Sogang University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Sogang University plays a role.


Exploring Second Language Creative Writing: Beyond Babel

Edited by Dan Disney

[Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 19] 2014. v, 157 pp. | edited volume
Subjects English linguistics | Language acquisition | Writing and literacyTheoretical literature & literary studies
Kang, Sanghee, Yu Kyoung Shin & Isaiah WonHo Yoo 2024 Using lexical bundles to teach prepositions to Korean EFL students: Corpus-based instructed SLA
Journal of Second Language Studies 7:1pp. 75–98 | article
Keywords input enhancement | English preposition | formulaic language | corpus-based analysis | linguistics
Lee, Kwan Min, Jae-gil Lee & Young June Sah 2022 Interacting with an embodied interface: Effects of embodied agent and voice command on smart TV interface
Interaction Studies 23:1pp. 116–142 | article
Keywords smart TV | embodied agent | voice control | social attribution | social presence | satisfaction
Lee, Yo-An 2022 Conversational storytelling
Handbook of Pragmatics 24pp. 101–123 | h
Lee, Yo-An 2022 Conversational storytelling
In: Handbook of Pragmatics: 24th Annual Installment, Östman, Jan-Ola & Jef Verschueren (eds.) [Handbook of Pragmatics, 24] pp. 101–123
Pianzola, Federico, Katalin Bálint & Jessica Weller 2020 Virtual reality as a tool for promoting reading via enhanced narrative absorption and empathy
Scientific Study of Literature 9:2pp. 163–194 | article
Keywords reading | virtual reality | narrative absorption | empathy | transportation | fiction
Han, Boyeon & Hochang Shin 2017 Inter-country relationship and mass media: An ego network analysis of how the Korean media covered the announcement of China’s Air Defense Identification Zone in November 2013
Keywords public diplomacy | relationship management | multipolar relations | semantic network analysis | relationship of Korea | the USA | China | Japan
Cho, Sook Whan & Hyun Jin Hwangbo 2013 Multiple constraints and the resolution of Korean null subject anaphor
Korean Linguistics 15:1pp. 50–72 | article
Keywords null subject | constraint-based approach | subject-modal agreement | topicality | Korean morpho-syntactic cues | anaphor resolution
Yoo, Isaiah WonHo 2007 Definite article usage before Last/Next Time in spoken and written American English
Keywords definite article | zero article | determiner | definiteness | chi-square test | temporal noun | bi-nomial test | spoken and written American English
Cho, Sook Whan 2006 The Syntactic and Semantic Ambiguity of Caki 'Self' in Korean
Korean Linguistics 13:1pp. 149–165 | article
Keywords Condition R | Korean reflexive pronoun | binding theory | syntactic and semantic ambi-guity | predicate-centered binding theory | minimalism | Korean anaphora