El deseo despostado
Una lectura de la ironía en Salomé de chacra de Mauricio Kartun
In this paper we analyze Salomé de chacra, a play written by the very renowned Argentinian dramatist Mauricio Kartun. We intend to make a reading of this work based on the irony that arises from the oscillation between the piece and other texts. To study the dialogue that the play establishes with other texts we review some of its relations of transtextuality linked in the piece to metathatricality. We argue that Salomé de chacra, in its incorporation of the ironic difference based on transtextuality and its relationship with metatheatricality, moves away from a passive reception of the myth and translates it to local circumstances. From this translation and thanks to the author’s own poetics, the piece allows an approach to a worldview of Argentina’s history and an unmasking of some of its underlying values.
Article language: Spanish