En voie de
Du trajet spatial à l’aspect
This contribution presents a comparison of the French prepositional expressions en voie de on the
one hand and en route / en chemin (pour) on the other. We aim to show that être en route and
être en chemin can be used as complex predicates resulting from a lexicalisation process, whereas
être en voie de has been transformed into a marker of grammatical aspect as a consequence of a
grammaticalization process. We then propose that the different evolution of both expressions can be explained by the fact that
voie had already in Old French a more abstract meaning than chemin and
route, which allowed it to designate a series of actions in direction of an objective. Finally, we propose to
explain the emergence of en voie de + deverbal noun / infinitive as an aspectual marker by noticing that it was
created at the moment French developed other analytic aspectual expressions in accordance with an abstract constructional pattern
‘expression/verb of movement + infinitive’.
Article outline
- Introduction
- 1.Des emplois spatiaux au prédicat complexe : route et chemin vs. voie
- 2.‘En voie de + N déverbal/infinitif’ : une construction aspectuelle ?
- 3.L’évolution de en voie de
- 4.Conclusions
- Remarques
Article language: French
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Lexis :16
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