Chapter 11
Sure in Irish English
The diachrony of a pragmatic marker
The English adjective sure functions in Irish English as a pragmatic marker in sentence-initial or clause-initial position (occasionally in tag questions) expressing intersubjectivity in discourse. This essentially has the effect of affirming shared knowledge among speakers and offering reassurance in cases where a speaker feels it is appropriate to do so. The specifically Irish use of sure can be traced back to the late seventeenth century with a peak in the nineteenth century, going on literary representations of Irish English. Its indexical value for Irishness may have contributed to its decline, but not demise, in twentieth century literature, despite its continued occurrence in Irish English today.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Origin of sure
- 3.Pragmatic marker sure
- 4.Intersubjectification: From emphasis to reassurance
- 5.Pragmatic marker sure
: The question of vintage
- 6.Pragmatic marker sure and Irishness
- 7.Possible transfer from Irish
- 7.1
Sure in English and Irish corpora
- 8.Conclusion
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Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
P. Amador-Moreno, Carolina
Discourse-Pragmatic Markers in Irish English. In
The Oxford Handbook of Irish English,
► pp. 426 ff.

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