Université Paris Cité


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Université Paris Cité plays a role.

Nominal Classification in Asia and Oceania: Functional and diachronic perspectives

Edited by Marc Allassonnière-Tang & Marcin Kilarski

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 362] 2023. | edited volume
Subjects Historical linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Surprise at the Intersection of Phenomenology and Linguistics

Edited by Natalie Depraz, and Agnès Celle

[Consciousness & Emotion Book Series, 11] 2019. | edited volume
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | PsycholinguisticsCognitive psychologyConsciousness research

Automatic Treatment and Analysis of Learner Corpus Data

Edited by Ana Díaz-Negrillo, Nicolas Ballier & Paul Thompson

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 59] 2013. vi, 314 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Applied linguistics | Computational & corpus linguistics | Corpus linguistics | Language teaching | Multilingualism

Connectives as Discourse Landmarks

Edited by Agnès Celle & Ruth Huart

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 161] 2007. viii, 212 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Discourse studies | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax
Charnock, Ross 2024 Bentham on rhetoric: The misuse of fallacies
In: Persuasion in Specialized Discourse: A multidisciplinary perspective, Degano, Chiara, Dora Renna & Francesca Santulli (eds.) [Argumentation in Context, 22] pp. 233–248
Keywords argumentation | atomist | authority | Bentham | fallacies | holistic | reinterpretation
Saikia, Pori & Marc Allassonnière-Tang 2023 Nominal classification in Assamese: An analysis of function
In: Nominal Classification in Asia and Oceania: Functional and diachronic perspectives, Allassonnière-Tang, Marc & Marcin Kilarski (eds.) [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 362] pp. 30–55
Keywords classifier | Assamese | functions
Kilarski, Marcin & Marc Allassonnière-Tang 2023 Introduction
In: Nominal Classification in Asia and Oceania: Functional and diachronic perspectives, Allassonnière-Tang, Marc & Marcin Kilarski (eds.) [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 362] pp. 1–8
Barrière, Isabelle, Blandine Joseph, Katsiaryna Aharodnik, Sarah Kresh, Guetjens Prince Fleurio, Géraldine Legendre & Thierry Nazzi 2023 A multidimensional perspective on the acquisition of subject-verb dependencies by Haitian-Creole speaking children: Insights from comprehension and production
Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages | Online First Publication, 59 pp. | article
Copot, Maria & Olivier Bonami 2023 Behavioural evidence for implicative paradigmatic relations
The Mental Lexicon 18:2pp. 177–217 | article
Keywords word-and-paradigm morphology | frequency | predictability | irregularity | corpus study | acceptability judgement experiment | memory
Basile, Carmelo Alessandro 2023 Necessity modal development in Singapore English: An investigation of substratist and contact-grammaticalisation approaches
English World-Wide 44:2pp. 276–302 | article
Keywords modality | necessity | modal must | substratum theories | contact-grammaticalisation | Singapore English | variation | corpus analysis | dynamic modality
Lombard, Alizée, Richard Huyghe, Lucie Barque & Doriane Gras 2023 Regular polysemy and novel word-sense identification
The Mental Lexicon 18:1p. 94 | article
Keywords novel word sense | neological intuition | regular polysemy | metonymy | metaphor
Elbaz, Pascale & Jun Miao 2023 Le lexique du wen (culture) dans le discours politique chinois et dans sa traduction française au prisme de la textométrie
FORUM 21:1pp. 25–50 | article
Keywords culture | discours politique | traduction | terminologie | outils textométriques | culture | political discourse | translation | terminology | textometric tools
Allassonnière-Tang, Marc, Zhong-Liang Gao, Shen-An Chen & One-Soon Her 2023 Phylogenetic analyses for the origin of sortal classifiers in Mongolic, Tungusic, and Turkic languages
Concentric 49:2pp. 295–315 | article
Keywords sortal classifier | Single Origin Hypothesis | Altaic | Mongolic | Tungusic | Turkic | 分類詞 | 單一起源假設 | 阿爾泰語 | 蒙古語 | 通古斯語 | 突厥語
Bonami, Olivier & Matteo Pellegrini 2022 Derivation predicting inflection: A quantitative study of the relation between derivational history and inflectional behavior in Latin
Studies in Language 46:4pp. 753–792 | article
Keywords morphology | derivation | inflection | Latin
Casillo, Ilaria & Marianne Doury 2022 Prescribed argumentation, actual argumentation, reported argumentation: The management of argumentation in a public debate in France
Journal of Argumentation in Context 11:1pp. 133–155 | article
Keywords participatory process | argumentation design | public debate | ordinary political discourse
Martin, Philippe 2023 Phraséologie: L’intonation, tu parles, c’est compliqué, c’est pas possible
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 45:2pp. 240–250 | article
Keywords intonation | phrases préfabriquées | français | structure prosodique | WinPitch | intonation | prefabricated sentences | French | Prosodic structure | WinPitch
Humbley, John 2022 The reception of Wüster’s General Theory of Terminology
Keywords concept | discourse | onomasiology | reception theory | Socioterminology | standardization | synonymy | term | Translation Studies | transparency
Pecman, Mojca & Natalie Kübler 2022 Text genres and Terminology
Keywords text genres | corpus-based Terminology | Textual Terminology | textual corpora | genre-domain configuration | contextual analysis | theoretical and methodological principles | register
Candel, Danielle 2022 General principles of Wüster’s General Theory of Terminology
Keywords biunivocity | concept | denomination | descriptive | prescriptive | Ist-Norm | Soll-Norm | standardization | Terminology | theory
Guerrero-Beltran, David Felipe & Katarzyna I. Wojtylak 2021 Through space, relations, and thoughts: The system of postpositions in Karijona (Cariban, Amazonia)
Studies in Language 46:3pp. 559–593 | article
Keywords Amazonian languages | Cariban languages | Karijona | locative classifiers | mental states | grammar of space | morphosyntax
Morin, Cameron, Guillaume Desagulier & Jack Grieve 2020 Dialect syntax in Construction Grammar: Theoretical benefits of a constructionist approach to double modals in English
Belgian Journal of Linguistics 34pp. 248–258 | article
Keywords Construction Grammar | dialectology | double modals | syntactic variation | American English
Bednall, James 2021 Feeling through your chest: Body-based tropes for emotion in Anindilyakwa
Pragmatics & Cognition 27:1pp. 139–183 | article
Keywords emotion | metaphor | body | Anindilyakwa | Australian Indigenous languages
Ballier, Nicolas, Stéphane Canu, Caroline Petitjean, Gilles Gasso, Carlos Balhana, Theodora Alexopoulou & Thomas Gaillat 2020 Machine learning for learner English: A plea for creating learner data challenges
Keywords natural language processing (NLP) | machine learning | learners of English | EFCAMDAT corpus | CEFR | Language proficiency
Saillard, Claire 2019 Adjectival modification in Truku Seediq
Language and Linguistics 20:4pp. 602–633 | article
Keywords Truku Seediq | adjectives | restrictive modification | syntactic position | language contact
Bernard, Timothée & Laurence Danlos 2020 Connecteurs de discours centraux et périphériques [Central and peripheral discourse connectives]
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 42:2pp. 262–297 | article
Keywords connecteur de discours | analyse discursive | verbe d’attitude propositionnelle | verbe de dire | contenu projectif | discourse connective | discourse analysis | attitude verb | reporting verb | intensional and evidential reading | projective content
Donazzan, Marta & Lucia M. Tovena 2017 Pluralities of events: Semelfactives and a case of ‘single event’ nominalisation
Keywords event plurality | aspect | ata-nominalisations | semelfactives
Pan, Victor Junnan 2016 Resumptivity and two types of A′‑dependencies in the Minimalist Program
Keywords left-dislocation | relative clause | gap | Chinese | Match | Agree | Resumptive pronoun
Fellbaum, Christiane D. & Yvette Yannick Mathieu 2014 A corpus-based construction 
of emotion verb scales
In: Linguistic Approaches to Emotions in Context, Baider, Fabienne H. & Georgeta Cislaru (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 241] p. 99
Godart-Wendling, Béatrice 2014 Emotions: Various “language-games” which open the door 
to grammar*
In: Linguistic Approaches to Emotions in Context, Baider, Fabienne H. & Georgeta Cislaru (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 241] pp. 21–38
Martin, Philippe 2014 Emotions and prosodic structure: Who is in charge?
In: Linguistic Approaches to Emotions in Context, Baider, Fabienne H. & Georgeta Cislaru (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 241] pp. 215–230
Celle, Agnès & Laure Lansari 2014 Certainty, uncertainty and unexpectedness in English and French: Towards a redefinition of the epistemic stance
Language and Dialogue 4:1p. 7 | article
Keywords certainty | uncertainty | question | surprise | unexpectedness | modal remoteness | epistemic stance
Huyghe, Richard 2011 La dénotation spatiale des noms d’événements
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 34:1pp. 138–155 | article
Kunz, Kerstin, Sara Castagnoli & Natalie Kübler 2010 Corpora in translator training: A program for an eLearning course
In: Why Translation Studies Matters, Gile, Daniel, Gyde Hansen & Nike K. Pokorn (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 88] pp. 195–208
Noglo, Kossi 2009 9. Sociophonetic variation in urban Ewe
In: Variation in Indigenous Minority Languages, Stanford, James N. & Dennis R. Preston (eds.) [IMPACT: Studies in Language, Culture and Society, 25] pp. 229–244
Celle, Agnès & Ruth Huart 2008 Connectives as discourse landmarks
In: Connectives as Discourse Landmarks, Celle, Agnès & Ruth Huart (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 161] pp. 1–11
Celle, Agnès 2006 The French future tense and English will as markers of epistemic modality
Languages in Contrast 5:2pp. 181–218 | article
Keywords English/French | future tense | epistemic modality
Desmet, Isabel & Samy Boutayeb 1994 Terms and words: Propositions for terminology
Terminology 1:2pp. 303–325 | article
Keywords Terminology | Word | Lexical Unit | Lexicology | Term | Conceptual Unit | Linguistic System | Terminological Unit | Conceptual System
Gruenais, Max-Peter 1986 Irish-English: No model; A Case