This special issue illustrates current research on the development of second language (L2) pragmatic competence in
study abroad (SA) contexts. In doing so, it accounts for the complexity entailed in learning the linguistic and sociocultural
norms of interaction with people of diverse backgrounds while facing the multiple challenges involved in adapting to a new and
unknown setting. This introduction to the special issue presents key topics and previous findings that frame such processes of L2
pragmatic development. These include (1) a description of study abroad as a context for L2 pragmatic development,
(2) pragmatic targets that students learn during SA, (3) internal and external factors that are likely to play a role in the
learning process, and (4) the role of instruction in helping students maximize their stays abroad in terms of pragmatic learning.
Finally, an overview of the articles included in this special issue is provided, highlighting how they contribute to the key themes
illustrated throughout this introductory section.
Article outline
1.Study abroad as a context for pragmatic development
2.Pragmatic aspects learned in SA programs
3.The role of internal and external factors on L2 pragmatic development in SA
4.The role of instruction on L2 pragmatic learning in SA
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Cited by (4)
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Paradowski, Michał B., Nicole Whitby, Michał Czuba & Piotr Bródka
2024. Peer Interaction Dynamics and Second Language Learning Trajectories During Study Abroad: A Longitudinal Investigation Using Dynamic Computational Social Network Analysis. Language Learning 74:S2 ► pp. 58 ff.
Shively, Rachel L.
2024. “That Was a Good One”: Talking About Irony in Study Abroad. Language Learning 74:S2 ► pp. 207 ff.
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