University of South-Eastern Norway


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of South-Eastern Norway plays a role.


Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Phonetics | Theoretical linguistics
Vindenes, Urd 2023 Minimizers as negative reinforcers in Norwegian
In: Constructional Approaches to Nordic Languages, Coussé, Evie, Steffen Höder, Benjamin Lyngfelt & Julia Prentice (eds.) [Constructional Approaches to Language, 37] pp. 247–275
Keywords negation | minimizers | negative-with-minimizer construction | grammaticalization | Norwegian | context expansion | maxim of extravagance | collexeme analysis
Youssef, Islam 2023 Plain-emphatic R phonemes in Arabic: More evidence for phonetics-phonology mismatches
Keywords rhotics | Arabic dialects | emphatic R | feature geometry | phonology
Fløgstad, Guro Nore & Celeste Rodríguez Louro 2021 Gauging expansion in synchrony: The periphrastic perfect in nineteen century Rioplatense Spanish
In: The Perfect Volume: Papers on the perfect, Eide, Kristin Melum & Marc Fryd (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 217] pp. 241–258
Keywords Argentinian Spanish | aspect | diachrony | grammaticalization | perfect meaning | source determination | tense
Askeland, Norunn 2021 Answering the charge?: Metaphors about and by Sami in Norwegian textbooks and in Sami witness testimonies
Metaphor and the Social World 11:2pp. 302–328 | article
Keywords metaphors | Norwegianization | textbooks | Sam witness testimonies
Vindenes, Urd 2018 Cyclic renewal of demonstratives
Studies in Language 42:3pp. 641–668 | article
Keywords demonstratives | grammatical renewal | cyclic change | grammaticalization | Norwegian | recognitional demonstratives | Jespersen’s cycle | demonstrative cycle | niche competition