University of Alicante


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of Alicante plays a role.

The Reality of Women in the Universe of the Ancient Novel

Edited by María Paz López Martínez, Carlos Sánchez-Moreno Ellart & Ana Belén Zaera García

[IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 40] 2024. | edited volume
Subjects Classical literature & literary studies | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Pragmatics | Semantics | Theoretical linguistics

Humour in Spanish Context: Special issue of Spanish in Context 18:1 (2021)

Edited by Larissa Timofeeva-Timofeev

[Spanish in Context, 18:1] 2021. | special issue
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Romance linguistics

Les variations diatopiques dans les expressions figées

Edited by Pedro Mogorrón Huerta, Aude Grezka & Lucía Navarro-Brotons

[Lingvisticæ Investigationes: International Journal of Linguistics and Language Resources, 43:2] 2021. | special issue
Subjects LexicographyComputational & corpus linguistics | Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Approaches to Internet Pragmatics: Theory and practice

Edited by Chaoqun Xie, Francisco Yus & Hartmut Haberland

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 318] 2021. | edited volume
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects LexicographySemantics | SyntaxTranslation Studies
Subjects Romance linguisticsRomance literature & literary studies

Humour and Relevance

Francisco Yus

[Topics in Humor Research, 4] 2016. xix, 367 pp. | monograph
Subjects Discourse studies | Humor studies | Pragmatics
Subjects Romance linguisticsRomance literature & literary studies
Subjects Comparative literature & literary studies | Romance literature & literary studies | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Subjects LexicographyComputational & corpus linguistics | Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Verb Classes and Aspect

Edited by Elisa Barrajón López, José Luis Cifuentes Honrubia & Susana Rodríguez Rosique

[IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 9] 2015. xviii, 446 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Irony and Humor: From pragmatics to discourse

Edited by Leonor Ruiz-Gurillo & M. Belén Alvarado Ortega

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 231] 2013. vi, 270 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Discourse studies | Humor studies | Pragmatics
Subjects Lexicography | Terminology

The Anglicization of European Lexis

Edited by Cristiano Furiassi, Virginia Pulcini & Félix Rodríguez González

2012. ix, 356 pp. | edited volume
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Pragmatics

Spanish Word Formation and Lexical Creation

Edited by José Luis Cifuentes Honrubia & Susana Rodríguez Rosique

[IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 1] 2011. xvi, 485 pp. | edited volume
Subjects LexicographyMorphology | Romance linguistics | Semantics
Puche López, Carmen 2024  De opere illicito : Motivos novelescos en un milagro de San Andrés (LA, II §§ 58–75)
In: The Reality of Women in the Universe of the Ancient Novel, López Martínez, María Paz, Carlos Sánchez-Moreno Ellart & Ana Belén Zaera García (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 40] pp. 329–342
Keywords Legenda aurea | hagiografía /hagiography | incesto / incest | Apuleyo /Apuleius
García-Valero, Benito 2024 Configuración neurocognitiva del ideal amoroso y castidad en las protagonistas de la novela griega: Una mirada comparatista
In: The Reality of Women in the Universe of the Ancient Novel, López Martínez, María Paz, Carlos Sánchez-Moreno Ellart & Ana Belén Zaera García (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 40] pp. 407–415
Keywords Greek novel | neuroesthetics | chastity | cognitive studies | prototypical narratives
Calzada González, Mª Aránzazu 2024 Consent in Greek and Roman marriage: A comparative note on the Achilles Tatius’ novel Leucippe and Clitophon (8.18.3–4)
In: The Reality of Women in the Universe of the Ancient Novel, López Martínez, María Paz, Carlos Sánchez-Moreno Ellart & Ana Belén Zaera García (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 40] p. 99
Keywords Greek marriage | Roman marriage | consent | engyesis | Greek novel | Achilles Tatius
López Martínez, María Paz & Consuelo Ruiz-Montero 2024 Warrior women: Between reality and fiction in the papyri of Greek novels
In: The Reality of Women in the Universe of the Ancient Novel, López Martínez, María Paz, Carlos Sánchez-Moreno Ellart & Ana Belén Zaera García (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 40] pp. 127–148
Keywords papyrological fragments | lost Greek novels | powerful women | warrior women | Parthenope | Themisto | Calligone | Antheia and Thalassia
Alvarado Ortega, M. Belén 2023 Communicative strategies in interactional male humour: A study of (im)politeness
In: The Pragmatics of Humour in Interactive Contexts, Linares Bernabéu, Esther (ed.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 335] pp. 152–172
Keywords politeness | humour | strategies | colloquial conversations | laughter
Timofeeva-Timofeev, Larissa 2023 Fictional interaction in children’s humorous narratives
In: The Pragmatics of Humour in Interactive Contexts, Linares Bernabéu, Esther (ed.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 335] pp. 217–238
Keywords fictional interaction | children’s humour | humour styles | metalinguistic ability
Ruiz-Gurillo, Leonor 2023 Humor negotiation in interactional sequences in Spanish
In: The Pragmatics of Humour in Interactive Contexts, Linares Bernabéu, Esther (ed.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 335] pp. 133–151
Keywords humor | conversation | politeness | affiliative style | aggressive style
Gallego Hernández, Daniel 2023 La traducción económico-financiera vista por los profesionales: Cartografía bibliográfica
Babel 69:2pp. 159–187 | article
Keywords business translation | bibliography | professionals | research | traduction économique | bibliographies | professionnels | recherche
Medina Soler, María Isabel & María Cecilia Ainciburu 2023 Phonic mitigation markers for disagreement in interviews of university learners of Spanish as foreign language
Spanish in Context 20:1pp. 26–49 | article
Keywords phonic mitigation | disagreement | academic oral discourse Spanish foreign language
Padilla, Xose A. 2022 La voz como reacción emocional: De qué nos informa la prosodia [The voice as an emotional reaction]
Spanish in Context 19:1pp. 72–98 | article
Keywords emociones | prosodia | conversación coloquial | emotions | prosody | colloquial speech
Yus, Francisco 2022 Finding relevance in smartphone advertising
Internet Pragmatics 6:1pp. 1–41 | article
Keywords smartphone advertising | smartphone communication | relevance theory | cyberpragmatics
Montserrat, Sandra 2022 A diachronic analysis of the periphrasis soler + infinitive in Catalan: A test-case of invited inferencing
In: From Verbal Periphrases to Complex Predicates, Garachana Camarero, Mar, Sandra Montserrat Buendia & Claus Dieter Pusch (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 31] p. 87
Keywords grammaticalization | periphrasis | old Catalan | early Catalan | late medieval Catalan | soler | linguistic change | subjectivization | intersubjectivization | inference
Mas Miralles, Antoni & Brauli Montoya Abat 2022 The linguistic transmission of Catalan: Current state of affairs and analysis
Keywords sociolinguistic | transmission | family | qualitative analysis | quantitative analysis | Catalan language
Gallego-Hernández, Daniel 2022 Extracción de fraseología especializada basada en corpus: Evaluación de sistemas [Corpus-based specialised phraseology extraction]
Keywords fraseología especializada | extractores terminológicos | evaluación | corpus | unidades terminológicas | lenguajes de especialidad | lingüística de corpus | extracción de terminología | specialized phraseology | term extractors | evaluation | corpora
Garachana Camarero, Mar, Sandra Montserrat Buendia & Claus D. Pusch 2022 From verbal periphrases to complex predicates: An introduction to the present volume
In: From Verbal Periphrases to Complex Predicates, Garachana Camarero, Mar, Sandra Montserrat Buendia & Claus Dieter Pusch (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 31] pp. 1–11
Timofeeva-Timofeev, Larissa 2021 El humor en contexto español
Spanish in Context 18:1pp. 1–7 | introduction
Jiménez Ruiz, Juan Luis & Ángeles Palenzuela Sánchez 2021 Fundamentos teóricos, neurológicos, psicológicos y lingüísticos del estudio de la competencia humorística [Neurologic, psychologic and linguistic theoretical foundations of the humor competence study]
Spanish in Context 18:1p. 8 | article
Keywords humor | apreciación | desarrollo | teoría de la mente | conciencia metapragmática | humor | appreciation | development | theory of mind | humor | metapragmatic awareness
Timofeeva-Timofeev, Larissa & Leonor Ruiz-Gurillo 2021 Marcas e indicadores humorísticos en las narraciones escritas de niños y niñas de 8, 10 y 12 años en español: Propuesta tipológica [Humor markers and indicators in 8, 10 and 12-years-olds’ stories written in Spanish]
Spanish in Context 18:1p. 83 | article
Keywords edad de 8 a 12 años | marcas e indicadores humorísticos | competencia humorística | desarrollo metalingüístico | 8–12 years-old children | humor markers and indicators | humor competence | metalinguistic development
Pastor Cesteros, Susana 2021 Multicompetencia lingüística y cambio de código en el humor infantil [Linguistic multicompetence and code-switching in children’s humor]
Spanish in Context 18:1pp. 56–82 | article
Keywords multicompetencia lingüística | cambio de código | humor infantil | linguistic multicompetence | code-switching | children’s humor
Yus, Francisco 2021 Pragmatics of humour in memes in Spanish
Spanish in Context 18:1pp. 113–135 | article
Keywords memes | internet humour | relevance theory
Martínez, Caterina Martínez 2021  Baldament en el Curial e Güelfa : A les portes del valor concessiu
Keywords  baldament | gramaticalització | intersubjectivació | contraargumentació | concessivitat | Curial e Güelfa | baldament | grammaticalization | intersubjectification | counterargumentation | concessiveness | Curial e Güelfa
Martínez Lirola, María 2021 A visual critical discourse analysis of women representation in Dolce & Gabbana advertising
In: Discourse Studies in Public Communication, Crespo-Fernández, Eliecer (ed.) [Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 92] pp. 199–218
Keywords visual critical discourse analysis | gender studies | advertising | stereotypes
Conca, Jaume Pons 2021 El verb metre en el Curial e Güelfa
Keywords català antic | Curial e Güelfa | verb metre | gramaticalització | diacronia | lingüística de corpus | Old Catalan | Curial e Güelfa | verb metre | grammaticalization | diachrony | corpus linguistics
Martines, Josep 2021 Història del lèxic i Curial e Güelfa : El cas del verb palesar
Keywords semàntica cognitiva diacrònica | metàfora | metonímia | subjectivació | intersubjectivació | Curial e Güelfa | palès | palesar | canvi semàntic | contacte de llengües | italianismes | cognitive diachronic semantics | metaphor | metonymy | subjectivation | intersubjectivation | Curial e Güelfa | palès | palesar | semantic change | language contact | Italianism
Garcia Sebastià, Josep Vicent 2021 Les construccions temporals de progressió narrativa en el Curial e Güelfa
Keywords  Curial e Güelfa | lingüística de corpus | català antic | construccions temporals | continuïtat | Curial e Güelfa | corpus linguistics | Old Catalan | time constructions | lexical linking | continuity
Antolí Martínez, Jordi M. 2021 Observacions sobre l’expressió dels sentiments en el Curial e Güelfa
Keywords Amor | català antic | Curial e Güelfa | expressió dels sentiments | novel·la sentimental | italià antic | Love | ancient Catalan | Curial e Güelfa | expression of feelings | sentimental romance | ancient Italian
Yus, Francisco 2021 Cyberpragmatics in the age of locative media
In: Approaches to Internet Pragmatics: Theory and practice, Xie, Chaoqun, Francisco Yus & Hartmut Haberland (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 318] p. 75
Keywords locative media | cyberpragmatics | smartphone communication | online check-in | Facebook check-in
Xie, Chaoqun, Francisco Yus & Hartmut Haberland 2021 Introduction: Approaching internet pragmatics
In: Approaches to Internet Pragmatics: Theory and practice, Xie, Chaoqun, Francisco Yus & Hartmut Haberland (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 318] pp. 1–23
Sanderson, John D. 2021 The translation for dubbing of Westerns in Spain: An exploratory corpus-based analysis
In: Corpora in Translation and Contrastive Research in the Digital Age: Recent advances and explorations, Lavid-López, Julia, Carmen Maíz Arévalo & Juan Rafael Zamorano-Mansilla (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 158] pp. 257–281
Keywords audiovisual translation | dubbing | film genre | Westerns | anglicisms | censorship
Sánchez Fajardo, José A. 2021 On nonce echo constructions expressing disapproval and annoyance: A contrastive analysis of colloquial phrases in English and Spanish
Languages in Contrast 21:2pp. 275–297 | article
Keywords echo constructions | disapproval | nonceness | construction morphology | English/Spanish
Yus, Francisco 2021 Pragmatics, humour and the internet
Internet Pragmatics 4:1pp. 1–11 | introduction
Álvarez-Amorós, José A. 2021 The emergence of mind in Henry James’s notebook material: The case of the tales
English Text Construction 14:1pp. 68–93 | article
Keywords cognitive narrative theory | Henry James | metarepresentation | aspectuality | notebook material | tales
Llorca, Francesc & Llúcia Martín 2022 The presence of animals in Jaume Roig’s Espill (1460): Symbols and objects
Reinardus 33pp. 54–73 | article
Keywords Catalan medieval literature | antifeminine discourse | zoonomy | animal symbolism
Tarasova, Elizaveta & José A. Sánchez Fajardo 2020 Iconicity and word-formation: An examination of Adj+ie/y nominalisations through a Bidirectional Conceptualisation Model
Belgian Journal of Linguistics 34pp. 332–344 | article
Keywords iconicity | Adj+ie/y nominalisations | construction schema | diminution | pejoration
Salvador, Vicent & Irene Mira 2020 The scenography of death in contemporary poetry: The case of Vicent Andrés Estellés
In: Discourses on the Edges of Life, Salvador, Vicent, Adéla Koťátková & Ignasi Clemente (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 26] pp. 167–178
Keywords spatiality | place | domesticity | heterotopia | poetry and Vicent Andrés Estellés
Martínez, Caterina 2020 El lèxic popular en la prosa de Fabra: L’Epistolari
Keywords model de llengua | Pompeu Fabra | lèxic | estàndard | normativització | gramàtica | diccionari | normalització | català | canvi lingüístic
Martínez Pérez, Antoni V. 2020 El model de llengua de Merlí i els peripatètics: Variació i canvi lingüístic als mitjans de comunicació
Keywords model de llengua | coŀloquial mediatitzat | variació lingüística | ficció televisiva | argot juvenil | canvi i mescla de codis | mitjans de comunicació | llengua estàndard
Garcia Sebastià, Josep Vicent 2020 El model lingüístic de la música en català al País Valencià: Una aproximació al lèxic
Keywords català | País Valencià | música | model de llengua | lèxic | estàndard | normativa | coŀloquial | interferència | neologia | llenguatge juvenil | argot
Xie, Chaoqun, Ying Tong & Francisco Yus 2020 Bonding across Chinese social media: The pragmatics of language play in “精 (sang)  (xin)  (bing)  (kuang)” construction
Pragmatics 30:3pp. 431–457 | article
Keywords Chinese social media | social bonding | language play | pinyin | virtual community of practice | frames | identity | self | values
Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro 2021 La polysémie dans les constructions verbales figées de l’espagnol [Polysemy in fixed verbal constructions from Spanish]
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 43:2pp. 241–264 | article
Keywords phraséologie | figement | expressions figées | variation | espagnol | polysémie | phraseology | fixation | fixed expressions | variation | Spanish | polysemy
Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro, Aude Grezka & Lucía Navarro-Brotons 2021 Les variations diatopiques dans les expressions figées
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 43:2pp. 169–171 | introduction
Méndez Alcaraz, David Israel & María Ángeles Alcaraz Ariza 2020 Research paper abstracts in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (1943–2018): A diachronic approach focusing on linguistic and authorial implications
English Text Construction 13:1pp. 62–83 | article
Keywords research paper abstracts | astrophysics | diachronic | linguistics | authorial implications
Ruiz-Gurillo, Leonor 2020 Evidentiality and humor in Spanish: About Buenafuente’s monologues
Keywords humor | evidentials | humorous monologue | humor | evidenciales | monólogo humorístico
Yus, Francisco 2020 Incongruity-resolution humorous strategies in image macro memes
Internet Pragmatics 4:1pp. 131–149 | article
Keywords image macro meme | incongruity-resolution strategy | internet humour
Navarro-Brotons, Lucía & Analía Cuadrado-Rey 2021 La variation diatopique dans les expressions figées spécialisées: Étude basée sur un corpus d’arrêts sur des pourvois en cassation [Diatopique variation in specialized phraseological units]
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 43:2pp. 300–316 | article
Keywords variation phraséologique | expressions figées spécialisées | arrêts | espagnol d’Espagne péninsulaire | espagnol vénézuélien | phraseological variation | specialized phraseological units | judgments | Peninsular Spanish | Venezuelan Spanish
Monteagudo Medina, Mary Ann 2019 A corpus-based study of terminological variation in business incorporation documents from the United States and Peru
Translation Spaces 8:1pp. 117–143 | article
Keywords business law | legal translation | articles of incorporation | articles of organization | escritura de constitución | corporation | limited liability company | denominative variation
Navarro-Brotons, Lucía 2020 Le Dictionnaire automatique et philologique des proverbes français
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 42:2pp. 298–299 | review article
Francés-Díez, M. Àngels 2018 La ironia com a estratègia de subversió: paratextos en Caterina Albert i Mercè Rodoreda
Keywords captatio benevolentiae | escriptora | ironia | Mercè Rodoreda | paratextos | Víctor Català
Yus, Francisco 2018 Positive non-humorous effects of humor on the internet
Keywords cyberpragmatics | relevance theory | contextual constraint | non-propositional effect | internet humor
Yus, Francisco 2018 Identity-related issues in meme communication
Internet Pragmatics 1:1pp. 113–133 | article
Keywords memes | meme communication | online identity | cyberpragmatics | image macros
Xie, Chaoqun & Francisco Yus 2018 Introducing internet pragmatics
Internet Pragmatics 1:1pp. 1–12 | article
Keywords internet pragmatics | internet-mediated interaction | contextual constraints | non-intended no-propositional effects | ways of seeing | taken-for-grantedness | order of things
Tolosa Igualada, Miguel & Daniel Gallego Hernández 2018 L’enseignement de la traduction spécialisée: De l’espace-temps de la médiation au modèle IRCA
FORUM 16:2pp. 341–361 | article
Keywords plate-forme virtuelle | médiation | traduction | formation | Espace Européen de l’enseignement Supérieur | virtual environment | mediation | translation | training | European Higher Education framework
Sánchez Fajardo, José A. 2018 The pragmalinguistic dimensions of cultural borrowing: A case study in Cuban Spanish
Keywords cultural borrowing | anglicisms | pragmatics | Cuban Spanish
Forcada, Mikel L. 2017 Making sense of neural machine translation
Translation Spaces 6:2pp. 291–309 | article
Keywords neural machine translation | neural networks | machine translation | word embeddings | encoder | decoder | deep learning
Yus, Francisco 2016 Relevance theory and contextual sources-centred analysis of irony: Current research and compatibility
Keywords contextual sources | epistemic vigilance | irony comprehension | metarepresentation | propositional attitude
Llorca, Carmen Marimón 2016 Hacia una dimensión crítica en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera: La Competencia Comunicativa Intercultural Crítica (CCIC)
Keywords español L2/LE | interculturalidad | análisis crítico del discurso | gramática | métodos de enseñanza
Lavale-Ortiz, Ruth-María 2016 Hacia una revisión del concepto de neologismo aplicado a los verbos denominales aparecidos en la prensa española
Keywords neología | verbos denominales | español actual | lingüística cognitiva
Yus, Francisco 2016 Propositional attitude, affective attitude and irony comprehension
Pragmatics & Cognition 23:1p. 92 | article
Keywords relevance theory | irony | feelings | affective attitude | emotions | propositional attitude | metarepresentation
Alvarado-Ortega, M. Belén 2015 Independencia y fórmulas rutinarias: Reestructuración de la Esfera III
Keywords independence | conversational routine | conversation | colloquial | fixation
Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro 2015 La variation dans les Constructions Verbales Figées de l’espagnol d’Amérique
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 38:2pp. 276–300 | article
Keywords Latin American Spanish | Spanish | fixed expressions | variations
Sentí, Andreu 2014 Composició patrimonial i sintagmació / Vernacular Compounding and Syntagmatic Compounding
Keywords blending | Catalan | cognitive semantics | compounding | diatopic variation | language variation | neology | syntagmatic compounding
Grümpel, Claudia, Pamela Stoll & José Luis Cifuentes Honrubia 2014 L3-Task: Language acquisition in a multilingual context: Blended tandems, L3-German/Spanish and a common second language (English)
Keywords oral peer interaction | oral online interaction | third language acquisition
Mateo, José 2015 Neonyms for a crisis: Cognitive, terminological and socio-pragmatic aspects in the translation of new financial terms into Spanish
Babel 60:4pp. 405–424 | article
Keywords professional jargons | specialized terms | financial terminology | business translation | neonyms
Franco Aixelá, Javier 2013 Who’s who and what’s what in Translation Studies: A preliminary approach
In: Tracks and Treks in Translation Studies: Selected papers from the EST Congress, Leuven 2010, Way, Catherine, Sonia Vandepitte, Reine Meylaerts & Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 108] p. 7
Pulcini, Virginia, Cristiano Furiassi & Félix Rodríguez González 2012 The lexical influence of English on European languages: From words to phraseology
In: The Anglicization of European Lexis, Furiassi, Cristiano, Virginia Pulcini & Félix Rodríguez González (eds.) pp. 1–24
Lillo, Antonio 2012 Nae Barr’s Irn-Bru whit ye’re oan aboot: Musings on modern Scottish rhyming slang
English World-Wide 33:1p. 69 | article
Keywords slang lexicography | Scottish rhyming slang | Scottish English | Glasgow slang | Scots
Roca Marín, Santiago 2011 Denominal verbs in Ele/El2 classroom (a didactic approach)
In: Spanish Word Formation and Lexical Creation, Cifuentes Honrubia, José Luis & Susana Rodríguez Rosique (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 1] pp. 465–468
Cifuentes Honrubia, José Luis & Javier Fresnillo Núñez 2011 From Latin super- to Spanish sobre-: Aspects on semantic evolution in verb formation
In: Spanish Word Formation and Lexical Creation, Cifuentes Honrubia, José Luis & Susana Rodríguez Rosique (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 1] pp. 307–346
Bolaños Navalón, Javier 2011 Instrumental verb formation: A conceptual approach
In: Spanish Word Formation and Lexical Creation, Cifuentes Honrubia, José Luis & Susana Rodríguez Rosique (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 1] pp. 21–42
Planelles Iváñez, Montserrat 2011 Metaphors as a source of lexical creation in the field of wine criticism
In: Spanish Word Formation and Lexical Creation, Cifuentes Honrubia, José Luis & Susana Rodríguez Rosique (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 1] pp. 409–424
Rodríguez Rosique, Susana 2011 Morphology and pragmatics of affixal negation: Evidence from Spanish des-
In: Spanish Word Formation and Lexical Creation, Cifuentes Honrubia, José Luis & Susana Rodríguez Rosique (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 1] pp. 145–162
Martínez Linares, María Antonia 2011 On protagonizar ‘an event’ and the scope of the concept of ‘light verb’
In: Spanish Word Formation and Lexical Creation, Cifuentes Honrubia, José Luis & Susana Rodríguez Rosique (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 1] pp. 185–216
Lavale-Ortiz, Ruth María 2011 Sensory-emotional denominal causative verbs
In: Spanish Word Formation and Lexical Creation, Cifuentes Honrubia, José Luis & Susana Rodríguez Rosique (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 1] pp. 107–144
Cifuentes Honrubia, José Luis 2011 Spanish deadjectival verbs and argument structure
In: Spanish Word Formation and Lexical Creation, Cifuentes Honrubia, José Luis & Susana Rodríguez Rosique (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 1] p. 65
Fernández Jaén, Jorge & Hilde Hanegreefs 2011 The concept of light in Spanish denominal verbs: A cognitive analysis
In: Spanish Word Formation and Lexical Creation, Cifuentes Honrubia, José Luis & Susana Rodríguez Rosique (eds.) [IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature: Studies, Editions and Translations, 1] pp. 369–408
Alvarado Ortega, M. Belén 2008 Review of Hechos pragmáticos del español by Leonor Ruiz Gurillo (2006)
Spanish in Context 5:2pp. 305–307 | book review
Ortega Herráez, Juan Miguel & Ana Isabel Foulquié-Rubio 2008 7. Interpreting in police settings in Spain: Service providers' and interpreters' perspectives
In: Crossing Borders in Community Interpreting: Definitions and dilemmas, Valero Garcés, Carmen & Anne Martin (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 76] pp. 123–146
Alcaraz Varó, Enrique 2008 Legal translation
In: Dimensions of Forensic Linguistics, Gibbons, John & M. Teresa Turell (eds.) [AILA Applied Linguistics Series, 5] p. 95
Rodríguez González, Félix 2008 The feminine stereotype in gay characterization: A look at English and Spanish
In: Languages and Cultures in Contrast and Comparison, Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, J. Lachlan Mackenzie & Elsa M. González Álvarez (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 175] pp. 221–243
Lindquist Peter P. & Giambruno Cynthia Miguélez 2006 The MRC Approach: Corpus-based techniques applied to interpreter performance analysis and instruction
FORUM 4:1pp. 103–138 | article
Keywords Interpreting | performance assessment | corpus linguistics | discourse analysis | pedagogy
Lillo, Antonio 2004 Exploring rhyming slang in Ireland
English World-Wide 25:2pp. 273–285 | article
Belda Medina, José R. 2004 Conversion in English computer terminology: Factors affecting English–Spanish translation
Target 15:2pp. 317–336 | article
Keywords conversion | computers | terminology | English | Spanish | translation
Mateo, José 1993 The Translation of Business English Discourse into Spanish
Babel 39:1pp. 11–20 | article
Tarasova, Elizaveta & José A. Sánchez Fajardo Exploring linguistic competition in English derivatives ending in ‑ie and ‑o through a cognitive-onomasiological approach
In: Competition in Word-Formation, Bagasheva, Alexandra, Akiko Nagano & Vincent Renner (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 284] pp. 139–175
Keywords onomasiological approach | linguistic competition | -ie suffix | -o suffix | evaluative derivation
Lavale-Ortiz, Ruth M. A cognitive approach to the grammaticalization of the epistemic marker fijo
Keywords grammaticalization | subjectification | epistemic mark | metaphor and metonymy | routinization | diachrony | epistemic modality | evidentiality | semantic change | construal
Fernández Jaén, Jorge Auditory verbs in the Spanish language: A historical and cognitive approach
Keywords auditory verbs | historical semantics | cognitive linguistics
Sánchez López, Elena On the importance of a diachronic approach to phraseology
Keywords phraseology | language change | diachronic linguistics | idiomaticity | phraseologization | grammaticalization | semantic change