Texas State University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Texas State University plays a role.


Landscape in Language: Transdisciplinary perspectives

Edited by David M. Mark, Andrew G. Turk, Niclas Burenhult & David Stea

[Culture and Language Use: Studies in Anthropological Linguistics, 4] 2011. xiii, 449 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Golato, Andrea, Emma Betz, Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm & Veronika Drake 2024 Verbal and bodily practices for addressing trouble associated with embodied moves in game play
In: New Perspectives in Interactional Linguistic Research, Selting, Margret & Dagmar Barth-Weingarten (eds.) [Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 36] pp. 187–219
Keywords English | embodiment | game playing | German | interventions | multimodality | remedial action | repair | rules | trouble
Betz, Emma, Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm & Peter Golato 2020 Mobilizing others: An introduction
In: Mobilizing others: Grammar and lexis within larger activities, Betz, Emma, Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm & Peter Golato (eds.) [Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 33] pp. 1–18
Taleghani-Nikazm, Carmen, Veronika Drake, Andrea Golato & Emma Betz 2020 Mobilizing for the next relevant action: Managing progressivity in card game interactions
In: Mobilizing others: Grammar and lexis within larger activities, Betz, Emma, Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm & Peter Golato (eds.) [Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 33] pp. 47–82
Keywords games | gaze | German | imperatives | multimodality | progressivity | prompt | second-person declaratives | so
Golato, Peter 2020 Recruitments in French: Declarative statements and accompanying actions which result in offers of assistance
In: Mobilizing others: Grammar and lexis within larger activities, Betz, Emma, Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm & Peter Golato (eds.) [Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 33] p. 83
Keywords French | first person declarative | request | embodiment | cooking show | announcement | mobilizing others | action combinations | recruitment | larger courses of action
Macedo Higgins Joyce, Vanessa De & Zahra Khani 2019 Consensus building on trust in government: Contrasting media and neighborhood effects in a case study of older Texans
The Agenda Setting Journal 3:2pp. 165–185 | article
Keywords consensus building | consequence of agenda setting | neighborhood effect | community building | government trust
Juge, Matthew L. 2013 Defectiveness and deponency in diachrony
Diachronica 30:1pp. 123–134 | article
Burnette, Ann E. & Wayne L. Kraemer 2012 The rhetoric of imperial righteousness in a post-9/11 world
Journal of Argumentation in Context 1:2pp. 143–167 | article
Keywords US presidential rhetoric | US foreign policy rhetoric | national security arguments | rhetoric of imperial righteousness