University of Eswatini


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of Eswatini plays a role.



Völkel, Svenja, Sambulo Ndlovu & Nico Nassenstein 2024 Naming and labelling contexts of cultural importance in Africa
Makaudze, Godwin & Vusi Musa Magongo 2024 The dialectics of sport and history: Commemorative naming of selected stadia in the Kingdom of Eswatini
Keywords sport | history | commemorative naming | stadia | Eswatini | linguistic landscaping | etymology | decoloniality
Ndlovu, Sambulo 2024 The toponym Bulawayo and ideologies of Ndebele language purism in Zimbabwe
Keywords Bulawayo | language purism | language ideology | Ndebele | transphonologization