Fryske Akademy


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Fryske Akademy plays a role.


Versloot, Arjen P. 2024 The Old English gerund in ‑enne or ‑anne
NOWELE 77:1pp. 14–22 | article
Breuker, Philippus 2022 De “Burmania”-sprekwurden. Meitsjen, sammeljen en útjaan
In: From West to North Frisia: A Journey along the North Sea Coast. Frisian studies in honour of Jarich Hoekstra, Walker, Alastair, Eric Hoekstra, Goffe Jensma, Wendy Vanselow, Willem Visser & Christoph Winter (eds.) [NOWELE Supplement Series, 33] pp. 77–88
Vries, Oebele 2022 Instances of direct speech, authentic and imaginary, in Old Frisian
In: From West to North Frisia: A Journey along the North Sea Coast. Frisian studies in honour of Jarich Hoekstra, Walker, Alastair, Eric Hoekstra, Goffe Jensma, Wendy Vanselow, Willem Visser & Christoph Winter (eds.) [NOWELE Supplement Series, 33] pp. 423–436
Kushartanti, Bernadette, Hans Van de Velde & Martin Everaert 2021 Acquiring social and linguistic competence: A study on morphological variation in Jakarta Indonesian preschoolers’ speech
In: Sociolinguistic Variation and Language Acquisition across the Lifespan, Ghimenton, Anna, Aurélie Nardy & Jean-Pierre Chevrot (eds.) [Studies in Language Variation, 26] pp. 103–128
Keywords constraints | morphological variation | preschoolers | Indonesian | Jakarta
Knooihuizen, Remco, Nanna Haug Hilton & Hans Van de Velde 2021 Introduction
Heuven, Vincent J. van & Toni Rietveld 2019 Fifty years of phonetic sciences in The Netherlands
Linguistics in the Netherlands 36:1pp. 27–32 | article
Hoekstra, Eric, Anne Merkuur, Marjoleine Sloos & Jeroen van de Weijer 2018 Calculating a pattern’s competitive strength: Competition between /æ/ and /ʌ/ in irregular simple pasts and past participles in English
The Mental Lexicon 13:1pp. 143–157 | article
Keywords type frequency | token frequency | log scaling | competition | English irregular verbs
Sloos, Marjoleine & Lei Wang 2019 Same stimuli, same subjects, different perception: Believed dialect bias in the perception of Chinese plosives
Asia-Pacific Language Variation 4:2pp. 231–252 | article
Keywords Mandarin | Wu | accent-induced bias | perceptual bias | plosive phonation | 官话 | 吴语 | 口音诱发的偏向 | 感知偏向 | 塞音发声态。
Jongbloed-Faber, Lysbeth, Jolie van Loo & Leonie Cornips 2017 Regional languages on Twitter: A comparative study between Frisian and Limburgish
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 6:2pp. 174–196 | article
Keywords regional languages | Twitter | social media | language choice | Frisian | Limburgish | minority languages
Hanssen, Esther, Arjen Versloot, Eric Hoekstra, Arina Banga, Anneke Neijt & Robert Schreuder 2015  Morphological variation in the speech of Frisian-Dutch bilinguals: (Dis)similarity of linking suffixes and plural endings
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 5:3pp. 356–378 | article
Keywords bilingualism | speech production | Frisian | Dutch | compounds | linking suffixes
Hoekstra, Eric 2006 Frisian
In: Germanic Standardizations: Past to Present, Deumert, Ana & Wim Vandenbussche (eds.) [IMPACT: Studies in Language, Culture and Society, 18] pp. 193–209
Hoekstra, Jarich 1989 A Note on the Typology of te-Infinitives in Frisian
NOWELE 14:1pp. 19–52 | article