Xi'an International Studies University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Xi'an International Studies University plays a role.


Wang, Xi & Rong Jiang 2024 Reconstruing the image of Shan Gui: A multimodal translation from poetry to painting
Babel 70:1/2pp. 186–210 | article
Keywords Shan Gui | image reconstrual | multimodal translation | poetry | painting | social semiotics | recontextualization | Shan Gui | reconstitution visuelle | traduction multimodale | poésie | peinture | sémiotique sociale | recontextualisation
Chen, Rong & Dafu Yang 2023 Conventions of author self-reference in Chinese academic writing: Modesty as motivation
Pragmatics and Society 15:3pp. 425–447 | article
Keywords identity construction | convention | conventionalization | social values | modesty | academic writing | self-reference
Li, Xiangdong 2023 Global, glocal or local?: The construction of a new identity by peripheral social sciences and humanities journals through translation-mediated bilingual publishing
Keywords peripheral journals | translation | bilingual publishing | identity construction | glocal identity | 本土(边缘)期刊 | 翻译 | 双语出版 | 身份建构 | 全球-本土身份
Li, Xiangdong 2023 Teaching listening for interpreting through mind mapping: Students’ attitudes and its effectiveness
Keywords mind mapping | listening | interpreter training | attitude | self-perceived effectiveness | mapas mentales | escucha | formación de intérpretes | actitudes | eficacia
Liu Feng, Zhang Jing-yu & Zeng Jian-yu 2022 负面情感立场标记: 湖南吉首方言句中小品词“呔”的会话分析 [Linguistic expressions of negative stances]
Chinese Language and Discourse 13:2pp. 226–241 | article
Keywords 吉首方言 | 句中小品词“呔” | 负面情感立场标记 | 会话分析 | Jishou dialect | utterance-middle-particle [tai] 呔 | marker of negative affective stance | conversation analysis
Jin, Lixin, Wei Wang, Kun Xie, Xiaohua Wang & Xiaodong Tang 2022 Perfective aspect and perfect aspect: The case of Russian and Mandarin Chinese
Keywords perfective/imperfective | perfect/imperfect | phasal aspect | Russian | Mandarin Chinese
Sun, Yi, Mi Zhang & Lang Chen 2021 “Join the Army. Become the Power of China”: Multimodal metaphors in military recruitment advertising – “The Power of China”
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 19:1pp. 142–171 | article
Keywords multimodal metaphor | recruitment advertising | “The Power of China”
Tao, Y. & Z. H. Jiang 2021 
Language Problems and Language Planning 45:1pp. 116–120 | book review
Li, Xiangdong 2019 Analyzing translation and interpreting textbooks: A pilot survey of business interpreting textbooks
Translation and Interpreting Studies 14:3pp. 392–415 | article
Keywords business interpreting | business interpreting competences | pedagogical expertise | textbook adaptation | textbook development
Chen, Rong 2021 Identity studies and identity construction: Insights from Donald J. Trump’s (un)presidentiality
Pragmatics & Cognition 26:2/3pp. 386–413 | article
Keywords identity | identity construction | presidential identity | presidency | Donald Trump
Sun, Yi & Xi Chen 2019 A diachronic analysis of metaphor clusters in political discourse: A comparative study of Chinese and American presidents’ speeches at universities
Pragmatics and Society 9:4pp. 626–653 | article
Keywords political discourse | leaders’ speeches in universities | metaphor cluster | diachronic study of metaphor | conceptual metaphor theory
Sun, Yi & Yang Bai 2018 Gibbs, Jr., R. W. (Ed.). (2016). Mixing metaphor
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 16:1pp. 311–316 | book review
Sun, Yi, Yishu Yang & Monika Kirner-Ludwig 2018 A crosslinguistic study into culturally motivated resemblances and variations in transferred epithet metaphors in Chinese and English
Cognitive Linguistic Studies 4:2pp. 216–248 | article
Keywords transferred epithet metaphor | experientialism | bodily experience | culture
Wang, Weili & Xiangdong Li 2017 Translation studies communities in Spain and South Korea: A diachronic comparative study
Translation and Interpreting Studies 12:2pp. 278–309 | article
Keywords translation studies | cross-national study | comparative study | Spain | South Korea
Li, Xiangdong 2015 Designing a sight translation course for undergraduate T&I students: From context definition to course organization
Keywords context definition | course design | sight translation | formulation of goals and objectives | content conceptualization | articulation of beliefs | course organization