Western Norway University of Applied Sciences


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Western Norway University of Applied Sciences plays a role.


Subjects Discourse studies | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Discourse studies | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Cognition and languageTheoretical literature & literary studies
Urdal, Gro Hege Saltnes 2023 Conducting research on and with your own students: Possibilities and challenges of studying interpreting students’ professional development
Translation and Interpreting Studies 18:2pp. 235–254 | article
Keywords proximity | distance | positionality | ethics | interpreting studies | reflexivity
Tiselius, Elisabet, Raphael Sannholm & Laura Babcock 2023 Innovative approaches to study Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies
Translation, Cognition & Behavior 5:2pp. 216–220 | introduction
Motschenbacher, Heiko 2021 Language and sexuality studies today: Why “homosexual” is a bad word and why “queer linguist” is not an identity
Journal of Language and Sexuality 10:1pp. 25–36 | article
Keywords queer linguistics | sexual terminology | language and sexuality studies
Skaten, Ingeborg, Gro Hege Saltnes Urdal & Elisabet Tiselius 2020 Exploring deaf sign language interpreting students’ experiences from joint sign language interpreting programs for deaf and hearing students in Finland
Translation and Interpreting Studies 16:3pp. 347–367 | article
Keywords critical discourse analysis | deaf interpreters | higher education | interpreting training | sign language interpreting | theory of recognition
Tiselius, Elisabet & Birgitta Englund Dimitrova 2019 Asymmetrical language proficiency in dialogue interpreters: Methodological issues
Translation, Cognition & Behavior 2:2pp. 305–322 | article
Keywords dialogue interpreting | language proficiency | language proficiency testing | Dialang | asymmetrical language proficiency
Tiselius, Elisabet & Michaela Albl-Mikasa 2019 Introduction: Cognitive processes in dialogue interpreting
Translation, Cognition & Behavior 2:2pp. 233–239 | article
Halverson, Sandra L. 2019 ‘Default’ translation: A construct for cognitive translation and interpreting studies
Translation, Cognition & Behavior 2:2pp. 187–210 | article
Keywords default translation | literal translation | cognitive translation and interpreting studies
Schaeffer, Moritz J., Sandra L. Halverson & Silvia Hansen-Schirra 2019 ‘Monitoring’ in translation: The role of visual feedback
Translation, Cognition & Behavior 2:1pp. 1–34 | article
Keywords monitoring | visual feedback | eye-tracking | keylogging | co-activation
Motschenbacher, Heiko 2018 Corpus linguistics in language and sexuality studies: Taking stock and looking ahead
Journal of Language and Sexuality 7:2pp. 145–174 | article
Keywords corpus linguistics | queer linguistics | language and sexuality | methodology | sexual descriptive adjectives | collocation
Delabastita, Dirk, Sandra Halverson, José Lambert & Kirsten Malmkjær 2017 In Memoriam Gideon Toury (1942–2016)
Target 29:1pp. 1–6 | obituary
Occhino, Corrine, Benjamin Anible, Erin Wilkinson & Jill P. Morford 2017 Iconicity is in the eye of the beholder: How language experience affects perceived iconicity
Gesture 16:1pp. 100–126 | article
Keywords iconicity | construal | ASL | DGS | signed language
Bonness, Dania Jovanna 2017 The Northern Subject Rule in the Irish diaspora: Subject-verb agreement among first- and second-generation emigrants to New Zealand
English World-Wide 38:2pp. 125–152 | article
Keywords Irish English | New Zealand English | Irish diaspora | Northern Subject Rule | new-dialect formation | intergenerational variation | morphosyntax | emigrant letters
Westergaard, Marit, Øystein A. Vangsnes & Terje Lohndal 2017 Variation and change in Norwegian wh-questions: The role of the complementizer som
Linguistic Variation 17:1p. 8 | article
Keywords complementizer | diachrony | dialect syntax | Norwegian | subject questions | that-trace | variation | verb second | wh-questions | word order