharp and blunt
In: The Typology of Physical Qualities, Rakhilina, Ekaterina, Tatiana Reznikova & Daria Ryzhova (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 133] pp. 29–56
Keywords lexical typology | frame-based approach | semantic maps | metaphors | physical qualities | sharp, blunt
Reznikova, Tatiana, Anna Panina & Victoriya Kruglyakova 2022 A matter of degree?: The domain of wetness in a typological perspective
In: The Typology of Physical Qualities, Rakhilina, Ekaterina, Tatiana Reznikova & Daria Ryzhova (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 133] pp. 57–78
Keywords physical qualities | semantics of degree | wetness | lexical typology
Kozlov, Аlexey & Mariia Privizentseva 2022 Typology of dimensions
In: The Typology of Physical Qualities, Rakhilina, Ekaterina, Tatiana Reznikova & Daria Ryzhova (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 133] pp. 117–160
Keywords dimensional terms | lexical typology | semantic maps | spatial expressions
Kashkin, Egor & Olga Vinogradova 2022 The domain of surface texture
In: The Typology of Physical Qualities, Rakhilina, Ekaterina, Tatiana Reznikova & Daria Ryzhova (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 133] pp. 161–188
Keywords lexical typology | intragenetic typology | corpus research | metaphoric shift | Uralic languages
Vyrenkova, Anastasia, Ekaterina Rakhilina & Boris Orekhov 2022 A new approach to old studies
In: The Typology of Physical Qualities, Rakhilina, Ekaterina, Tatiana Reznikova & Daria Ryzhova (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 133] pp. 189–214
Keywords qualitative adjectives | semantics of oldness | lexical typology | semantic maps
Phelan, Paul 2022 Periphrastic causative in West Circassian
Studies in Language 46:4pp. 847–871 | article
Keywords West Circassian | morphosyntax | causative construction
Kelbert, Eugenia 2021 Appearances: Character description as a network of signification in Russian translations of Jane Eyre
Target 34:2pp. 219–250 | article
Keywords character description | Antoine Berman | networks of signification | Charlotte Brontë | literary portrait | translation variation
Rudnev, Pavel & Anna Kuznetsova 2021 Linearization constraints on sentential negation in Russian Sign Language are prosodic
Sign Language & Linguistics 24:2pp. 259–273 | article
Keywords Russian Sign Language | negation | syntax | prosody
Arkadiev, Peter & Alexander Letuchiy 2021 Indirect antipassive in Circassian
In: Antipassive: Typology, diachrony, and related constructions, Janic, Katarzyna & Alena Witzlack-Makarevich (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 130] pp. 483–514
Keywords Circassian languages | polysynthesis | intransitive verbs | lability | applicatives
Maisak, Timur 2021 Structural and functional variations of the perfect in the Lezgic languages
In: The Perfect Volume: Papers on the perfect, Eide, Kristin Melum & Marc Fryd (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 217] p. 87
Keywords East Caucasian languages | perfect | resultative | indirect evidential | aorist | tense and aspect systems | grammaticalization
Oskolskaya, Sofia, Ezequiel Koile & Martine Robbeets 2021 A Bayesian approach to the classification of Tungusic languages
Diachronica 39:1pp. 128–158 | article
Keywords Tungusic languages | language classification | Bayesian phylogenetics | family time depth | basic vocabulary | language phylogeny
Stoynova, Natalia 2021 A nonstandard type of affix reordering: The restrictive kə̄n in Ulcha
Studies in Language 46:1pp. 1–39 | article
Keywords Tungusic | Ulcha | restrictive | affix reordering | externalization of inflection | degrammaticalization
Knyazev, Mikhail 2021 SAY-complementizers and indexical shift in Poshkart Chuvash: With emphasis on communicative reception reports
Studies in Language 46:2pp. 402–452 | article
Keywords Chuvash | Turkic | SAY-complementizers | verbs of hearing | speech reports | indexical shift | logophoricity | action nominalizations
Alekseev, Alexander 2021 “It is in the nation-state that democracy resides”: How the populist radical right discursively manipulates the concept of democracy in the EU parliamentary elections
Journal of Language and Politics 21:3pp. 459–483 | article
Keywords populist radical right | populism; democracy | radical right | liberal democracy | political discourse | European Union | European elections
Georgakopoulos, Thanasis & Stéphane Polis 2021 Lexical diachronic semantic maps: Mapping the evolution of time-related lexemes
Journal of Historical Linguistics 11:3pp. 367–420 | article
Keywords semantic maps | lexical typology | diachronic lexical semantics | co-expression | ancient Egyptian | ancient Greek
Janda, Laura A., Anna Endresen, Valentina Zhukova, Daria Mordashova & Ekaterina Rakhilina 2020 How to build a constructicon in five years: The Russian example
Belgian Journal of Linguistics 34pp. 161–173 | article
Keywords constructicon | construction grammar | Russian | corpus
Arslan, Seçkin & Roelien Bastiaanse 2020 First language exposure predicts attrition patterns in Turkish heritage speakers’ use of grammatical evidentiality
In: Studies in Turkish as a heritage language, Bayram, Fatih (ed.) [Studies in Bilingualism, 60] pp. 105–126
Keywords evidentiality | narrative speech | heritage language speakers | Turkish-Dutch bilingualism
Shchemeleva, Irina 2020 Discipline and methodological paradigm: A case study of EAL scholars’ perceptions of research writing in political science
Keywords research writing | multilingual scholars | EAL | disciplinary norms | methodological paradigm | epistemic stance | научное письмо на английском языке | дисциплинарные нормы | методологическая парадигма | эпистемическая позиция
Kukhto, Anton & Alexander Piperski 2020 Lexical stress variation and rhythmic alternation in Russian: A pilot study
Linguistic Variation 20:1pp. 33–55 | article
Keywords lexical stress | rhythm | Russian language | stress variation
Dobrushina, Nina 2020 Negation in complement clauses of fear-verbs
Functions of Language 28:2pp. 121–152 | article
Georgakopoulos, Thanasis, Eliese-Sophia Lincke, Kiki Nikiforidou & Anna Piata 2020 On the polysemy of motion verbs in Ancient Greek and Coptic: Why lexical constructions are important
Studies in Language 44:1pp. 27–69 | article
Keywords lexical constructions | polysemy | motion verbs | Ancient Greek | Coptic (Sahidic dialect)
Savelieva, Irina 2020 An (imagined) community: The Translation Project in the Social Sciences and its impact on the scientific community in post-Soviet Russia
In: Translation in Knowledge, Knowledge in Translation, Sumillera, Rocío G., Jan Surman & Katharina Kühn (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 154] pp. 249–268
Keywords Post-Soviet Russia | human sciences | social sciences | the Translation Project | Soros Foundation
Surman, Jan 2020 Knowledge in series: Central European positivisms and their media, 1860–1900
In: Translation in Knowledge, Knowledge in Translation, Sumillera, Rocío G., Jan Surman & Katharina Kühn (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 154] pp. 145–168
Keywords positivism | serial publishing | nineteenth-century Central Europe | translations into Polish and Czech
Luraghi, Silvia 2020 From verb to New Event Marker: A new look at the Hittite pai- and uwa- constructions
Studies in Language 44:4pp. 788–811 | article
Keywords motion verbs | New Event Marker | deictic center | constructionalization
Mustajoki, Arto & Alla Baikulova 2020 The risks of misunderstandings in family discourse: Home as a special space of interaction
Language and Dialogue 10:3pp. 340–368 | article
Keywords family discourse | miscommunication | common ground fallacy | overguessing | recipient design
Bergelson, Mira B. & Mariya V. Khudyakova 2020 Narrative discourse segmentation in clinical linguistics
In: In search of basic units of spoken language: A corpus-driven approach, Izre’el, Shlomo, Heliana Mello, Alessandro Panunzi & Tommaso Raso (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 94] pp. 257–284
Keywords discourse segmentation | corpus annotation | aphasic discourse | aphasia | Pear stories retellings | Russian
Vydrina, Alexandra 2020 Topicality in Sentence Focus utterances
Studies in Language 44:3pp. 501–547 | article
Keywords sentence focus | inferential | topicality | givenness | subject
Maisak, Timur 2019 Borrowing from an unrelated language in support of intragenetic tendencies: The case of the conditional clitic =sa in Udi
Diachronica 36:3pp. 337–383 | article
Keywords language contact | contact-induced change | clitic borrowing | matter borrowing | conditional mood | indefinite pronouns | Udi | Nakh-Daghestanian | Azerbaijani | Turkic
Ostrovskaya, Elena & Elena Zemskova 2019 From International Literature to world literature: English translators in 1930s Moscow
Translation and Interpreting Studies 14:3pp. 351–371 | article
Keywords  International Literature | world literature | Georg Lukács | Bertolt Brecht | Isaac Babel
Verhees, Samira 2019 General converbs in Andi
Studies in Language 43:1pp. 195–230 | article
Keywords general converb | additive | Andi | East Caucasian
Gor, Kira, Anna Chrabaszcz & Svetlana Cook 2018 Early and late learners decompose inflected nouns, but can they tell which ones are inflected correctly?
Journal of Second Language Studies 1:1pp. 106–140 | article
Keywords heritage speakers | second language learners | morphology | lexical access | inflection | decomposition | second language processing | nonnative proficiency | lexical decision task | auditory word recognition
Vinogradov, Andrey & Maksim Korobov 2018 Gothic graffiti from the Mangup basilica
NOWELE 71:2pp. 223–235 | article
Dobrushina, Nina & Michael Daniel 2018 Field linguistics in Daghestan: A very personal account
In: Word Hunters: Field linguists on fieldwork, Sarvasy, Hannah & Diana Forker (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 194] pp. 79–94
Smirnova, Elizaveta & Svetlana Shustova 2018 Denominal verbs with metaphorical meanings in British business media discourse: A corpus analysis of articles in the “Financial Times”
Metaphor and the Social World 8:2pp. 267–285 | article
Keywords denominal verb | corpus analysis | morphological metaphor | word formation | business media discourse
Ganenkov, Dmitry 2018 Gender agreement alternation in Aqusha Dargwa: A case against information structure
Studies in Language 42:3pp. 529–561 | article
Keywords Aqusha Dargwa | gender agreement | sentence topic | biabsolutive construction
Palkin, Alexei D. 2018 Notions of “money” and “house” in the language consciousness of Russians and the Japanese
Languages in Contrast 19:1pp. 106–132 | article
Keywords money | house | language | culture | Russian/Japanese
Kimmelman, Vadim, Maria Kyuseva, Yana Lomakina & Daria Perova 2018 On the notion of metaphor in sign languages: Some observations based on Russian Sign Language
Sign Language & Linguistics 20:2pp. 157–182 | article
Keywords metaphor | iconicity | Russian Sign Language
Gor, Kira, Anna Chrabaszcz & Svetlana Cook 2017 A case for agreement: Processing of case inflection by early and late learners
Keywords Russian inflectional morphology | second language | heritage speakers
Mylonas, Yiannis 2017 Liberal articulations of the ‘Enlightenment’ in the Greek public sphere
Journal of Language and Politics 16:2pp. 195–218 | article
Keywords Crisis | Greece | biopolitics | Europe | modernity | liberals | Enlightenment
Zevakhina, Natalia 2017 The hypothesis of insubordination and three types of wh-exclamatives
Studies in Language 40:4pp. 765–814 | article
Keywords semantics of exclamatives | syntax of exclamatives | hypothesis of insubordination | embedded wh-exclamatives | typology of exclamatives
Daniel, Michael A. 2014 Against the addressee of speech – Recipient metaphor: Evidence from East Caucasian
In: Perspectives on Semantic Roles, Luraghi, Silvia & Heiko Narrog (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 106] pp. 205–240
Wyse, Marion 2014 Developing a method for cross-cultural dialogue with Chinese: A report on the process
Language and Dialogue 4:3pp. 404–424 | article
Keywords ‘outsider’ | Mediterranean-based | linguistic | dialogue | Chinese | context | steps | practical | Confucius
Khachaturyan, Maria, George Moroz, Valentin Vydrin & Maria Konoshenko Valency patterns in Mande: Contact vs inheritance
Studies in Language | Online First Publication, 36 pp. | article
Kashkin, Egor & Nikita Muravyev Izhma Komi in Western Siberia: At the crossroads of language contact
In: Language contact in the territory of the former Soviet Union, Forker, Diana & Lenore A. Grenoble (eds.) [IMPACT: Studies in Language, Culture and Society, 50] pp. 119–142
Keywords Uralic languages | Izhma Komi | Nenets | Khanty | Russian | contact-induced change | loan translation