Articles Littéraires
The religious-sublime in music, literature and architecture
A dialogue
The present article is an attempt to propose the semiotic aspect that produces the ”religious- sublime”. Most of the semiotic
characteristics that we use to represent (and produce) the signifiers of the religious-sublime, nevertheless, share their
mechanisms with other modalities of ”sublimeness”. The sublime will be regarded as the representation (in the sense of staging) of
a perception. I will propose how the subjective perception – in this case of the divinity – is (re)constructed by the subject in a
piece of Spanish Gothic literature, in sacred music and in architecture – the room which houses the subjective perception of
Article outline
- Introduction
- A story about seeking the sublime
- Metadiegesis in the process of sublimation
- The semi-echo: The effect of the ascending “emptiness” and of exaltation
- The architectural sublime and the sound in it
- An odoriferous and visual helper in the construction of the sublime
- Conclusion
- Note