Part of
Corpora and the Changing Society: Studies in the evolution of English
Edited by Paula Rautionaho, Arja Nurmi and Juhani Klemola
[Studies in Corpus Linguistics 96] 2020
► pp. 169198
References (44)
Corpora and software
ARCHER = A Representative Corpus of Historical English Registers 3.2. 1990–1993/2002/2007/2010/2013. Originally compiled under the supervision of Douglas Biber & Edward Finegan at Northern Arizona University and University of Southern California. Modified and expanded by subsequent members of a consortium of universities. Current member universities: Northern Arizona, Southern California, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Helsinki, Uppsala, Michigan, Manchester, Lancaster, Bamberg, Zurich, Trier, Salford, and Santiago de Compostela. <[URL]>
ECF = Eighteenth Century Fiction. Chadwyck Healey. 1996–2018. <[URL]>
EEBOCorp 1.0 = Early English Books Online Corpus 1.0, compiled by Peter Petré. 2013. <[URL]>
HC = The Helsinki Corpus of English Texts. 1991. Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki. Compiled by Matti Rissanen (Project leader), Merja Kytö (Project secretary); Leena Kahlas-Tarkka, Matti Kilpiö (Old English); Saara Nevanlinna, Irma Taavitsainen (Middle English); Terttu Nevalainen, Helena Raumolin-Brunberg (Early Modern English).Google Scholar
MED = Middle English Dictionary. Sherman M. Kuhn, John Reidy & Robert E. Lewis (eds). 1952–2001. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. <[URL]>
NCF = Nineteenth Century Fiction. Chadwyck Healey. 2000–2018. <[URL]>
OED = Oxford English Dictionary Online. Oxford: OUP. <[URL]>
WordSmith 6.0. Scott, Mike. 2012. WordSmith Tools version 6. Stroud: Lexical Analysis Software. <[URL]>
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