Chapter 11
Morphosyntactic and pragmatic variation in conditional constructions in
English and Spanish parliamentary discourse
This chapter explores conditional constructions
introduced by if and si in British English
and European Spanish parliamentary discourse, with data drawn from the
Hansard Corpus of the British parliament and the Diario de Sesiones
del Congreso de los Diputados of the Spanish parliament. I
propose a categorisation of conditionals according to the metafunctions set
out by Halliday and Matthiessen
(2014), in order to encompass prototypical and less prototypical
uses of these constructions. Corpus findings indicate that in addition to
their prototypical use in expressing cause–consequence relations,
conditionals in parliamentary discourse also function, to a lesser extent,
as interpersonal and textual devices, especially in Spanish. Results also
suggest a correlation between pragmatic and morphosyntactic variation in
some of these constructions.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The discourse-pragmatic functions of conditionals
- 3.Parliamentary discourse and conditionals
- 4.Corpora and methodology
- 5.Results and discussion
- 5.1Frequency
- 5.2Metafunctions
- 5.3Degree of likelihood of the condition
- 5.4Markedness of the apodosis
- 5.5Position
- 6.Conclusions