Part of
Exploring the Lexis–Grammar Interface
Edited by Ute Römer-Barron and Rainer Schulze
[Studies in Corpus Linguistics 35] 2009
► pp. 89114
Cited by (34)

Cited by 34 other publications

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2024. Collocation in the Mind: Investigating Collocational Priming in Second Language Speakers of Italian. Language Learning DOI logo
Hauser, David J. & James Hillman
2024. What Does It Mean to Be “Utterly Content”? Semantic Prosody Impacts Nuanced Inferences Beyond Just Valence. Social Cognition 42:1  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo
Esfandiari, Rajab & Mohammad Ahmadi
2023. Phraseological Complexity and Academic Writing Proficiency in Abstracts Authored by Student and Expert Writers. English Teaching & Learning 47:4  pp. 429 ff. DOI logo
Li, Hui, Xiaolu Wang, Kevin B. Paterson, Hua Zhang & Degao Li
2023. Is there a processing advantage for verb-noun collocations in Chinese reading? Evidence from eye movements during reading. Frontiers in Psychology 14 DOI logo
Li, Jia & Quanbei Zhao
2023. 2023 International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP),  pp. 162 ff. DOI logo
Shi, Jinfang, Gang Peng & Dechao Li
2023. Figurativeness Matters in the Second Language Processing of Collocations: Evidence From a Self‐Paced Reading Experiment. Language Learning 73:1  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Garner, Jamie
2022. The cross-sectional development of verb–noun collocations as constructions in L2 writing. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 60:3  pp. 909 ff. DOI logo
Jaworska, Sylvia, Cedric Krummes & Astrid Ensslin
2022. Formulaic sequences in native and non-native argumentative writing in German. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics  pp. 500 ff. DOI logo
Li, Hui, Kevin B. Paterson, Kayleigh L. Warrington & Xiaolu Wang
2022. Insights Into the Processing of Collocations During L2 English Reading: Evidence From Eye Movements. Frontiers in Psychology 13 DOI logo
Dushku, Silvana & Youngshil Paek
2021. Investigating ESL learners’ awareness of semantic prosody across proficiency levels. Language Awareness 30:3  pp. 234 ff. DOI logo
Kamasak, Rifat & Tugce Ezgi Soyaltin
2021. Promoting the Effectiveness of Language Teaching Through Online Academic Word Lists and Extensive Reading in the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Digital Pedagogies and the Transformation of Language Education [Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Li, Hui, Kayleigh L. Warrington, Ascensión Pagán, Kevin B. Paterson & Xialou Wang
2021. Independent effects of collocation strength and contextual predictability on eye movements in reading. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 36:8  pp. 1001 ff. DOI logo
2021. Limitations on the role of frequency in L2 acquisition. Language and Cognition 13:2  pp. 291 ff. DOI logo
Schmitt, Norbert & Diane Schmitt
2020. Vocabulary in Language Teaching, DOI logo
Snefjella, Bryor, Nadia Lana & Victor Kuperman
2020. How emotion is learned: Semantic learning of novel words in emotional contexts. Journal of Memory and Language 115  pp. 104171 ff. DOI logo
Almela-Sánchez, Moisés & Pascual Cantos-Gómez
2019. The Grammatical Environment of Intensifier-Noun Collocations: Insights from Lexical Priming Theory. In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11755],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Lorenz, David & David Tizón-Couto
2019. Chunking or predicting – frequency information and reduction in the perception of multi-word sequences. Cognitive Linguistics 30:4  pp. 751 ff. DOI logo
Vetchinnikova, Svetlana
2019. Phraseology and the Advanced Language Learner, DOI logo
Vilkaitė, Laura & Norbert Schmitt
2019. Reading Collocations in an L2: Do Collocation Processing Benefits Extend to Non-Adjacent Collocations?. Applied Linguistics 40:2  pp. 329 ff. DOI logo
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2018. From lexical bundles to surprisal and language models. In Applications of Pattern-driven Methods in Corpus Linguistics [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 82],  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
Gyllstad, Henrik & Brent Wolter
2016. Collocational Processing in Light of the Phraseological Continuum Model: Does Semantic Transparency Matter?. Language Learning 66:2  pp. 296 ff. DOI logo
Brook O'Donnell, Matthew, Ute Römer & Nick C. Ellis
2015. The development of formulaic sequences in first and second language writing. In Current Issues in Phraseology [Benjamins Current Topics, 74],  pp. 83 ff. DOI logo
Ellis, Nick C.
2015. Implicit AND explicit language learning. In Implicit and Explicit Learning of Languages [Studies in Bilingualism, 48],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Ellis, Nick C.
2016. On-line processing of verb-argument constructions. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 14:1  pp. 105 ff. DOI logo
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Wahl, Alexander
2015. Intonation unit boundaries and the storage of bigrams. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 13:1  pp. 191 ff. DOI logo
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2014. ‘Goblins, owles and sprites’: Discerning early-modern English preternatural beings through collocational analysis. Religion 44:4  pp. 547 ff. DOI logo
Sonbul, Suhad & Norbert Schmitt
2013. Explicit and Implicit Lexical Knowledge: Acquisition of Collocations Under Different Input Conditions. Language Learning 63:1  pp. 121 ff. DOI logo
Boers, Frank & Seth Lindstromberg
2012. Experimental and Intervention Studies on Formulaic Sequences in a Second Language. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 32  pp. 83 ff. DOI logo
Wray, Alison
2012. What Do We (Think We) Know About Formulaic Language? An Evaluation of the Current State of Play. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 32  pp. 231 ff. DOI logo
Simpson-Vlach, Rita & Nick C. Ellis
2010. An Academic Formulas List: New Methods in Phraseology Research. Applied Linguistics 31:4  pp. 487 ff. DOI logo
Stubbs, Michael
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2016. References. Language Learning 66:S1  pp. 313 ff. DOI logo

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