Articles Littéraires
Traduire le Voyage comme acte politique
Discours sur la traduction des récits de voyage dans la presse périodique française au tournant des XVIIIe et
XIXe siècles
This article studies the discourse in the late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century French periodical press on
the topic of translations of travel writing. It reveals that travel reviews were arenas for discussing the political and
ideological value of translating travelogues into French, notably from English. In the context of the Franco-British conflicts at
the turn of the century, the French press perceived translations of British travel writing as potential patriotic tools that
allowed different ways of countering or subverting British global influence. Paratextual elements of translations, the
translator’s prefaces and notes, appeared to be particularly important in this respect. By analysing the periodical discourse on
travel book translations, the article shows how travel writing was constructed as a politically invested genre.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Le genre du Voyage : utilité et politique
- 3.La traduction comme outil patriotique
- 4.Importance de l’appareil paratextuel et différences idéologiques
- 5.Conrad Malte-Brun et la politique de la traduction
- 6.Conclusion
- Remarques
Article language: French