Malmö University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Malmö University plays a role.


Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Sundmark, Björn 2023 Snowy State: The Children’s History of Sweden
In: Nordic Utopias and Dystopias: From Aniara to Allatta! , Ahlbäck, Pia Maria, Jouni Teittinen & Maria Lassén-Seger (eds.) [FILLM Studies in Languages and Literatures, 17] pp. 111–130
Farkas, Johan 2022 News on fake news: Logics of media discourses on disinformation
Journal of Language and Politics 22:1pp. 1–21 | article
Keywords fake news | disinformation | journalism | discourse theory | election reporting | Denmark | European Parliament
Lundberg, Adrian 2018 Multilingual educational language policies in Switzerland and Sweden: A meta-analysis
Keywords language policy | European Union | multilingualism | plurilingualism | Sweden | Switzerland | educational language policy | curriculum
Hajer, Maaike 2019 Teaching content through Dutch as a second language: How ‘Language Oriented Content Teaching’ unfolded in mainstream secondary education
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 7:2pp. 246–263 | article
Keywords disciplinary literacy | teacher education | language across the curriculum | multilingual classrooms | language oriented content teaching | multidisciplinary cooperation
Levin, Magnus & Hans Lindquist 2015 Like I said again and again and over and over: On the ADV1 and ADV1 construction with adverbs of direction in English
In: Current Issues in Phraseology, Hoffmann, Sebastian, Bettina Fischer-Starcke & Andrea Sand (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 74] p. 7
Keywords lexicalization | metaphorization | phraseology | simplification | subjectification
Levin, Magnus & Hans Lindquist 2013  Like I said again and again and over and over : On the ADV1 and ADV1 construction with adverbs of direction in English
Keywords phraseology | subjectification | lexicalization | metaphorization | simplification
Hudson, Jean & Maria Wiktorsson 2009 Formulaic language and the relater category – the case of about
In: Formulaic Language: Volume 1. Distribution and historical change, Corrigan, Roberta, Edith A. Moravcsik, Hamid Ouali & Kathleen Wheatley (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 82] pp. 77–96
Hellström, Anders 2009 Teaching Europeans how to be Europeans
Journal of Language and Politics 8:2pp. 167–194 | article
Keywords EU | Sweden | France | referenda | Ireland | European integration | eastern enlargement | the constitutional treaty | the Euro